Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200429
P. 32

a32    local
                  Wednesday 29 april 2020
            Is it time to reopen the beaches and oceans?

                                                                                                   ulation.  Neurological func-  the U.S. Centers for Disease
                                                                                                   tions  such  as  attention,  Control and Prevention nor
                                                                                                   memory,  language,  and  local health agencies have
                                                                                                   emotion are cooking in the  warned  that  the  virus  can
                                                                                                   cortex.                      be spread by ocean spray
                                                                                                                                or coastal breezes. Howev-
                                                                                                   Why is the human-water re-   er, they have warned that it
                                                                                                   lationship so profound? The  can be spread by droplets
                                                                                                   story in Genesis tells us that  from  sneezes  and  coughs,
                                                                                                   in the beginning God cre-    and  by  coming  into  con-
                                                                                                   ated the heavens and the  tact  with  it  on  surfaces,”
            By Melissa Martin            ture’s  playground  without  a  balm  to  the  body.  The   earth.  Now  the  earth  was  environmental   reporter
                                         admission  tickets.  Beauty  cold plunge into the ocean   formless  and  empty,  dark-  Rosanna Xia reported in an
            OHIO,  U.S.  —  Humans  are  without  borders.  Connec-   tingles  the  toes.  And  for   ness  was  over  the  surface  article  in  the  Los  Angeles
            missing  beaches.  No  mat-  tion  to  the  mind,  body,  a  while,  we  feel  satisfied.   of the deep, and the Spirit  Times (April 11, 2020). Xia in-
            ter  what  country  or  what  spirit.                     The mind is living in the mo-  of God was hovering over  terviewed  Charles  Gerba,
            coastline,   people    love                               ment. Hustle and bustle are   the waters. And God said,  a professor of microbiology
            ocean  waves  and  sun-      The  pleasure  principle  is  put on hold.                “Let  there  be  a  vault  be-  at the University of Arizona.
            ny  days.  What  mysteries  definitely at work whilst we                               tween the waters to sepa-    Gerba studied the corona-
            abound  in  salty  waters?  relax  and  rest  under  an  The  brain  is  wired  for  the   rate  water  from  water.”  viruses in wastewater since
            What  induces  the  desire  umbrella with a frosty bev-   beach.  Inside  the  brain   And God said, “Let the wa-   the SARS outbreak and re-
            to stroll along in bare feet?  erage.  Emotions  are  en-  small  electrical  charges   ter under the sky be gath-  ported  that  90  percent  of
            What is that inner yearning  gulfed  in  a  beach  bubble  are  generated  as  we  see,   ered to one place, and let  COVID-19 is removed from
            about?  The  magical  heal-  as stress melts away. Leisure  smell,  hear,  touch,  and   dry ground appear.”        human  sewage  due  to
            ing  power  of  majesty.  Na-  for our lungs. The beach is  taste. Senses sizzle via stim-                          sensitivity  to  disinfectants
                                                                                                   The pandemic has pushed  before its released into wa-
              Aruba Today launches survey to                                                       the pause button for beach  terways.

                                                                                                   bliss.  Local  residents  miss
              serve better                                                                         the  surf  and  sand.  Vaca-  Many citizens are demand-
                                                                                                   tioners miss being refreshed  ing  the  reopening  of  the
              ORANJESTAD — Aruba Today newspaper  our team? If so, PLEASE participate in this      by sun and sea.              world.  One  report  says
              would  like  your  support  by  participat-  1-minute survey.                                                     no—another  report  says
              ing in our very short survey. Please let us  Big thank you!                          Is  it  safe  to  reopen  some  yes.  One  expert  says  no—
              know  your  opinion  by  scanning  the  QR                                           beaches with some restric-   another  expert  says  yes.
              code with your camera function of your  The Aruba Today team                         tions?                       One side cries apocalypse
              phone  (no  need  to  take  a  picture,  just                                                                     disaster—one  side  cries
              open camera and scan) or find the sur-                                               USA  Today  did  a  recent  conspiracy    theory.   The
              vey button on our website. We would like                                             fact  check  and  report-    truth  hovers  somewhere  in
              to use this challenging times to present                                             ed  that  sunlight  does  not  the middle? q
              the best version of us when you are back                                             kill  the  new  coronavirus.
              in town.                                                                             “There is some evidence to
                                                                                                   suggest  the  spread  of  the
              •   Do you like us?                                                                  virus may slow down as the
              •   Do you want to see more of us in the                                             weather gets warmer. That
                 future?                                                                           may  lead  some  to  incor-
              •   Do you want the best version of us?                                              rectly suggest sunlight as a
              •   Do you want to support us?                                                       tip to stay healthy,” the ar-
                                                                                                   ticle continued.
              We are a FREE newspaper and in times
              with the island filled with tourists our prints                                      Does  ocean  salt  water  kill
              went like hot cakes. Early mornings at 7 or                                          COVID-19?
              8 am hotels would call us for more cop-
              ies.  Now  we  are  fighting  to  make  sure                                         “Scientists across the globe
              we are still there for you when you come                                             are scrambling to learn the    Melissa Martin, Ph.D. is
                                                                                                                                  an author, columnist,
              back  to  your  home  away  from  home,                                              basic characteristics of the   educator, and therapist.
              your One Happy Island. Are you part of                                               virus, and so far, neither the   She lives in U.S.
                                                                                                   World Health Organization,
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