Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200429
P. 28

                  Wednesday 29 april 2020
            Riots in crisis-hit Lebanon reflect growing poverty, despair

            By  BASSAM  HATOUM  and                                                                                             "The  army  command  ex-
            BILAL HUSSEIN                                                                                                       presses  its  deep  regret  for
            Associated Press                                                                                                    the  fall  of  a  martyr,"  the
            TRIPOLI,  Lebanon  (AP)  —                                                                                          military  said,  adding  that
            Hundreds  of  protesters  in                                                                                        an  investigation  has  been
            Lebanon's  northern  city                                                                                           opened  into  Samman's
            of  Tripoli  set  fire  Tuesday                                                                                     death.
            to  two  banks  and  hurled                                                                                         Smaller protests also erupt-
            stones  at  soldiers  who  re-                                                                                      ed  elsewhere  in  Lebanon,
            sponded with tear gas and                                                                                           including  in  Beirut's  city
            batons in renewed clashes                                                                                           center, where hundreds of
            triggered by an economic                                                                                            demonstrators    gathered
            crisis spiraling out of control                                                                                     Tuesday evening.
            amid  a  weeks-long  virus                                                                                          U.N.  spokesman  Stephane
            lockdown.                                                                                                           Dujarric said ïn reaction to
            The  clashes  got  underway                                                                                         the  clashes  that  the  world
            in the afternoon hours after                                                                                        body  urges  protesters  to
            a  tense  funeral  was  held                                                                                        "exercise  their  right  to  pro-
            for a 27-year-old man killed                                                                                        test  peacefully  and  secu-
            during  riots  overnight  in                                                                                        rity  personnel  to  protect
            the  country's  second  larg-                                                                                       peaceful  protests  and  to
            est  city.  Fawwaz  Samman                                                                                          act proportionally in main-
            was shot by soldiers during                                                                                         taining law and order."
            confrontations  that  began   An anti-government protester confronts police with a stone during a protest against the deepening   Last  week,  scattered  anti-
            Monday night and died in     financial crisis, in Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday, April 28, 2020.                         government  protests  re-
            a hospital hours later.                                                                           Associated Press.  sumed as authorities began
            Tripoli,  a  predominantly  lost  more  than  50%  of  its  "Now  we  have  reached  a  the streets after they threw  easing  a  weeks-long  lock-
            Sunni Muslim city, is in one  value,  and  banks  have  state  where  unfortunately  stones  at  troops.  Soldiers  down to limit the spread of
            of the most neglected and  imposed  crippling  capi-      you cannot control people  also fired tear gas and rub-   the  coronavirus  pandemic
            poorest regions in Lebanon,  tal  controls  amid  a  liquid-  anymore.  People  are  hun-  ber bullets.             in  Lebanon,  which  has  re-
            and  there  were  concerns  ity crunch. But it appeared  gry!"                         "I  was  driving  here  yes-  ported  710  cases  and  24
            the  confrontations  would  to be in a free fall over the  Nearby,  in  a  street  lined  terday  with  my  wife  and  deaths so far.
            escalate to wider chaos.     last few days, selling as low  with  banks,  dozens  of  pro-  found protesters destroying  In  a  statement  about  the
            The violence was a reflec-   as 4,000 Lebanese pounds  testers     hurled   Molotov  and smashing (the banks),  overnight  riots,  the  Leba-
            tion  of  the  rising  poverty  to the dollar, down from a  cocktails, setting off blazing  then they opened tear gas  nese  army  said  "trouble-
            and  despair  gripping  the  fixed  peg  of  1,500  pounds  fires  in  at  least  two  banks.  and bullets on us," said resi-  makers who had infiltrated
            country  amid  a  crippling  to the dollar in place for 30  Troops deployed quickly in  dent Talal Sradar.          the  protesters  to  attack
            financial  crisis  that  has  years.                      the  area  to  try  to  prevent  Earlier in the day, hundreds  banks" also threw firebombs
            worsened  since  October,  "What you're seeing is a re-   further  riots,  occasionally  marched in the funeral pro-  and  grenades  at  the  mili-
            when  nationwide  protests  sult  of  accumulated  prob-  firing rounds of tear gas to  cession  for  Samman  and  tary, setting a military vehi-
            against  a  corrupt  political  lems. We had a revolution,  disperse the protesters.   gunmen  fired  in  the  air  in  cle on fire. It said 54 troops
            class broke out.             people were suffering, then  Riots intensified in the after-  a  display  of  anger  and  were  injured  across  the
            A  lockdown  to  stem  the  came corona and people  noon with protesters setting  mourning. The  man's  body  country and that the army
            spread of the new corona-    were locked in their homes  two police vehicles ablaze  was  brought  from  his  par-  detained 13 people.
            virus  has  further  aggravat-  for  a  month  and  a  half  as the army brought more  ents'  home  and  placed  Public anger has mounted
            ed the crisis, throwing tens  without  the  state  securing  reinforcements   into   the  briefly in front of his motor-  against  banks  in  Lebanon
            of thousands more people  food and drink or anything  area to try to bring the situ-   cycle  repair  shop  before  after they imposed capital
            out of work.                 else for them," said protest-  ation under control. Soldiers  he was laid to rest in a Trip-  controls  on  people's  de-
            The  national  currency  has  er  Abdelaziz  Sarkousi,  47.  chased  protesters  through  oli cemetery.             posits. q

                                                                      Bangladesh reopens 600 apparel

                                                                      factories despite virus risk

                                                                      is  reopening  hundreds  of  cols. Workers living near the  March, when factory own-
                                                                      them  despite  risks  the  dis-  factories are the first to re-  ers  stopped  production
                                                                      ease might spread.           turn to the production lines,  apart from some sewing of
                                                                      Rubana  Huq,  president  of  she said.                    personal protection equip-
                                                                      the  Bangladesh  Garment  At least 856 factories will be  ment. Workers left the capi-
                                                                      Manufacturers  and  Export-  reopened soon, Huq said.     tal, Dhaka, and the nearby
                                                                      ers Association, or BGMEA,  Bangladesh has the world's  Narayanganj  and  Gazipur
                                                                      said  she  was  under  pres-  second  largest  garment  areas  in  waves,  heading
                                                                      sure  to  reopen  factories  industry after China. It nor-  back to their village homes.
                                                                      after  the  pandemic  cost  mally  earns  $35  billion  an-  At  a  meeting  Saturday,
            In this April 19, 2018 file photo, trainees work at Snowtex garment   the  industry  more  than  $3  nually  from  exports  mainly  Salman  F.  Rahman,  an  in-
            factory in Dhamrai, near Dhaka, Bangladesh.               billion  in  orders  that  were  to  the  United  States  and  fluential  adviser  to  Prime
                                                    Associated Press.  cancelled or suspended.     Europe and employs about  Minister  Sheikh  Hasina  said
            JULHAS ALAM                  Bangladesh  ordered  gar-    Huq  said  Tuesday  that  4  million  workers,  mostly  the  government  was  keen
            Associated Press             ment factories shuttered to  about 600 factories had re-  women from rural areas.      to  see  garment  makers
            DHAKA,Bangladesh       (AP)  prevent  the  spread  of  the  opened  during  this  week,  Bangladesh began its coro-  slowly  reopen  their  facto-
            —  Nearly  a  month  after  coronavirus,  the  industry  adhering  to  health  proto-  navirus  lockdown  in  late  ries in phases. q
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