Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200429
P. 26
Wednesday 29 april 2020
Hillary Clinton becomes latest Democrat to endorse Biden
Contiued from Page 25 coronavirus threat, including in his daily intelli- rights are human rights."
gence briefings throughout January. Yet Clinton's advocacy for Biden presents com-
In recent weeks, Biden has picked up support They pitched themselves as friends, recounting plications. After decades in the spotlight, she's
from former President Barack Obama, House their time together in the Senate and recalling a polarizing figure criticized for everything from
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and leading progres- their breakfast meetings at the vice presiden- her push for a health care overhaul in the 1990s
sives such as Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massa- tial residence when they served in the Obama to her decision to remain in her marriage fol-
chusetts and Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Hillary administration. Still, the Clintons and Biden have lowing her husband's affair with a White House
Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, never been especially close allies. Biden's near- intern.
has not yet publicly endorsed Biden and has est alignment with Hillary Clinton came during Her presidential endorsement comes as a for-
kept a lower profile during the Trump era. Obama's first term, when Biden was vice presi- mer Senate staffer has recently accused Biden
The swift unification around Biden stands in stark dent and Clinton was secretary of state. Both of sexually assaulting her in the 1990s, when he
contrast to four years ago, when Hillary Clinton had sought the Democratic nomination in 2008 was a senator from Delaware. Trump made Bill
was unable to win over a significant portion of — and both were dogged by their 2002 votes Clinton's affairs an issue during the 2016 cam-
the electorate's left flank. Sanders battled her as senators in favor of the war powers resolution paign despite his own indiscretions and allega-
to the end of the primary calendar and waged that President George W. Bush used to invade tions of sexual assault.
a bitter fight over the party platform before Iraq in 2003. Biden campaigned for Hillary Clinton in the fall
endorsing her and campaigning for her in the Biden suggested in his 2017 book, "Promise Me, of 2016, and he's said often during the 2020
fall. Hillary and Bill Clinton have argued that Dad," that Obama favored Clinton's 2016 presi- campaign that she "would have made a great
Sanders' push deeply wounded her campaign dential bid over the possibility of Biden running. president."
against Trump. With Obama by his side, Biden announced He has nonetheless implicitly criticized her cam-
The Trump campaign sought to foment the from the White House Rose Garden in 2015 that paign by saying Democrats did a poor job of
same tension on Tuesday by arguing that the he wouldn't seek the presidency the following reaching white working-class voters who de-
Democratic establishment is again asserting it- year. fected to Republicans in 2016. As recently as
self. As first lady and secretary of state, Clinton was an April 15 fundraiser, Biden touted ability to win
"There is no greater concentration of Democrat among the leading voices in women's rights "the kind of folks I grew up with," the "high-school
establishment than Joe Biden and Hillary Clin- discussions around the world. She made head- educated" population who believe Democrats
ton together," Brad Parscale, Trump's campaign lines during her husband's first term with forceful have abandoned them, and he sometimes
manager, said in a statement. "Both of them advocacy for women during a United Nations boasts he can carry Wisconsin, Michigan and
carry the baggage of decades in the Washing- conference in Beijing, where the Chinese gov- Pennsylvania — the three states where Clinton's
ton swamp and both of them schemed to keep ernment was under fire for human rights abuses. narrow losses handed Trump an Electoral Col-
the Democrat nomination from Bernie Sanders." "It is time for us to say here in Beijing, and the lege majority.
During a wide-ranging conversation, Biden and world to hear, that it is no longer acceptable to Biden studiously avoided such talk with Clinton
Clinton sidestepped talk of campaign strategy discuss women's rights as separate from human at his side Tuesday. "I have to tell you something
and tactics, instead sticking mostly to policy rights," Clinton said. completely honestly," he said near the end of
proposals and critiques of Trump, from the pres- She punctuated her argument with a line that their chat. "I wish this were us doing this and my
ident's penchant for conflict to recent reports has been replayed countless times since: "Hu- supporting your reelection for president of the
that he ignored repeated warnings about the man rights are women's rights, and women's United States."q
Trump to sign order keeping meat processing plants open
By JILL COLVIN Foods suspended opera-
Associated Press tions at its plant in Water-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres- loo, Iowa. And Smithfield
ident Donald Trump will Foods halted production
sign an executive order at its plant in Sioux Falls,
Tuesday meant to stave South Dakota. The 15 larg-
off a shortage of chicken, est pork-packing plants
pork and other meat on account for 60% of all pork
American supermarket processed in the country.
shelves because of the GOP Sen. Mike Rounds of
coronavirus. South Dakota had writ-
The order will use the De- ten a letter to Trump ask-
fense Production Act to ing him to use the DPA to
classify meat processing declare the food supply
as critical infrastructure to industry an essential in-
keep production plants dustry, warning that con-
open. sumers would see a meat
The order comes after in- shortage in a matter of
dustry leaders warned days akin to the panic
that consumers could see over toilet paper the virus
meat shortages in a mat- created in its early days.
ter of days after workers at President Donald Trump listens during a meeting with Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., on the coronavirus Tyson ran a full-page ad-
major facilities tested posi- response, in the Oval Office of the White House, Tuesday, April 28, 2020, in Washington. vertisement in The New
tive for the virus. A senior Associated Press. York Times and other
White House official said which could lead to an release. Trump on Tuesday block more than anything newspapers Sunday out-
the administration was 80% drop in the availabil- told reporters that "there's else," he said. lining the difficulty of pro-
working to prevent a situ- ity of meat in supermar- plenty of supply," but that Two of the nation's biggest ducing meat while keep-
ation in which a majority kets. The official spoke on supply chains had hit what pork processing plants are ing more than 100,000
of processing plants shut condition of anonymity to he called a "road block. currently closed. Meat workers safe and shutting
down for a period of time, discuss the order before its It's sort of a legal road- processing giant Tyson some plants.q