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                                                                                                        HEALTH Wednesday 29 april 2020
            European doctors warn rare kids' syndrome may have virus tie

            By MARIA CHENG                                                                                                      To  date,  children  have
            AP Medical Writer                                                                                                   been  among  the  least  af-
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Doctors                                                                                            fected group by the coro-
            in  Britain,  Italy,  and  Spain                                                                                    navirus.  Data  from  more
            have been warned to look                                                                                            than 75,000 cases in China
            out for a rare inflammatory                                                                                         showed  they  comprised
            condition in children that is                                                                                       2.4% of all cases and most-
            possibly  linked  to  the  new                                                                                      ly suffered only mild symp-
            coronavirus.                                                                                                        toms.
            Earlier  this  week,  Britain’s                                                                                     The  World  Health  Organi-
            Paediatric  Intensive  Care                                                                                         zation said it was attempt-
            Society  issued  an  alert  to                                                                                      ing  to  gather  more  infor-
            doctors  noting  that,  in  the                                                                                     mation on any new, coro-
            past three weeks, there has                                                                                         navirus-related  syndrome
            been  an  increase  in  the                                                                                         in  children  from  its  global
            number of children with “a                                                                                          network of doctors but had
            multi-system  inflammatory                                                                                          not  received  any  official
            state  requiring  intensive                                                                                         reports about it. q
            care”  across  the  country.
            The  group  said  there  was
            “growing  concern”  that
            either  a  COVID-19  related
            syndrome was emerging in     Hospital workers hold placards with the names of their colleagues who have died from coronavirus
            children or that a different,   at University College Hospital in London, Tuesday, April 28, 2020.
            unidentified  disease  might                                                                      Associated Press.
            be responsible.              doctors  were  considering  wasaki  disease  in  regions  Dr. Sonja Rasmussen, a Uni-
            “We  already  know  that  a  other  potential  causes  for  of Italy hit hard by the pan-  versity  of  Florida  pediatrics
            very  small  number  of  chil-  the  syndrome,  including  demic,  noting  some  chil-  professor, noted one similar
            dren can become severely  other viruses  or new  medi-    dren had COVID-19 or had  case  in  the  United  States
            ill with COVID-19 but this is  cations,  “the  working  hy-  contacts  with  confirmed  involving a 6-month old girl
            very  rare,”  said  Dr.  Russell  pothesis  is  that  it’s  COVID-  virus cases.       in California who was diag-
            Viner, president of the Roy-  related.”                   “These  children  do  not  re-  nosed  with  Kawasaki  dis-
            al  College  of  Paediatrics  Spain’s  Association  of  Pe-  spond  to  traditional  treat-  ease  and  then  COVID-19.
            and Child Health.            diatrics  recently  made  a  ment,” he said, adding that  That  report,  from  Stanford
            He said the syndrome was  similar warning, telling doc-   some  were  given  a  high  University,  doesn’t  clarify
            likely  caused  by  an  over-  tors  that  in  recent  weeks,  dose of steroids.       whether both illnesses hap-
            reaction  of  the  body’s  im-  there had been a number  Those who developed tox-      pened  coincidentally  or
            mune  system  and  noted  of school-age children suf-     ic shock syndrome needed  if  COVID-19  might  have
            similar symptoms had been  fering  from  “an  unusual  help  breathing  and  were  somehow  caused  Kawa-
            seen in some adults infect-  picture of abdominal pain,  admitted to intensive care  saki  disease,  said  Rasmus-
            ed with the coronavirus.     accompanied  by  gastro-     units, Ravelli said.         sen,  who  co-authored  a
            The cases were also report-  intestinal  symptoms”  that  Kawasaki    symptoms    in-  recent JAMA Pediatrics ar-
            ed to have features of toxic  could  lead  within  hours  to  clude  a  high  temperature  ticle  about  COVID-19  and
            shock  syndrome  or  Kawa-   shock,  low  blood  pressure  that lasts for 5 days or more,  children.
            saki  disease,  a  rare  blood  and heart problems.       a  rash  and  swollen  glands  “We’ll need more informa-
            vessel  disorder.  Only  some  “It is a priority to recognize  in  the  neck,  according  to  tion published in the peer-
            of the children tested posi-  these  (symptoms)  to  ur-  Britain’s  National  Health  reviewed  literature  to  bet-
            tive for COVID-19, so scien-  gently  refer  these  patients  Service.                 ter understand this associa-
            tists are unsure if these rare  to a hospital,” the pediatric  Dr. James Gill, an honorary  tion.  However,  Kawasaki
            symptoms  are  caused  by  association said.              clinical lecturer at Warwick  disease  is  a  relatively  rare
            the  new  coronavirus  or  by  In  Italy,  Dr.  Angelo  Ravelli  Medical School, said while  condition,  so  seeing  these
            something else.              of  Gaslini  Hospital  and  a  the  reports  were  concern-  cases makes us concerned
            Health  officials  estimate  member of the Italian Pae-   ing  there  was  still  no  solid  that   Kawasaki   disease
            there  have  been  about  diatricians’  Society,  sent  a  evidence that the rare syn-  could be a rare complica-
            10-20  such  cases  in  Britain  note  to  10,000  colleagues  drome was caused by CO-  tion of COVID-19,” she said.
            and  NHS  England  said  it  is  raising his concerns.    VID-19.                      “We  need  to  remain  vigi-
            urgently  investigating  the  He  and  his  team  reported  Some  possible  cases  have  lant when we see children
            reports.                     an unusual increase in the  also  been  reported  in  with  findings  that  aren’t
            Viner  said  that  although  number of patients with Ka-  France and Belgium.          typical for COVID-19.”

              Is it safe to order take-out during the pandemic?

              By The Associated Press              eating food," says Michelle Danyluk  For take-out, the FDA advises restau-
              Is it safe to order food via take-out  at  the  University  of  Florida,  which  rant workers and customers to stay
              or delivery?                         published  tips  on  food  safety  amid  at least six feet from others.
              Unlike  some  germs,  there's  no  indi-  the pandemic.                    The risk from packaging is "likely very
              cation  the  coronavirus  can  spread  The  biggest  concern  remains  per-  low," according  to the Centers for
              through food, according to the U.S.  son-to-person  contact.  Contactless  Disease Control and Prevention.
              Food and Drug Administration.        delivery,  in  which  the  order  is  left  To  be  safe,  Danyluk  advises  hand
              "This is a respiratory virus, not a food-  outside the recipient's door, reduces  washing before and after touching
              borne virus ... you can't catch it from  that risk.                        food or packaging.q
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