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A30    business
                  Wednesday 29 april 2020
            How some companies survive, even thrive, in viral crisis

            By  PAUL  WISEMAN  and  find opportunity in the cha-      seminar on the coronavirus'  it's  ignited  consumers'  ap-  ing  around  curbside  (pick-
            ANNE DÍNNOCENZIO             os.  "This  is  a  once-in-a-life-  threat  to  companies.  "Pre-  petite  for  other  offerings.  up) and takeout," said Brad
            AP Business Writers          time — we hope — event,''  serve  what  you  have  and  Netflix  is  capitalizing  on  a  Plothow. Womply's market-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — When  said  Andrew  Corbett  of  grab  more  cash  wherever  burst of demand for stream-          ing chief. With widespread
            the  coronavirus  struck  the  Babson  College's  Butler  In-  you  can  to  help  you  get  ing  entertainment.  Ama-  shutdowns  of  malls  and
            United  States  hard  last                                                                                          stores,  the  pandemic  is
            month,  22-year-old  entre-                                                                                         putting  many  clothing  re-
            preneur    David   Zamarin                                                                                          tailers  further  in  peril,  while
            knew  his  company  need-                                                                                           increasing  the  dominance
            ed a Plan B — fast. As the                                                                                          of big box stores that have
            economy  essentially  shut                                                                                          remained  open  because
            down, demand for his stain-                                                                                         they sell essentials like food
            resistant coatings was sure                                                                                         and   household    goods.
            to drop.                                                                                                            Walmart, Amazon and oth-
            So Zamarin decided to re-                                                                                           ers  are  on  a  hiring  spree
            tool his company, DetraPel,                                                                                         and doling out bonuses or
            in Framingham, Massachu-                                                                                            pay increases.
            setts,  to  start  making  disin-                                                                                   But  even  they  face  pres-
            fectants  to  help  fight  the                                                                                      sures.   They're   spending
            virus's spread. Within weeks,                                                                                       more  on  labor  and  online
            "we  completely  changed                                                                                            operations.  Some  are  see-
            our whole system."                                                                                                  ing  profits  squeezed  be-
            Sales  of  the  DetraPel  eco-                                                                                      cause  shoppers  are  turn-
            Cleaner    &   Disinfectant                                                                                         ing  to  low-margin  grocer-
            have been strong, he said,                                                                                          ies  and  avoiding  higher-
            and  Zamarin  expects  to                                                                                           margin  items  like  clothing.
            produce the cleaner even                                                                                            Amazon     has   struggled
            after  the  health  crisis  has                                                                                     to  handle  an  accelerat-
            passed.                                                                                                             ing  demand  for  essentials,
            "I  don't  want  this  to  be  a   This Jan. 29, 2010, file photo, shows the company logo and view of Netflix headquarters in Los   disappointing  many  of  its
            one-time  thing,''  he  said.   Gatos, Calif.                                                                       Prime  members,  who  pay
            "I  don't  want  to  capitalize                                                                   Associated Press.  $129 a year and are accus-
            on  this  to  make  short-term                                                                                      tomed to receiving deliver-
            money.''                     stitute  for  Free  Enterprise  through and survive the cri-  zon's stock is up on a surge  ies within two days.
            The  COVID-19  pandemic  through  Entrepreneurship.  sis.''  United  Airlines  is  trying  in online shopping. Clorox is  The  crisis  risks  intensifying
            has been an epic catastro-   "The people who are used  to raise $1 billion by issuing  benefiting from panic buy-   what  many  regard  as  a
            phe for American business.  to  dealing  with  ambiguity  stock.  Darden  Restaurants,  ing  for  cleaning  supplies.  troubling trend: Commerce
            Economic life is all but fro-  and  trying  new  things  —  owner of Olive Garden and  Zoom and other video con-    increasingly  concentrated
            zen.  Stores  are  idle.  Sales  they're  going  to  embrace  other  chain  restaurants,  is  ference services have filled  among  big  companies  as
            have sunk as people isolate  this and run with it.''      seeking  $400  million  in  a  a rising need of employees  smaller firms fail, thereby re-
            at home, slash spending on  Corbett  pointed  to  Bauer,  stock offering.              working from home.           ducing competition.
            autos and appliances and  a  sports  equipment  maker  The  government  has  in-       The  data  firm  Womply  The Open Markets Institute,
            halt  shopping  trips,  restau-  that has pivoted from mak-  tervened  to  provide  small  found  that  grocery  stores  which  campaigns  against
            rant meals and movie out-    ing  visors  for  hockey  hel-  businesses  with  loans  they  enjoyed  a  40%  increase  in  monopolies,  has  called  for
            ings.                        mets to producing medical  don't have to repay if they  revenue  earlier  this  month  a  ban  on  acquisitions  by
            Many  iconic  retailers  are  visors for health care work-  use  most  of  the  money  to  from a year ago. Also see-  companies  with  annual
            reeling.  Gap  warns  it  may  ers  fighting  the  outbreak.  keep  workers  on  the  pay-  ing  surges:  Gun  shops  revenue above $100 million
            run  out  of  cash.  Neiman  That  kind  of  drastic  rever-  roll.                    (120%)  and  liquor  stores  or by large investment firms.
            Marcus  and  J.C.  Penney  sal is beyond the reach of  The       Federal     Reserve  (60%).                        Lynn  Barry,  the  institute's
            could be headed for bank-    most companies.              poured  money  into  finan-  Still,  millions  of  businesses  executive  director,  notes
            ruptcy protection.           "It's  hard  to  change  your  cial markets to ensure that  have  at  least  temporarily  that  many  big  companies
            Yet  by  dint  of  circum-   business    model,"    said  companies  can  maintain  closed, Womply found: 71%  swallowed up smaller rivals
            stance,  resourcefulness  or  Gregg  Lemos-Stein,  who  access  to  vital  short-term  of shoe stores, 77% of thrift  in  the  financial  crisis  and
            just  plain  luck,  some  com-  studies corporate analytics  credit for everyday opera-  shops  and  68%  of  antique  Great  Recession,  some-
            panies  have  positioned  at  S&P  Global  Ratings.  "It's  tions.                     dealers.  Forty-two  percent  times in deals brokered by
            themselves  to  withstand,  like  trying  to  change  your  But  government  money  of  restaurants  have  shut-    the government.
            even thrive, in the crisis. The  tires  while  the  car  is  going  goes only so far for a com-  tered.             He's  worried  about  a  re-
            most fortunate work in sec-  100 miles an hour.''         pany  whose  business  has  Those  that  have  a  brisk  peat:
            tors  mostly  shielded  from  For  most  companies,  the  collapsed.                   takeout  or  delivery  service  "You've  got  Apple  and
            damage,  like  pharmacies.  key  to  survival  is  maintain-  "It doesn't put people back  have  been  likelier  to  re-  Google  and  Amazon  with
            Or  they  can  capitalize  on  ing  enough  cash  to  stay  on  planes  or  back  in  the  main open: Only 21% of piz-  these massive piles of cash,
            the quirks of the times — a  afloat  until  the  economy  malls,"  S&P's  Lemos-Stein  za shops and 17% of chick-   the Saudis and others with
            spike in demand for grocer-  begins  to  grind  back  to  said.                        en  wings  purveyors  have  these massive piles of cash,
            ies,  pizza  delivery,  movie  health.                    "I haven't talked to a CEO  stopped doing business.       and  everyone  else  is  half-
            streaming,  online  packag-  Some  businesses,  Lemos-    yet who thinks the govern-   "Businesses  are  reorganiz-  bankrupt and paralyzed.''q
            es and cleaning products.    Stein  said,  have  drained  ment  is  going  to  be  their
            Some companies were pru-     their  credit  lines  to  try  to  savior,"  said  Rich  Lesser,
            dent enough to have built  withstand  a  period  of  CEO of the Boston Consult-
            financial cushions or credit  plunging revenue.           ing Group.
            lines  to  access  cash.  And  "Cash  is  king,"  Robert  Ka-  Even while the health crisis
            then there are nimble ones  plan  of  Harvard  Business  has  crushed  purchases  for
            like DetraPel that somehow  School  said  in  a  video  most  goods  and  services,           
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