Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200429
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locAl           Wednesday 29 april 2020

            Arubans living abroad

            ORANJESTAD  —  Aruba  To-
            day  is  connecting  to  our   The  Aruba  basics  &  foundations  of
            beloved  readers  abroad       surviving the Covid-19 quarantine in
            who    have    a   special     Montreal spring 2020
            bond  with  the  island.  We   The Quarentina Cantina
            launched    columns    like
            Aruba To Me Is … and My        Con ta bai Aruba: My name is Jen-
            Favorite  Hotel  Staff  where   nifer  P  Maduro  born  in  Oranjestad,
            our fans can send pictures     Aruba in 1949.  In the fall of 1964 af-
            and  words  that  express      ter attending Colegio Arubano  for
            their love for Aruba and its   three  years,  I  went  away  to  prep
            workers  in  the  hospitality   school and then to college  in the
            industry.                      USA.  Both my siblings and most of   Vancouver) and sister Claudia (lives  early  on  in  miss  matched  pajamas
                                           my peers at the time went to school   in Los Angeles) prepare me for this  lounging  about  watching  Netflix,  I
            In  these  difficult  times  we   in Holland.                       unprecedented  global,  pandemic  reverted to the more structured and
            also think about our Aruban    Other than coming home for various   experience?                           less self-indulgent Aruba upbringing,
            friends  living  abroad.  How   vacations,  and  a  year  working  in   Self- Isolation @70 is a relative term  washed  and  dressed  in  matching
            they  are  doing  and  what    Colombia  after  graduation,  I  have   as  I  have  already  learned  how  to  outfit for the day, no later than noon
            is their life experience right   lived in Canada since 1973 where I   sustain,  entertain,  complain,  and  (lol).
            now,  we  wonder.  The  first   went to graduate school. In Toronto,   remain true to me, me, and me …    Every late afternoon I start up dinner,
            story in this series was pub-  followed by living in Vancouver, Hal-  which is mostly the company I keep  and find that during this quarantine
            lished  April  17  and  came   ifax, and Montreal since 1986. I have   anyway, as I live on my own.       have a heavy hand with the spices,
            from Aruban Arturo Desim-      been retired for 10 years now, and                                         curries, and Piripiri sauce than usual
            one who lives in Spain. April   live  in  a  great  neighborhood  near   So daily life during this period is very  ,  not  to  mention  a  more  generous
            22 we shared the wonder-       the Atwater market, and the canal    much  based  on  the  good  habits,  free  hand  pour  at  cocktail  time.
            ful  story  of  Jairo  Loefstop   Lachine in the South West borough   solid  structure,  eating  well,    and  How  else  would  I  survive  watching
            who  lives  in  Costa  Rica.   of Montreal.                         playing  hard  ,  but  particularly  en-  the evening news on TV local, USA,
            Today we get a glimpse of      First  a  little  shout  out  to  childhood   tertaining  ourselves  with  our  posse  and International?
            the world of Jennifer Mad-     friends and second cousins in Aruba   on  Mozart  Straat,  and  of  course,
            uro  who  lives  in  Montreal,   who have continued to be part of   the  more  adult  activities  relayed  I have to admit that I do swear out
            Canada.  Thank  you  for       my virtual family and friends on FB;   to cocktail time. I also do find that  loud when the Trumpeter comes on,
            sharing this amazing article   one thing I have learned is that child-  the  more  intensive  spring  cleaning  and most of the time I still swear in
            with us Jennifer!              hood friends still put up with you and   done  this  year  went  much  better  Papiamento or Spanish, my mother
                                                           are reliable allies in   with  Tropical  -  Caribbean  music  in  used to put tabasco on our tongue
                                                           times  of  trouble  or   the  background  played  very  loud  when we said dirty words, now I put
                                                           cheer,  lol  at  your   above  the  noise  of  the  vacuum  a quarter in a jar, which when full I
                                                           jokes  and  photos   cleaner  and  washing  machine,  donate to one of my fave charities.
                                                           and  somehow  we     and do not get me started on sing-    If  they  only  knew  where  that  foul
                                                           still get each-other,   ing Mariachi music at the top of my  mouthed $$$ came from.
                                                           after more than 60   lungs -which I hated as a kid - when
                                                           years.               not  singing  great  soul  classics  from  After dinner, some more couch and
                                                                                the sixties and seventies and salsa-  TV time brings me to closing time at
                                                           Well  what  exactly   ing my way through my chores.        the Cantina, and after some read-
                                                           is the Aruba - Mon-                                        ing  hopefully  some  ZZZZ  time,  and
                                                           treal   connection   I usually head out for an hour or so  though  mostly  nightmares  a  rare
                                                           about how to suc-    every  day  in  the  early  afternoon  sweet  dream  during  this  corona
                                                           cessfully self-isolate   on foot or on my e-bike depending  quarantine. q
                                                           for weeks and pos-   on the weather, to do some essen-
                                                           sibly  months  in  this   tial shopping (with my home made
                                                           very cold spring so   mask  and  blue  medical  gloves)  at
                                                           far?  How  did  my   the  supermarket,  Government  li-
                                                           early years and up-  quor  store,  and  pharmacy  nearby.
                                                           bringing  in  Aruba   I very quickly learned the best day
                                                           on Mozart Street liv-  and  schedule  to  avoid  long  line-
                                                           ing with my grand-   ups. I also always rode my bike ev-
                                                           mother  Helen  R     erywhere in Oranjestad when I was
                                                           Leon,  my  mother    a kid.
                                                           Audrey     Maduro,
                                                           and  my  brother     Even  though  I  sleep  in  later  dur-
                                                           Steven    (lives   in   ing this time, and after a few days
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