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                     Friday 18 august 2023

            Biden aims to nudge Japan and South Korea toward greater unity

                                                                                                                                retaliation  for  South  Ko-
                                                                                                                                rean  court  rulings  in  2018
                                                                                                                                that  ordered  Japanese
                                                                                                                                companies to compensate
                                                                                                                                Korean  workers  for  abu-
                                                                                                                                sive  treatment  and  forced
                                                                                                                                labor  during  World  War  II,
                                                                                                                                when the Korean Peninsula
                                                                                                                                was under Japanese occu-
                                                                                                                                Japan  also  tightened  ex-
                                                                                                                                port controls on key chemi-
                                                                                                                                cals used by South Korean
                                                                                                                                companies  to  make  semi-
                                                                                                                                conductors,     prompting
                                                                                                                                South Korea to file a com-
                                                                                                                                plaint with the World Trade
                                                                                                                                Organization  and  remove
                                                                                                                                Japan  from  its  own  list  of
                                                                                                                                countries  with  preferred
                                                                                                                                trade status.
                                                                                                                                The ties have improved sig-
                                                                                                                                nificantly in recent months.
                                                                                                                                Yoon proposed an initiative
                                                                                                                                in March to resolve disputes
                                                                                                                                stemming from compensa-
                                                                                                                                tion  for  wartime  Korean
                                                                                                                                forced  laborers.  He  an-
            President Joe Biden, center, meets with South Korea's President Yoon Suk Yeol, left, and Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, right,   nounced that South Korea
            during the NATO summit in Madrid, Wednesday, June 29, 2022.                                                         would use its own funds to
                                                                                                               Associated Press
                                                                                                                                compensate  Koreans  en-
            Continued from Front         among the three countries  ident Jimmy Carter brought  oppose Yoon’s handling of  slaved  by  Japanese  com-
                                         as they face an increasing-  together Egyptian President  the forced labor issue with  panies  before  the  end  of
            The Japan-South Korea re-    ly complicated Pacific.      Anwar  Sadat  and  Israeli  Japan.                        World War II.
            lationship is a delicate one   The  expected  major  an-  Prime  Minister  Menachem  Biden  is  expected  to  im-   Yoon  also  traveled  to  To-
            because  of  differing  views   nouncements include plans  Begin  in  September  1978  press on Yoon and Kishida  kyo  in  March  for  talks  with
            of World War II history and   to expand military cooper-  for  talks  that  established  that  the  U.S.,  Japan  and  Kishida, the first such visit in
            Japan’s  colonial  rule  over   ation  on  ballistic  defenses  a  framework  for  a  historic  South  Korea  are  at  a  cru-  more  than  12  years.  Kish-
            the  Korean  Peninsula.  Past   and  make  the  summit  an  peace  treaty  between  Is-  cial  moment  and  need  to  ida  reciprocated  with  a
            efforts  to  tighten  secu-  annual  event.  The  leaders  rael  and  Egypt  in  March  stay on the same page.      visit  to  Seoul  in  May  and
            rity  cooperation  between   are also expected to detail  1979. In the midst of World  “I  think  it’s  fair  to  say  that  expressed sympathy for the
            Seoul and Tokyo have pro-    in  the  communique  plans  War  II,  President  Franklin  a  few  months  ago  both  suffering  of  Korean  forced
            gressed with fits and starts.  to  invest  in  technology  for  Roosevelt and British Prime  President  Yoon  and  Prime  laborers during Japan’s co-
            But the White House hopes    a  three-way  crisis  hotline  Minister  Winston  Churchill  Minister Kishida might have  lonial rule,
            the   current   rapproche-   and  offer  an  update  on  met  at  the  retreat  —  then  been  a  bit  uncomfort-   “The world is changing rap-
            ment offers an opportunity   the  progress  the  countries  known  as  Shangri-La  —  to  able  with  the  prospect  of  idly, and I think this is appar-
            for a historic shift in the re-  have made in sharing ear-  plan  the  Italian  campaign  a  meeting  at  Camp  Dav-  ent  to  both  the  Japanese
            lationship.                  ly-warning  data  on  missile  that  would  knock  Benito  id,”  said  Christopher  John-  and  South  Koreans,”  said
            “What we have seen over      launches.                    Mussolini out of the war.    stone, a senior adviser and  Sheila  Smith,  a  senior  fel-
            the  course  of  last  couple   In  picking  Camp  David,  Biden   frequently   visits  Japan chair at the Center  low  for  Asia-Pacific  studies
            of  months  is  a  breathtak-  where  presidents  over  80  Camp  David  with  family,  for  Strategic  and  Interna-  at  the  Council  on  Foreign
            ing kind of diplomacy that   years  have  hosted  historic  but  Friday’s  summit  will  be  tional Studies.        Relations.
            has  been  led  by  coura-   peace  summits  and  in-     the  first  time  he  has  used  “Both  would  have  been  Yoon  in  remarks  this  week
            geous  leaders  in  both  Ja-  timate   leader-to-leader  the retreat to host interna-  hesitant  to  endorse  any  to mark the 78th anniversa-
            pan and South Korea,” said   talks,  Biden  is  looking  to  tional leaders.           implication  that  somehow  ry of Korea’s liberation from
            Kurt Campbell, Biden’s top   demonstrate  the  impor-     Kishida  before  departing  the  U.S.  was  brokering  an  Japan’s  colonial  rule  said
            Indo-Pacific adviser said at   tance  of  relations  with  Tokyo  for  Washington  on  improvement  in  Japan-      the summit “will set a new
            an event at the Brookins In-  South Korea and Japan.      Thursday  called  the  sum-  ROK ties,” he said, referring  milestone  in  trilateral  co-
            stitution  in  Washington  on   His administration says it re-  mit  a  “historic  occasion  to  to  the  Republic  of  Korea.  operation.”  He  also  made
            Wednesday.  “They  have      mains determined to place  bolster  trilateral  strategic  “But we’re in a very differ-  plain  that  improved  ties
            sometimes, against the ad-   greater foreign policy focus  cooperation based on our  ent stage now.”                with Japan was crucial for
            vice of their own counselors   on the Pacific even as the  stronger-than-ever bilateral  Kishida and Yoon came to  regional stability.
            and  staff,  taken  steps  that   U.S.  grapples  with  the  fall-  relations  with  the  United  office months apart in late  “As  partners  that  cooper-
            elevate  the  Japan,  South   out of the Russian invasion  States and South Korea.”    2021 and early 2022 as their  ate  on  security  and  the
            Korean  relationship  into  a   of Ukraine. Earlier this year,  The  relationship  mending  countries’  relationship  was  economy, South Korea and
            new plane.”                  Biden honored Yoon with a  has  come  with  a  signifi-   in one of the roughest peri-  Japan will be able to jointly
            Biden  administration  of-   state visit and picked Kish-  cant  measure  of  political  ods since the two countries  contribute  to  peace  and
            ficials  say  the  leaders  will   ida’s  predecessor,  Prime  risk  for  Yoon  as  bitterness  officially  normalized  rela-  prosperity across the globe
            announce  in  their  summit   Minister Yoshihide Suga, for  in his country over Japan’s  tions in 1965.             while collaborating and ex-
            communique  a  series  of    the first face-to-face visit of  colonial  rule  from  1910  to  Japan  suspended  South  changing in a future-orient-
            joint  efforts  that  aim  to  in-  his presidency.       1945  lingers.  Polls  show  a  Korea’s  preferred  trade  ed manner,” Yoon said.q
            stitutionalize   cooperation   The retreat was where Pres-  majority  of  South  Koreans  status  in  2019  in  apparent
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