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A4   U.S. NEWS
                     Friday 18 august 2023
            Oil worker health care fund is sought by New Mexico

            congressman in swing district

            By MORGAN LEE                bor  and  workplace  safety                                                            fuels  and  ease  permitting
            Associated Press             guidelines.                                                                            restrictions that delay pipe-
            SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — U.S.  Vasquez  said  the  proposal                                                            lines,  refineries  and  other
            oil  field  workers  and  their  is  an  outgrowth  of  con-                                                        projects.
            immediate  relatives  would  cerns he has heard from oil                                                            The  initiative  still  marks  a
            be  compensated  for  unin-  field  workers  in  southeast-                                                         shift  in  focus  from  an  un-
            sured medical costs related  ern New Mexico — and his                                                               fettered  support  of  the  oil
            to  air  pollution  and  heat-  observations  about  exten-                                                         industry  under  Vasquez's
            related  illness,  under  a  bill  sive  profits  and  executive                                                    Republican    predecessor,
            introduced  by  a  first-term  compensation among ma-                                                               Yvette Herrell, and her criti-
            Democratic  congressman  jor  petroleum  companies.                                                                 cism of energy policies un-
            from New Mexico.             New Mexico is the nation's                                                             der  the  Biden  administra-
            U.S.  Rep.  Gabe  Vasquez  second-largest  oil  produc-                                                             tion that she said hindered
            said  Wednesday  his  bill  er behind Texas.                                                                        production of oil and other
            would require oil and natu-  "If you're an energy worker                                                            fossil  fuels.  The  bill  from
            ral  gas  companies  to  pay  in  Hobbs  or  Carlsbad  who                                                          Vasquez  includes  com-
            into  a  trust  that  provides  has  a  child  who  has  asth-                                                      pensation  for  heat-related
            reimbursement  to  work-     ma, you would benefit from                                                             illness  in  the  workplace  —
            ers  for  health  costs  associ-  this  legislation,"  Vasquez                                                      an area of increasing con-
            ated  with  ailments  linked  said.                                                                                 cern  as  the  energy  sector
            to  methane  and  smog,  Annual  contributions  to                                                                  and  other  industries  con-
            including  respiratory  prob-  a  health  care  trust  for  oil                                                     tend  with  record-breaking
            lems such as asthma.         workers would be required                                                              temperatures  this  summer.
            Workers  would  be  eligible  of  energy  companies  with   Rep. Gabe Vasquez, D-N.M., speaks during a news conference   President Joe Biden in July
            to  seek  reimbursement  for  annual  revenues  over  $50   to announce the bipartisan Southwest Caucus, Thursday, June   announced   new   steps
                                                                      15, 2023, on Capitol Hill in Washington.
            costs  not  covered  by  pri-  million.  Those  companies                                          Associated Press   aimed  to  protect  workers,
            vate  insurance,  Medicare  would have to pay into the                                                              including  hazard  alerts  for
            or Medicaid, he said. Eligi-  fund  the  same  amount  of  ferred compensation.        Republicans  this  year  ap-  extreme  heat,  improved
            bility  for  specific  medical  money as they pay their 10  The  bill  has  little  chance  proved  a  package  that  forecasting and better ac-
            conditions  would  be  de-   highest-paid   employees,  of  passing  in  the  GOP-     would sharply increase do-   cess  to  drinking  water  on
            termined  under  federal  la-  including bonuses and de-  controlled  House,  where  mestic  production  of  fossil  the job. q

            Canadian woman sentenced to nearly 22 years for 2020 ricin letter

            sent to Trump in White House

            By LINDSAY WHITEHURST        Pascale  Ferrier,  56,  had  that and is an “inordinately  Buffalo, New York, carrying  with  prosecutors,  which
            Associated Press             pleaded  guilty  to  violat-  intelligent”  French  immi-  a gun, a knife and hundreds  also  would  expel  Ferrier
            WASHINGTON (AP) — A Ca-      ing  biological  weapons  grant  who  had  earned  a  of  rounds  of  ammunition,  from the country once she
            nadian  woman  was  sen-     prohibitions  in  letters  sent  master’s  degree  in  engi-  authorities  said.  Investiga-  is released and require her
            tenced  to  nearly  22  years  to Trump and to police of-  neering  and  raised  two  tors also found eight similar  to be under supervised re-
            in  prison  in  Washington  ficials  in  Texas,  where  she  children as a single parent.  letters to law enforcement  lease for life if she ever re-
            Thursday in the mailing of a  had been jailed for several  But  in  September  2020,  officials in charge of a Tex-  turns.  The  judge  noted  a
            threatening  letter  contain-  weeks in 2019.             prosecutors   said   Ferrier  as jail where she was held  “real disconnect” between
            ing the poison ricin to then-  Her  defense  attorney  Eu-  made the ricin at home in  after she refused to leave a  the Canadian grandmoth-
            President Donald Trump at  gene Ohm said Ferrier has  Quebec  and  mailed  the  park area as it closed.             er who has worked toward
            the White House.             no  criminal  record  prior  to  potentially  deadly  poison  In  a  winding  speech,  Fer-  another  degree  while  be-
                                                                      derived  from  processing  rier told the judge that she  hind  bars  and  the  crimes
                                                                      castor beans to Trump with  considers herself a “peace-   Ferrier  pleaded  guilty  to.
                                                                      a letter that referred to him  ful and genuinely kind per-  She  pushed  back  on  Fer-
                                                                      as “The Ugly Tyrant Clown”  son,” but gets angry about  rier’s framing of her actions.
                                                                      and  read  in  part:  “If  it  problems  like  unfairness,  “That  isn’t  really  activism,”
                                                                      doesn’t work, I’ll find better  abuses of power and “stu-  she said. “I hope you have
                                                                      recipe  for  another  poison,  pid rules.” She spoke about  no  desire  to  continue  on
                                                                      or I might use my gun when  feeling  like  she  had  done  this path.”
                                                                      I’ll be able to come. Enjoy!  little  to  support  her  values  Prosecutor  Michael  Fried-
                                                                      FREE REBEL SPIRIT.”          while  her  children  were  man said the sentence was
                                                                      The letter from Pascale Fer-  young,  and  considered  an  “appropriately  harsh
                                                                      rier,  which  also  told  Trump  herself  to  be  an  “activist”  punishment”  that  sends  a
                                                                      “give up and remove your  rather than a “terrorist.” She  clear message.
                                                                      application  for  this  elec-  expressed little remorse but  “There  is  absolutely  no
                                                                      tion,”  was  intercepted  at  said, “I want to find peace-  place  for  politically  moti-
                                                                      a  mail  sorting  facility  in  ful  means  to  achieve  my  vated violence in the Unit-
                                                                      September  2020,  before  goals,” she said.               ed  States  of  America,”  he
                                                                      it  could  reach  the  White  U.S.  District  Judge  Dabney  said.  “There  is  no  excuse
            In this file photo provided by the Hidalgo County (Texas) Sheriff’s   House.           Friedrich handed down the  for  threatening  public  offi-
            Office, showing Pascale Ferrier.                          She  was  arrested  trying  to  262-month  sentence  out-  cials or targeting our public
                                                     Associated Press   enter  a  border  crossing  in  lined in a plea agreement  servants.”q
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