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                     Friday 18 august 2023

             Taliban official says women lose value if their faces are visible to

             men in public

            By RIAZAT BUTT                                                                                                      Akif,  who  is  the  main
            Associated Press                                                                                                    spokesman  for  the  Vice
            KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) —                                                                                           and Virtue Ministry, did not
            Women  lose  value  if  men                                                                                         answer questions about the
            can  see  their  uncovered                                                                                          bans,  including  whether
            faces  in  public,  a  spokes-                                                                                      any of them could be lifted
            man for a key ministry of Af-                                                                                       if there were to be universal
            ghanistan’s Taliban govern-                                                                                         adherence  to  hijab  rules.
            ment said Thursday, adding                                                                                          He  said  there  were  other
            that  religious  scholars  in                                                                                       departments  to  deal  with
            the  country  agree  that  a                                                                                        these issues.
            woman must keep her face                                                                                            Akif said the ministry faced
            covered when outside the                                                                                            no obstacles in its work and
            home.                                                                                                               that  people  supported  its
            The Taliban, who took over                                                                                          measures.
            the  country  in  August  of                                                                                        “People  wanted  to  imple-
            2021,  has  cited  the  failure                                                                                     ment  Sharia  (Islamic  law)
            of  women  to  observe  the                                                                                         here.  Now  we’re  carrying
            proper way to wear the hi-                                                                                          out  the  implementation  of
            jab, or Islamic headscarf, as                                                                                       Sharia.”
            a  reason  for  barring  them                                                                                       All  the  decrees  are  Islam-
            from  most  public  spaces,                                                                                         ic  rulings  and  the  Taliban
            including  parks,  jobs  and                                                                                        have  added  nothing  to
            university.                  Molvi Mohammad Sadiq Akif, the spokesman for the Taliban’s Ministry of Vice and Virtue, speaks   them,  he  said.  “The  orders
            Molvi  Mohammad  Sadiq       during an interview in Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Aug. 17, 2023.              Associated Press    of Sharia were issued 1,400

            Akif, the spokesman for the                                                                                         years ago and they are still
            Taliban’s  Ministry  of  Vice  and  that  value  decreases  “Their  name  implies  they  lated from the wider Muslim  there.”
            and  Virtue,  said  in  an  in-  by  men  looking  at  her.  Al-  are  not  senior  religious  ex-  community.”     He said that under the cur-
            terview  Thursday  with  The  lah  gives  respect  to  fe-  perts,” he told The AP. “The  The  Taliban’s  restrictions  rent administration men no
            Associated  Press  that  if  males in hijab and there is  word  Taliban  means  stu-   on  girls  and  women  have  longer  harass  or  stare  at
            women’s  faces  are  visible  value in this.”             dents. “                     caused global outrage, in-   women like they used to do
            in public there is a possibil-  Dr.  Tim  Winter,  who  is  the  He said the Taliban operate  cluding from some Muslim-  in the time of the previous
            ity of fitna, or falling into sin.  Shaykh Zayed Lecturer in Is-  on  the  basis  of  textbooks  majority countries.  government.
            “It is very bad to see wom-  lamic Studies at the Faculty  used  in  village  madrassas,  On  Wednesday,  U.N.  spe-  The  Taliban  government
            en  (without  the  hijab)  in  of  Divinity  at  Cambridge  religious  schools,  and  that  cial  envoy  Gordon  Brown  also  says  it  has  destroyed
            some  areas  (big  cities),  University,  said  there  was  Muslim  scholars  who  have  said the International Crimi-  the  “evils”  of  drinking  al-
            and our scholars also agree  no scriptural mandate in Is-  been to Afghanistan during  nal Court should prosecute  cohol  and  bacha  bazi,  a
            that women’s faces should  lam for face coverings and  both periods of Taliban rule  Taliban  leaders  for  crimes  practice  in  which  wealthy
            be  hidden,”  Akif  said.  “It’s  the  Taliban  would  struggle  have been underwhelmed  against humanity for deny-  or  powerful  men  exploit
            not  that  her  face  will  be  to  find  anything  in  Islamic  by  their  level  of  religious  ing education and employ-  boys for entertainment, es-
            harmed  or  damaged.  A  scripture that backed their  knowledge.                       ment  to  Afghan  girls  and  pecially dancing and sexu-
            woman has her own value  interpretation of hijab rules.   “They have just been so iso-  women.                      al activities.q

             U.N. says militants are occupying a school complex in Lebanon

             after clashes

                                                                      By ABBY SEWELL               camp.                        safety  and  security  of  our
                                                                      BEIRUT  (AP)  —  Two  weeks  The  compound  provides  staff”  and  of  the  refugees
                                                                      after   clashes   between  education to 3,200 out of a  living in the camp.
                                                                      armed  factions  in  Leba-   total of 6,000 students in the  A  local  Palestinian  official,
                                                                      non’s  largest  Palestinian  camp,  which  is  home  to  who spoke on condition of
                                                                      refugee camp ended, mili-    more  than  50,000  people.  anonymity because he was
                                                                      tants  are  still  occupying  a  Earlier this month, Klaus said  not authorized to speak to
                                                                      United  Nations-run  school  that the start of the school  the  media,  said  militants
                                                                      complex, U.N. officials said  year might be delayed for  from both of the opposing
                                                                      Thursday.                    students  in  the  camp  due  sides  had  taken  over  dif-
                                                                      Dorothee Klaus, director of  to  damages  to  the  school  ferent  schools,  using  them
                                                                      the  U.N.  agency  for  Pales-  facilities.               as  a  “safe  haven,”  and
                                                                      tinian refugees, or UNRWA,  Klaus  said  the  continued  had looted computers and
                                                                      in Lebanon, said in a state-  presence  of  militants  is  a  equipment.
                                                                      ment that the agency has  “grave  violation  of  the  in-  The  school  buildings  had
                                                                      “received alarming reports  violability  of  UN  premises  been  heavily  fortified  to
            Members  of  the  Palestinian  Fatah  group  run  to  take  position   that armed actors continue  under  international  law,  protect  children  in  the
            during a third day of clashes that erupted with Islamist factions in   to  occupy  its  installations  which  compromises  the  event of clashes, after pre-
            the Palestinian refugee camp of Ein el-Hilweh near the southern   including  a  school  com-  neutrality  of  UNRWA  instal-  vious  outbreaks  of  fighting
            port city of Sidon, Lebanon on July 31, 2023.
                                                     Associated Press   pound” in the Ein el-Hilweh  lations and undermines the  in the camp.q
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