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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 18 august 2023
            Pentagon review calls for reforms to reverse spike in sexual

            misconduct at military academies

            By LOLITA C. BALDOR                                                                                                 In a memo, Austin acknowl-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    edges that the academies
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            “have far more work to do
            U.S.   military   academies                                                                                         to  halt  sexual  assault  and
            must  improve  their  leader-                                                                                       harassment.”  He  says  the
            ship,  stop  toxic  practices                                                                                       increase in assaults and ha-
            such  as  hazing  and  shift                                                                                        rassment “is disturbing and
            behavior  training  into  the                                                                                       unacceptable.  It  endan-
            classrooms,  according  to                                                                                          gers  our  teammates  and
            a  Pentagon  study  aimed                                                                                           degrades our readiness.”
            at  addressing  an  alarming                                                                                        Elizabeth  Foster,  executive
            spike in sexual assaults and                                                                                        director  of  the  Pentagon’s
            misconduct.                                                                                                         force  resiliency  office,  told
            U.S. officials said the acad-                                                                                       reporters   Thursday   that
            emies  must  train  student                                                                                         the  study  will  set  up  ways
            leaders better to help their                                                                                        to  measure  whether  the
            classmates,  and  upend                                                                                             changes  are  working.  But
            what  has  been  a  discon-                                                                                         she  cautioned  that  “not
            nect  between  what  the                                                                                            only are they going to take
            cadets  and  midshipmen                                                                                             time to implement, but cul-
            are  learning  in  school  and                                                                                      tural  change  does  take
            the  often  negative  and                                                                                           time.”  Foster  and  Andra
            unpunished  behavior  they                                                                                          Tharp,  the  senior  preven-
            see  by  those  mentors.  The   The Pentagon is seen in this aerial view in Washington, Jan. 26, 2020.              tion  adviser  for  the  force
            review  calls  for  additional                                                                     Associated Press   resiliency  office,  said  that
            senior  officers and  enlisted  The  study  comes  on  the  18% overall compared with  val Academy in Maryland,  while  the  academies  offer
            leaders  to  work  with  stu-  heels  of  a  report  this  year  the  previous  year,  fueled  the  Air  Force  Academy  in  a  lot  of  strong  programs,
            dents  at  the  Army,  Navy  that showed a sharp spike  in part by the Navy, which  Colorado and the U.S. Mili-     toxic  and  unhealthy  com-
            and  Air  Force  academies  in  reported  sexual  assaults  had  nearly  double  the  tary Academy at West Point  mand climates make them
            and provide the expanded  at  the  academies  during  number in 2022, compared  in New York, to explore the  less effective. When cadets
            training.  The  report,  which  the  2021-22  school  year.  It  with  2021.  The  anonymous  issues and identify solutions.  and midshipmen learn one
            was    released   Thursday,  said that one in five female  survey  accompanying  the  The  new  report,  expected  thing  about  leadership  or
            says  that  too  often  discus-  students  said  in  an  anony-  report found increases in all  to  be  released  Thursday,  prevention  in  the  class-
            sions about stress relief, mis-  mous survey that they had  types  of  unwanted  sexual  makes  several  immediate  room, but they don’t see it
            conduct, social media and  experienced        unwanted  contact    from  touching  to  and  longer-term  recom-     reinforced in other settings,
            other life issues take place  sexual  contact.  The  survey  rape  at all the schools. And  mendations  to  improve  it  sends  mixed  messages
            after hours or on the week-  results  were  the  highest  it  cited  alcohol  as  a  key  assault  and  harassment  about  what  to  expect,
            ends.  The  report  recom-   since  the  Defense  Depart-  factor.                     prevention  and  eliminate  about  how  to  be  treated
            mends that those topics be  ment     began    collecting  In  response  to  the  spike  in  toxic climates that fuel the  and how to treat others.
            addressed  in  classes  and  that data many years ago.    assaults, Defense Secretary  problems. Austin is ordering  Such mixed messages, they
            graded,  to  promote  their  Student-reported  assaults  Lloyd Austin ordered on-site  quick  implementation  of  said,  create  cynicism  and
            importance.                  at  the  academies  jumped  evaluations at the U.S. Na-   the changes.                 distrust.q

            Authorities investigating threats to grand

            jurors who indicted Trump in Georgia

            By RUSS BYNUM                seriously  and  are  coordi-  That's standard practice in
            Associated Press             nating  with  our  law  en-  Georgia, in part because it
            Authorities  in  Georgia  said  forcement   partners   to  gives  criminal  defendants
            Thursday they're investigat-  respond  quickly  to  any  a chance to challenge the
            ing threats targeting mem-   credible  threat  and  to  en-  composition  of  the  grand
            bers of the grand jury that  sure the safety of those in-  jury. The indictment itself  is
            indicted  former  President  dividuals  who  carried  out  a public record.
            Donald Trump and 18 of his  their civic duty," the sheriff's  The  American  Bar  Asso-
            allies.  Fulton  County  Sher-  office said in a statement.A  ciation  condemned  any
            iff  Pat  Labat's  office  said  Fulton  County  grand  jury  threats as well as the shar-
            investigators  are  working  returned a 41-count indict-  ing of other personal infor-
            to  trace  the  origin  of  the  ment  Monday  charging  mation  about  the  grand
            threats  after  the  names  of  Trump  and  18  others  with  jurors online.           Barricades  are  seen  near  the  Fulton  County  courthouse,
            grand  jury  members  and  illegally conspiring to over-  "The  civic-minded  mem-     Monday, Aug. 7, 2023, in Atlanta.
            other  personal  information  turn his 2020 election loss in  bers of the Georgia grand                                        Associated Press
            were  posted  online.  The  Georgia.                      jury performed their duty to
            sheriff's office said other lo-  Though the grand jury pro-  support  our  democracy,"  threatened for being good  jurors  aren't  the  only  ones
            cal,  state  and  federal  law  ceedings  were  secret,  the  the   association's   state-  citizens."              to  face  threats  over  their
            enforcement       agencies  unredacted  names  of  the  ment said. "It is unconscio-   Amid a rise in violent rheto-  involvement  in  the  four
            were assisting.              grand  jury  members  were  nable that their lives should  ric  directed  toward  public  pending   criminal   cases
            "We  take  this  matter  very  included in the indictment.  be  upended  and  safety  officials, the Georgia grand  against Trump. q
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