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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 18 august 2023
            Residents flee, airlifts begin as wildfire approaches capital of

            Canada’s Northwest Territories

            YELLOWKNIFE,     Northwest                                                                                          the  CBC.  She  said  they
            Territories (AP) — Residents                                                                                        called 911 after they drove
            of the capital of Canada’s                                                                                          into  the  ditch  a  couple  of
            Northwest  Territories  be-                                                                                         times.
            gan  fleeing  an  approach-                                                                                         She told CBC her son kept
            ing wildfire in long convoys                                                                                        saying: “I don’t want to die,
            Thursday  while  air  evacu-                                                                                        mommy.”
            ations  were  underway  for                                                                                         Canada has seen a record
            those who could not leave                                                                                           number of wildfires this year
            by road, the latest chapter                                                                                         contributing  to  choking
            in Canada’s worst fire sea-                                                                                         smoke in parts of the U.S. —
            son on record.                                                                                                      with  more  than  5,700  fires
            The  fire  was  within  16  ki-                                                                                     burning more than 137,000
            lometers  (10  miles)  of  the                                                                                      square  kilometers  (53,000
            northern  edge  of  Yellow-                                                                                         square miles), according to
            knife,  and  people  in  the                                                                                        the  Canadian  Interagen-
            four  areas  of  the  city  of                                                                                      cy  Forest  Fire  Centre.  As
            20,000  at  highest  risk  were                                                                                     of  Thursday,  1,053  wildfires
            told  to  leave  as  soon  as                                                                                       were  burning  across  the
            possible,  Fire  Information   People without vehicles lineup to register for a flight to Calgary, Alberta in Yellowknife on Thursday,   country, more than half of
            Officer Mike Westwick said.  Aug. 17, 2023.                                                                         them out of control.
            Residents  in  other  areas                                                                        Associated Press   In  the  Northwest  Territories
            should be out by noon Fri-                                                                                          alone,  268  wildfires  have
            day, because strong north  “Without rain, it is possible it  cial  Services  Authority  said  evacuated the town of Hay  already burned more than
            winds  could  push  the  fire  will  reach  the  city  outskirts  on its website.      River  on  Sunday  told  the  21,000  square  kilometers
            toward the highway need-     by the weekend.”             Prime     Minister   Justin  CBC  that  their  vehicle  be-  (8,100 square miles).
            ed  for  evacuation,  West-  Authorities  said  the  inten-  Trudeau  was  convening  gan melting as they drove  Officials  said  evacuations
            wick said.                   sive  care  unit  at  a  Yel-  an  urgent  meeting  with  through  embers,  the  front  from  the  Northwest  Ter-
            Although  some  rain  was  lowknife  hospital  would  ministers  and  senior  offi-    window  cracked  and  the  ritories  have  so  far  been
            forecast for the region, first  close within 24 hours as the  cials Thursday to discuss the  vehicle  began  filling  with  safe and orderly, and that
            responders were taking no  Northwest  Territories  health  evacuation.                 smoke that made it difficult  evacuees from the capital
            chances.                     authority starts to reduce its  About  6,800  people  in  to see the road ahead.       who  can’t  find  their  own
            “I  want  to  be  clear  that  services.                  eight  other  communities  “I was obviously scared the  accommodations  can  get
            the city is not in immediate  In-patient  units  from  Stan-  have already been forced  tire was going to break, our  support  in  three  centers  in
            danger and there’s a safe  ton      Territorial   Hospital  to  evacuate  their  homes,  car was going to catch on  the nearby province of Al-
            window  for  residents  to  would  be  moved  in  the  including  the  small  com-     fire  and  then  it  went  from  berta  that  were  expected
            leave the city by road and  coming  days,  if  required,  munity of Enterprise, where  just  embers  to  full  smoke,”  to open by noon Thursday.
            by air,” Shane Thompson, a  and  most  long-term  care  80%  of  the  town  was  de-   Lisa Mundy, who was trav-    The  closest  of  those  cen-
            government minister for the  patients  have  been  trans-  stroyed.  Officials  said  ev-  eling  with  her  husband  ters is more than 1,000 kilo-
            Territories, told a news con-  ferred  to  institutions  to  the  eryone made it out alive.  and  their  6-year-old  and  meters (620 miles) by road
            ference.                     south,  the  Health  and  So-  A  woman  whose  family  18-month-old children, told  from Yellowknife.q

             China’s defense minister promises to boost cooperation with

             Russian ally Belarus

            By Yuras Karmanau            tails  of  what  the  coopera-  livery  of  Russian  nuclear
            TALLINN,  Estonia  (AP)  —  tion will entail, but the two  weapons and on Thursday
            Chinese Defense Minister Li  countries  have  agreed  to  he said they could only be
            Shangfu on Thursday visited  hold  joint  military  exercises  used by Belarus if the coun-
            Belarus  and  said  his  coun-  next year.                try was under threat.
            try  would  increase  military  Li  visited  Russia  just  before  “Nuclear  weapons,  which
            cooperation  with  Russia’s  going to Belarus.            are  in  Belarus,  will  not  be
            neighbor  and  ally,  where  Russian  troops  that  were  used  if  there  is  no  aggres-
            Moscow is deploying tacti-   deployed  in  Belarus  were  sion  against  us,”  Lukash-
            cal nuclear weapons.         part  of  Russia’s  invading  enko said, adding that Be-
            Shangfu  met  with  strong-  force  in  Ukraine  and  Rus-  larus  would  not  enter  into
            man  President  Alexander  sian  troops  and  weapons  hostilities  against  Ukraine
            Lukashenko  in  Minsk  and  remain  there.  Belarusian  as  long  as  its  border  was
            said  “the  purpose  of  my  forces have not taken part  not  violated.  China  claims
            visit  to  Belarus  is  precisely  in the Ukraine war and Lu-  to be neutral in the conflict
            the  implementation  of  im-  kashenko on Thursday said  in Ukraine, but accuses the
            portant agreements at the  China’s  military  assistance  United  States  and  its  allies   In this handout photo released by Belarusian Presidential Press
            level of heads of state and  would  not  be  directed  of  provoking  Russia  and      Office,  Belarusian  President  Alexander  Lukashenko,  left,  and
            the further strengthening of  against  third  countries.  Lu-  maintains  strong  econom-  China’s Defense Minister Gen. Li Shangfu, right, speak during
            bilateral  military  coopera-  kashenko  has  previously  ic,  diplomatic  and  trade   their talks in Minsk, Belarus, Thursday, Aug. 17, 2023.
                                                                                                                                           Associated Press
            tion.” Neither side gave de-  said  Belarus  has  taken  de-  ties with Moscow.q
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