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u.s. news Diamars 29 Juni 2021
California bans state travel to Florida, 4 other states
(AP) — California added physicians from providing
five more states, includ- gender-affirming healthcare
ing Florida, to the list of to transgender minors — re-
places where state-funded gardless of the wishes of par-
travel is banned because ents or whether a physician
of laws that discriminate deems such care to be medi-
against members of the cally necessary.
LGBTQ community, the
state attorney general an- These lawmakers “would
nounced Monday. rather demonize trans youth
than focus on solving real
Democratic Attorney Gener- issues like tackling gun vio-
al Rob Bonta added Florida, lence beating back this pan-
Arkansas, Montana, North demic and rebuilding our
Dakota and West Virginia to economy,” Bonta said.
the list that now has 17 states
where state employee travel The state law has exemptions
is forbidden except under for some trips, such as travel
limited circumstances. needed to enforce California
law and to honor contracts
“Make no mistake: We’re in signed before the states were
the midst of an unprecedent- added to the list. Travel to
ed wave of bigotry and dis- conferences or out-of-state
crimination in this country training are examples of trips
— and the State of California that can be blocked.
is not going to support it,” South Dakota, Kentucky, der identity, block access to identity.
Bonta said. North Carolina, Kansas, health care and allow the dis- It’s unclear what effect Cali-
Mississippi, Tennessee. crimination of the LGBTQ North Dakota signed into fornia’s travel ban will have.
Lawmakers in 2016 banned community, Bonta said. law a bill allowing certain Bonta did not have informa-
non-essential travel to states The five states newly added publicly-funded student or- tion about how many state
with laws that discriminate to the list have introduced Florida, Montana, Arkan- ganizations to restrict LG- agencies have stopped send-
against lesbian, gay, bisexual bills in their legislatures this sas, and West Virginia passed BTQ students from joining ing state employees to the
and transgender people. The year that prevent transgen- laws that prevent transgen- without losing funding. states on the list or the fi-
12 other states on the list are: der women and girls from der women and girls from nancial impact of California’s
Texas, Alabama, Idaho, Iowa, participating in school sports participating in school sports Arkansas passed the first travel ban on those states.
Oklahoma, South Carolina, consistent with their gen- consistent with their gender law in the nation to prohibit
Estranged Durst brother testifies: 'He'd like to murder me'
(AP) — The estranged chance. He would embarrass Prosecutors say Berman ished a couple of days after suspect in her death but has
brother of Robert Durst, me.” provided an alibi for Robert he put her on a train to New denied any involvement and
the real estate heir on trial Durst after he killed his first York City from their lakeside has never been charged with
in his best friend’s slaying, Despite the bad blood, wife, Kathie, in 1982 and that house in Westchester Coun- a crime related to her disap-
reluctantly testified Mon- Douglas Durst said he was he silenced his friend to keep ty. Robert Durst said that was pearance.
day that the two never got not happy to testify against her from telling police what the last time he saw his wife.
along and he feared his his brother, who is on trial she knew about the disap- Douglas Durst, tan and wear-
oldest sibling would kill on charges of fatally shooting pearance. Robert Durst has “His tone was very neu- ing a crisp white shirt with
him. Susan Berman in 2000 at her pleaded not guilty. tral,” Douglas Durst said. French cuffs and a gray mask,
Los Angeles home. He said “There was no great anxiety cut a much different figure
“He’d like to murder me,” he cooperated with prosecu- Kathie Durst had told Doug- in his tone. It seemed a little than his ailing brother.
Douglas Durst bluntly told tors under threat of subpoe- las Durst she planned to seek strange.”
jurors in Los Angeles County na. a divorce from his brother, he A pale Robert Durst, 78, with
Superior Court. testified. Kathie Durst has never been a shaven head that reveals a
“There are other places I’d found, but she was declared massive scar from removing
Douglas Durst, chairman much rather be,” he said. Douglas Durst said his broth- legally dead. Robert Durst fluid on his brain, was seated
of one of New York’s larg- er told him that she had van- has long been considered a in a wheelchair and dressed
est commercial real estate in brown jail scrubs.
firms, said he had not seen
his brother in 20 years and Durst, who has bladder can-
they had not spoken since cer and several other mala-
1999. He said Robert Durst dies, stood up and addressed
was angry and bitter over an the judge to counter a sug-
acrimonious inheritance set- gestion by Deputy District
tlement for tens of millions Attorney John Lewin that he
of dollars. was seeking sympathy from
jurors by displaying his urine
Douglas Durst, chairman bag.
of the Durst Organization
that owns some of Manhat- Durst said his head was
tan’s premier skyscrapers and shaved only because it was
2,500 apartments, said he and the only haircut he could get
his brother had fought since in jail. He said he wants a
they were children. doctor to remove a catheter.
“He treated me miserably,” “I am not seeking sympathy
Douglas Durst said. “He from the jury,” Durst said in
would fight with me at every a throaty voice.