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                                                                     obituario/u.s. news Diamars 29 Juni 2021

                                                                Despite warning, town deemed condo building

                                                                                             in ‘good shape’

                                                              (AP) - Despite an engineer’s warning of ma-
                                                              jor structural problems, a town building of-
                                                              ficial told board members their Florida high-
                  “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta       rise condominium was in “very good shape”
                                di nada                       almost three years before it collapsed, accord-
                     Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta           ing to minutes of that meeting released Mon-
                            ponemi sosega.                    day.
                       E ta hibami na awa trankil,
                        Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.              The Surfside official, Rosendo “Ross” Prieto was
                                                              quoted as making those comments at a meeting of
                               Salmo: 23                      the Champlain Towers South board on Nov. 15,
                                                              2018. That was just over a month after engineering
                     Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:           firm Morabito Consultants issued a report describ-
                                                              ing key flaws in the structure.

                                                              The  discussion  with  Prieto  came  as  Champlain
                                                              Towers was beginning to explore what work was   by  town  officials.  “All  the  main  concerns  over
                                                              needed under city and county ordinances for the   their forty-year recertification process were ad-
                                                              building to meet a 40-year recertification that was   dressed.”
                                                              to arrive in 2021.
                                                                                                              Yet there is no evidence any of the critical concrete
                                                              The  board  meeting  minutes  say  that  Prieto  told   structure work ever started, the documents show.
                                                              them in 2018 the Morabito engineering report had   Owners of the 136 units had been told earlier this
                                                              collected the necessary information and “it appears   year they would have to pay their share of a $15
                                                              the building is in very good shape.”            million assessment — $9.1 million of which was
                                                                                                              major work — by July 1. That assessment ranged
                   Anoralit Angelina Roos                     A day later, Prieto told the then-town manager of   from about $80,000 for a one-bedroom unit to

                       Mihor conoci como: “Nora”              Surfside he thought the meeting was a success and   more than $330,000 for a penthouse.
                       *15-01-1948 - †25-06-2021              credited  Champlain  Towers  with  getting  a  good   Prieto no longer works at Surfside and efforts to
                                                              early start on the recertification process.     locate him Monday for comment were not im-
                    Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia                                                          mediately successful. Prieto previously told the
                               despues.                       “The response was very positive from everyone in   Miami  Herald  he  didn’t  remember  getting  the
                                                              the room,” Prieto wrote in the email, also released
                                                                                                              Morabito report and declined to comment on the
                                                                                                              November 2018 board meeting.

                                                                                                              The minutes were forwarded to Surfside officials
                                                                                                              on Sunday by an attorney for the board, accord-
                                                                                                              ing to the town.
                                                                                                              The  Morabito  report  focused  attention  on  the
                                                                                                              pool deck, which was found to have waterproof-
                                                                                                              ing underneath that had failed and had been laid
                                                                                                              flat  instead  of  sloping  to  drain  off  water.  This
                                                                                                              threatened not only the concrete slab under the
                 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all         “Señor, ta mi Wardador,             pool but also other structural areas.
                 the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house       mi n’ tin falta di nada;
                      of the LORD forever “ Psalm 23:6                  Den cunucu di yerba berde
                                                                           E ta pone mi sosega.               “Failure to replace the waterproofing in the near
                 The World changes from year to year, our lives         E ta hiba mi na awa trankil,          future will cause the extent of the concrete de-
                  from day to day, but the love and memory of                                                 terioration  to  expand  exponentially,”  said  the
                         you, shall never pass away.                 pa mi bolbe haya forsa.” Salmo 23        report, which also cited “abundant cracking” in

                                                                        Cu tristesa na nos curason,           concrete columns and beams.
                   Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa     nos ta participa fayecimento di nos ser stima:
                        fayecimento di nos ser stima:                                                         While numerous theories have emerged, no de-
                                                                                                              finitive cause has been identified in Thursday’s
                                                                                                              collapse  of  the  12-story  Champlain  Towers
                                                                                                              South building that left at least 10 people con-
                                                                                                              firmed dead and 151 missing.

                                                                                                              One problem that surfaced back in 2019 involved
                                                                                                              work at another building adjacent to Champlain
                                                                                                              Towers South.

                                                                                                              “We are concerned that the construction next to
                                                                                                              (Champlain) is too close,” board member Mara
                                                                                                              Chouela wrote in an email to Prieto in January

                                                                           Lorenzo Thiel,                     2019. The construction work, she added, is “dig-
                                                                      miho conoci como ‘Denchi’               ging too close to our property and we have con-
                                                                        *05-09-1951 - †26-06-2021             cerns regarding the structure of our building.”

                     Sra. Marilyn B. Croes                        Ta invita pa acto di condolencia y entiero:   Prieto  responded  that  Surfside  didn’t  have  an
                        Cariñosamente yama “Nanien”                diahuebs 1 di juli 2021 di 9 or – 11 or di   official role in that issue. “There is nothing for
                         *12-12-1955- †25-06-2021                 mainta na Aurora Funeral Home, despues      me to check. The best course of action is to have
                                                                  saliendo pa Santana Catolico na Paradera
                                                                                                              someone  monitor  the  fence,  pool  and  adjacent
                Acto di despedida y cremashon lo wordo anuncia   Despues di entiero nos no por ricibi bishita di   areas for damage or hire a consultant to monitor
                                                                            condolencia na cas.               these areas,” he wrote.
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