Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20210629
P. 26

A26    u.s. news
                       Diamars 29 Juni 2021

                        Driven by pandemic, Venezuelans uproot again to come to US

                                                                      U.S. government data shows  shift camps run by cartels on  cane on the riverbank.
                                                                      that  42%  of  all  families  en-  their  way  north,  most  Ven-
                                                                      countered  along  the  border  ezuelans reach the U.S. in as  Once  in  the  U.S.,  Venezu-
                                                                      in  May  hailed  from  places  little as four days.       elans tend to fare better than
                                                                      other than Mexico, El Salva-                              other  groups.  In  March,
                                                                      dor, Guatemala and Hondu-    “This  is  a  journey  they’re  Biden  granted  Temporary
                                                                      ras — the traditional drivers  definitely  prepared  for  from  Protected  Status  to  an  esti-
                                                                      of  migratory  trends.  That  a  financial  standpoint,”  said  mated  320,000  Venezuelans.
                                                                      compares  with  just  8%  dur-  Tiffany Burrow, who runs the  The designation allows peo-
                                                                      ing  the  last  sharp  increase  Val Verde Border Humanitar-  ple  coming  from  countries
                                                                      in  migration  in  2019.  The  ian Coalition’s shelter in Del  ravaged by war or disaster to
                                                                      Border Patrol recorded more  Rio, where migrants can eat,  work legally in the U.S. and
                                                                      than  180,000  encounters  in  clean up and buy bus tickets  gives protection from depor-
                                                                      May, a two-decade high that  to Miami, Houston and oth-   tation.
                                                                      includes  migrants’  repeated  er  cities  with  large  Venezu-
                                                                      attempts to cross.           elan communities.            While  new  arrivals  don’t
                                                                                                                                qualify, Venezuelans request-
                                                                      Compared  with  other  mi-   They first fly to Mexico City  ing  asylum  —  as  almost  all
            (AP)  —  Marianela  Rojas                                 grants,  Venezuelans  garner  or  Cancun,  where  foreign  do — tend to succeed, partly
            huddles in prayer with her  “It’s  over,  it’s  all  over,”  she  certain privileges — a reflec-  visitors are down sharply but  because  the  U.S.  govern-
            fellow  migrants,  a  tear-  said into the phone recently,  tion of their firmer financial  nearly 45,000 Venezuelans ar-  ment  corroborates  reports
            ful  respite  after  trudg-  crying  as  her  toddler  grand-  standing,  higher  education  rived in the first four months  of  political  repression.  Only
            ing  across  a  slow-flowing  son  appeared  shirtless  on  levels  and  U.S.  policies  that  of 2021. Smugglers promot-  26% of asylum requests from
            stretch of the Rio Grande  screen. “Everything was per-   have failed to remove Madu-  ing  themselves  as  “travel  Venezuelans  have  been  de-
            and nearly collapsing onto  fect. I didn’t stop moving for  ro but nonetheless made de-  agencies” have cropped up on  nied this year, compared with
            someone’s backyard lawn,  one second.”                    portation all but impossible.  Facebook,  claiming  to  offer  an  80%  rejection  rate  for
            where, seconds before, she                                                             hassle-free  transport  to  the  asylum-seekers from poorer,
            stepped on American soil  Last  month,  7,484  Venezu-    The  vast  majority  enter  the  U.S.  in  exchange  for  about  violence-plagued  countries
            for the first time.          elans  were  encountered  by  U.S. near Del Rio, a town of  $3,000.                    in  Central  America,  accord-
                                         Border  Patrol  agents  along  35,000 people, and they don’t                           ing  to  Syracuse  University’s
            “I won’t say it again,” inter-  the  U.S.-Mexico  border  —  try  to  evade  detention  but  “We’re doing things the way  Transactional Records Access
            rupts  a  U.S.  Border  Patrol  more  than  all  14  years  for  rather  turn  themselves in to  they do things here — under  Clearinghouse.
            agent, giving orders in Span-  which records exist.       Border Patrol agents to seek  the  table,”  a  smuggler  said
            ish for Rojas and a dozen oth-                            asylum.                      in a voice message a migrant  “I can write their asylum re-
            ers  to  get  into  an  idling  de-  The  surprise  increase  has                      shared  with  the  AP.  “You’ll  quests almost by heart,” said
            tention van. “Only passports  drawn  comparisons  to  the  Like  many  of  the  dozens  of  never be alone. Someone will  Jodi  Goodwin,  an  immigra-
            and  money  in  your  hands.  midcentury  influx  of  Cu-  Venezuelans  The  Associated  always be with you.”       tion  attorney  in  Harlingen,
            Everything  else  —  earrings,  bans  fleeing  Fidel  Castro’s  Press spoke to this month in                        Texas,  who  has  represented
            chains,  rings,  watches  —  in  communist  rule.  It’s  also  a  Del Rio, 27-year-old Lis Bri-  The  steep  price  includes  a  over 100 Venezuelans. “These
            your  backpacks.  Hats  and  harbinger  of  a  new  type  of  ceno  had  already  migrated  guided  sendoff  from  Ciu-  are  higher-educated  people
            shoelaces too.”              migration  that  has  caught  once before. After graduating  dad  Acuna,  where  the  bulk  who can advocate for them-
                                         the Biden administration off  with  a  degree  in  petroleum  of Venezuelans cross the Rio  selves  and  tell  their  story  in
            It’s  a  frequent  scene  across  guard: pandemic refugees.  engineering, she couldn’t get  Grande.  The  hardscrabble  a  chronological,  clean  way
            the  U.S.-Mexico  border  at                              hired  in  the  oil  fields  near  town a few hundred wet steps  that judges are accustomed to
            a  time  of  swelling  migra-  Many  of  the  nearly  17,306  her hometown of Maracaibo  from Del Rio is attractive to  thinking.”
            tion. But these aren’t farmers  Venezuelans   who   have  without  declaring  her  loy-  both smugglers and migrants
            and low-wage workers from  crossed  the  southern  border  alty  to  Venezuela’s  socialist  with deeper pockets because  Even Venezuelans facing de-
            Mexico  or  Central  America,  illegally  since  January  had  leadership. So she moved to  it had been largely spared the  portation  have  hope.  The
            who  make  up  the  bulk  of  been living for years in other  Chile  a  few  years  ago,  find-  violence  seen  elsewhere  on  Trump  administration  broke
            those crossing. They’re bank-  South  American  countries,  ing  work  with  a  technology  the border.             diplomatic  relations  with
            ers,  doctors  and  engineers  part  of  an  exodus  of  nearly  company.                                           Maduro  when  it  recognized
            from  Venezuela,  and  they’re  6  million  Venezuelans  since                         “If you’re a smuggler in the  Juan  Guaidó  as  Venezuela’s
            arriving in record numbers as  President  Nicolás  Maduro  But  as  anti-government  un-  business  of  moving  a  com-  rightful  leader  in  2019.  Air
            they flee turmoil in the coun-  took power in 2013.       rest and the pandemic tanked  modity  —  because  that’s  travel  is  suspended,  even
            try  with  the  world’s  largest                          Chile’s   economy,    sales  how they view money, guns,  charter  flights,  making  re-
            oil  reserves  and  pandemic-  While some are government  plunged  and  her  company  people, drugs and everything  moval next to impossible.
            induced  pain  across  South  opponents  fearing  harass-  shuttered.                  they  move,  as  a  product  —
            America.                     ment  and  jailing,  the  vast                            then  you  want  to  move  it  Meanwhile,  as  the  migrants
                                         majority  are  escaping  long-  Briceno sold what she could  through  the  safest  area  pos-  leave  Del  Rio  to  reconnect
            Two days after Rojas crossed,  running  economic  devasta-  — a refrigerator, a telephone,  sible  charging  the  highest  with loved ones in the U.S.,
            she left detention and rushed  tion marked by blackouts and  her bed — to raise the $4,000  price,”  said  Austin  L.  Skero  they  are  confident  that  with
            to  catch  a  bus  out  of  the  shortages of food and medi-  needed for her journey to the  II,  chief  of  the  U.S.  Border  sacrifice  and  hard  work,
            Texas  town  of  Del  Rio.  Be-  cine.                    U.S.  She  filled  a  backpack  Patrol’s Del Rio sector.  they’ll get an opportunity de-
            tween  phone  calls  to  loved                            and set out with a heart lock                             nied them back home.
            ones who didn’t know where  With the pandemic still rag-  amulet she got from a friend  But the number of smugglers
            she  was,  the  54-year-old  re-  ing  in  many  parts  of  South  to ward off evil spirits.  caught with weapons has re-  Briceno  said  that  if  she  had
            counted  fleeing  hardship  in  America,  they  have  had  to                          cently  increased  in  the  area,  stayed  in  Venezuela,  she
            Venezuela  a  few  years  ago,  relocate  again.  Increasingly,  “I  always  thought  I’d  come  and  agents  who  normally  would  earn  the  equivalent
            leaving a paid-off home and  they’re  being  joined  at  the  here on vacation, to visit the  hunt down criminals are tied  of  $50  a  month  —  barely
            once-solid  career  as  an  el-  U.S. border  by people from  places  you  see  in  the  mov-  up processing migrants.  enough to scrape by.
            ementary school teacher for a  the  countries  they  initially  ies,” Briceno said. “But doing
            fresh start in Ecuador.      fled  to  —  even  larger  num-  this? Never.”            The uptick in migrants cross-  “The truth is,” says Briceno,
                                         bers of Ecuadorians and Bra-                              ing  is  “purely  a  diversion  hustling  to  catch  a  bus  to
            But when the little work she  zilians have arrived this year  While  Central  Americans  tactic used by the cartels” to  Houston  where  her  boy-
            found cleaning houses dried  — as well as far-flung nations  and others can spend months  carry  out  crime,  Skero  said  friend  landed  a  well-paying
            up,  she  decided  to  uproot  hit hard by the virus, like In-  trekking  through  the  jun-  as a group of Haitians carry-  oil industry job, “it’s better to
            again  —  this  time  without  dia and Uzbekistan.        gle, stowing away on freight  ing young children emerged  wash toilets here than being
            her children.                                             trains and sleeping in make-  from a thicket of tall carrizo  an engineer over there.”
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