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                                                                                                 u.s. news Dialuna 29 november 2021

                          Chris Christie aims to shape future for GOP and for himself

            (AP)  —  Chris  Christie  is                                                                                        As  candidates  largely  break
            everywhere.                                                                                                         into  pro-  and  anti-Trump
                                                                                                                                camps, “there is a thing to be-
            The former New Jersey gov-                                                                                          ing in a unique lane that does
            ernor  and  onetime  Repub-                                                                                         in fact endorse some of Presi-
            lican  presidential  candidate                                                                                      dent Trump’s policies but at
            denounced “conspiracy theo-                                                                                         the  same  time  doesn’t  hesi-
            rists” during a September ap-                                                                                       tate to criticize where Chris-
            pearance at the Ronald Rea-                                                                                         tie would disagree with him,”
            gan Library in California. He                                                                                       said  longtime  GOP  pollster
            followed  up  with  a  speech                                                                                       Adam Geller. He worked on
            this month to influential Re-                                                                                       Christie’s two winning New
            publicans in Las Vegas, warn-                                                                                       Jersey  gubernatorial  cam-
            ing  that  the  party  will  only                                                                                   paigns  as  well  as  Christie’s
            succeed if it offers a “plan for                                                                                    2016  presidential  bid,  fol-
            tomorrow,  not  a  grievance                                                                                        lowed by Trump’s.
            about yesterday.”
                                                                                                                                Others aren’t so sure, arguing
            In between, he’s been inter-                                                                                        that Christie aligned himself
            viewed  by  everyone  from                                                                                          with  Trump  until  it  was  no
            Laura  Ingraham  on  Fox                                                                                            longer politically convenient.
            News  to  David  Axelrod,  a
            former  adviser  to  President                                                                                      Christie and Trump have had
            Barack Obama, on CNN.                                                                                               a  complicated  relationship
                                                                                                                                during  the  nearly  20  years
            On  its  face,  Christie’s  pub-  ture and wouldn’t until after  One of the biggest questions  Larry Hogan, who have taken  that they’ve been “friends.”
            licity  campaign  is  in  service  next year’s elections. But he  that  hangs  over  the  2024  high-profile  stands  against  As  a  U.S.  attorney,  Christie
            of  “Republican  Rescue,”  his  was blunt in saying he would  campaign  is  whether  Trump  Trump.                  successfully  prosecuted  the
            new book that offers a simple  run if he believes he can be  will run again. If the former                          father of Trump’s son-in-law,
            prescription  for  his  party:  elected.                  president does, polls suggest  Florida  Gov.  Ron  DeSantis  Jared  Kushner.  Trump  and
            stop  talking  nonsense  about                            he  would  easily  clinch  the  and  Mike  Pompeo,  Trump’s  Christie were fierce competi-
            2020 and focus on the future  “If  I  see  a  pathway  to  win-  nomination.  But  until  that’s  former secretary of state, have  tors  for  the  GOP  nomina-
            —  or  keep  losing  elections.  ning, I’ll run,” he said. “And  decided,  Christie  is  testing  pitched  themselves  as  fierce  tion  in  2016.  After  Christie
            But the frenzied pace of his  I feel like I have the skills and  the openness of GOP voters  Trump loyalists. Former Vice  dropped  out  of  the  race,  he
            appearances and the increas-  the  talent  and  the  ability  to  to someone who largely sup-  President  Mike  Pence  has  became the first major elect-
            ingly obvious jabs at Donald  be able to make a difference  ports Trump’s record but dis-  tried  to  find  something  of  a  ed official to endorse Trump,
            Trump  suggest  Christie  is  in our party and in the coun-  misses  Trump’s  lies  that  the  middle  ground,  highlighting  a move that lent legitimacy to
            plotting a political comeback  try.  And  I’m  certainly,  at  59  last election was stolen.  his  work  alongside  Trump  the eventual president’s cam-
            with  the  2024  campaign  in  years old, not ready to retire.                         but noting the two hold dif-  paign.
            mind.                        But I’m not going to do it if  It’s an approach that pits him  ferent  views  about  the  cir-
                                         I don’t see a pathway to win-  against  other  Republicans  cumstances  surrounding  the  “The  line  of  supporting
            In a recent interview, Christie  ning.  So  that’s  why  I’m  not  who  may  run  in  2024,  in-  Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S.  Donald Trump starts behind
            said  he  hadn’t  made  a  deci-  making any decision now.”  cluding  Rep.  Liz  Cheney  of  Capitol.               me,”  Christie  recently  told
            sion yet about his political fu-                          Wyoming and Maryland Gov.                                 Ingraham.

                            Will flight restrictions help as new virus variant emerges?

            (AP)  -  A  new  coronavi-   The  moves  have  renewed  a  the entry of new variants, said
            rus  variant  identified  in  debate  over  whether  flight  Mark Woolhouse, a professor
            southern Africa is leading  bans and other travel restric-  of  infectious  diseases  at  the
            to  a  new  round  of  travel  tions  work  to  prevent  the  University of Edinburgh.
            restrictions  just  as  many  spread of new variants. Some  “Travel restrictions can delay
            had finally begun to ease.   say  at  best  the  restrictions  but not prevent the spread of
                                         can buy time for new public  a  highly  transmissible  vari-
            The risks of the variant, called  health measures to be put in  ant,” he said.
            omicron,  are  largely  un-  place. At worst, they do little
            known. But the World Health  to stop the spread and give a  Johns  Hopkins  University
            Organization  has  called  it  a  false sense of security.  infectious  disease  specialist
            “variant of concern” and gov-                             Dr.  Amesh  Adalja  says  the
            ernments  around  the  world  The Africa Centres for Dis-  travel  restrictions  only  give
            are not waiting for scientists  ease Control and Prevention  the  public  a  false  sense  of
            to better understand the vari-  said  it  strongly  discouraged  security and should stop be-
            ant to impose flight bans and  imposing travel bans on peo-  ing  the  “knee-jerk”  reaction  countries  with  direct  flights  would  have  a  bigger  impact
            other travel restrictions.   ple  coming  from  countries  by  public  officials.  Adalja  to the affected areas.   than  when  the  delta  variant
                                         where  the  variant  was  re-  noted  imposing  restrictions  “It  is  basically  impossible  to  first emerged.
            The  U.S.  said  Friday  it  will  ported.                makes  politicians  “look  as  keep track of all travel flows,”
            ban travel from South Africa                              if  they’re  doing  something”  Tegnell  told  the  Expressen  “The surveillance is so good
            and  seven  other  African  na-  DO  TRAVEL  RESTRIC-     but doesn’t make sense when  newspaper.                   in  South  Africa  and  other
            tions by non-US citizens be-  TIONS     SLOW       THE  countries now have counter-                                 nearby  countries  that  they
            ginning  Monday.  European  SPREAD  OF  THE  VI-          measures  such  as  rapid  tests  COULD  IT  BE  DIFFER-  found  this  (new  variant),
            Union nations agreed earlier  RUS?                        and vaccines.                ENT THIS TIME?               understood it was a problem
            in the day to impose a ban on  They  might  buy  countries  Meanwhile,  Sweden’s  chief  Jeffrey  Barrett,  director  of  and  told  the  world  very  fast
            travel from southern Africa to  more  time  to  speed  up  vac-  epidemiologist,  Anders  Teg-  COVID-19  Genetics  at  the  about  it,”  he  said.  “We  may
            counter  the  variant’s  spread.  cination and introduce other  nell told a local news agency  Wellcome  Sanger  Institute,  be  at  an  earlier  point  with
            The U.K., Canada and other  measures,  like  masking  and  said he does not believe that  thought that the early detec-  this new variant so there may
            countries have imposed simi-  social  distancing,  but  they  a travel ban would have any  tion of the new variant could  still be time to do something
            lar restrictions.            are highly unlikely to prevent  major  effect,  other  than  for  mean restrictions taken now  about it.”
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