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A30     world news
                 Dialuna 29 november 2021

                         Camped in Calais, migrants renew resolve to try for England

            (AP)  —  At  the  makeshift                                                                                         kick  a  soccer  ball  around  a
            camps in France near Cal-                                                                                           patch  of  bare  ground  and
            ais and Dunkirk, migrants                                                                                           hang  laundry  on  a  fence  in
            are  digging  in,  waiting                                                                                          hopes it will dry in the weak
            for  their  chance  to  make                                                                                        sunshine.
            a  dash  across  the  Eng-
            lish  Channel  despite  the                                                                                         Patrick  yearns  to  reach  Liv-
            deaths  of  at  least  27  peo-                                                                                     erpool  and  study  political
            ple  this  week  when  their                                                                                        science. He says he has tried
            boat sank a few miles (ki-                                                                                          to  smuggle  himself  onto  a
            lometers) from the French                                                                                           vehicle  heading  for  Britain
            coast.                                                                                                              every  day  for  the  past  six
                                                                                                                                months.  Now  he’s  ready  to
            Police  have  stepped  up  pa-                                                                                      try  the  boats,  if  he  can  find
            trols  in  recent  days  and  the                                                                                   the money.
            weather has worsened, mak-
            ing this a bad time to attempt                                                                                      “I dream of England,″ he said
            a crossing. But most migrants                                                                                       “I  know  that  some  people
            say the tragedy won’t prevent                                                                                       died in the sea, but I will try
            them  from  climbing  into  a                                                                                       by sea or by any other way.”
            flimsy inflatable boat packed
            with up to 50 people in hopes                                                                                       In  Calais,  aid  groups  have
            of reaching Britain.                                                                                                taken  over  a  warehouse
                                                                                                                                where  they  collect  supplies
            “I  don’t  afraid  of  anything,”                                                                                   like  sleeping  bags,  food  and
            a 22-year-old from Iran who  as the migrants use anything  ing a subtle nod to the camp  tion  and  Forced  Displace-  firewood  that  they  distrib-
            identified  himself  only  as  they can find as fuel.     littered  with  rotting  banana  ment  at  the  University  of  ute to migrants at designated
            Kawa said in halting English.                             peels,  soggy  shoes  and  tents  Birmingham.             spots around the city.
            “Water? If we die … sorry to  The coast around Calais has  abandoned by migrants who
            say this but we already died.  long  been  the  jumping-off  have already left for England.  “So people in Calais are there  Opie  Cook,  27,  is  sorting
            Nobody accepts us anywhere.  point  for  migrants  anxious                             because  they  want  to  come  vegetables  for  a  vat  of  salad
            We’re useful. Useless, sorry,”  to  get  to  the  U.K.  But  this  Wednesday’s  tragedy  came  here,” he said.      after taking a leave of absence
            he  said,  correcting  himself.  week’s  disaster  underscores  amid a jump in the number                           from  her  job  at  HP  to  help
            “Just look at these people.”  the  combination  of  dreams  of  migrants  trying  to  cross  Britain  has  criticized  France  the migrants.
                                         and  despair  that  drives  peo-  the channel in inflatables and  for not doing enough to stop
            Kawa and his father spent the  ple to camp in drizzling rain  other  small  craft  after  the  the  boats  before  they  are  “It’s sad that it has taken such
            past six years in the Denmark,  with  temperatures  hovering  COVID-19  pandemic  lim-  launched,  but  migrants  say  a tragedy for this to be talked
            where they say they never felt  around 40 Fahrenheit (4 Cel-  ited  air  and  ship  travel  and  police have become more ac-  about again,” she said.
            free  because  they  constantly  sius)  for  the  chance  to  risk  Britain’s  departure  from  the  tive since the deaths.
            had  to  report  to  police  and  their lives at sea.     European  Union  curtailed                                Back in the camps, men take
            other  authorities.  Now  they                            cooperation  with  neighbor-  So  they  are  simply  waiting  off  their  shoes  and  nudge
            want  to  reach  England,  and  But  first  they  have  to  pay  ing  countries  in  processing  for things to calm down and  their  feet  as  close  to  the
            eventually  Canada,  because  smugglers   about    2,500  asylum-seekers  and  other  the weather to improve.       campfires  as  possible,  try-
            “they are good to Iranians.”  pounds ($3,300) for a seat in  migrants.                                              ing to dry them off and stay
                                         a boat.                                                   Amanj,  20,  a  Kurdish  activ-  warm.
            They  are  among  a  group  of                            More  than  23,000  people  ist from Iran, says he has no
            about  150  young  Kurdish  Ari, who like other migrants  have  already  entered  the  choice  but  to  press  on.  His  Amid  the  despair,  there  is
            men and a smattering of fam-  declined to give his last name  U.K. on small boats this year,  father was recently jailed and  also determination.
            ilies  camped  Saturday  on  a  for  fear  of  being  deported  up  from  8,500  last  year  and  the family doesn’t know what
            disused railroad line in hopes  if  he  is  caught,  is  a  physics  just 300 in 2018, according to  happened  to  him.  Amanj  Ari,  the  teacher  from  Iraq,
            of escaping the damp ground  teacher  from  Iraq  who  left  data compiled by Parliament.  fears he could be next.  traveled  first  to  Belarus  be-
            below.  Alongside  a  collec-  home  because  he  couldn’t                                                          fore  taking  a  train  through
            tion of incongruously bright  find work.                  Despite  this  increase,  the  “Maybe I would die if I was  Poland,  then  through  Ger-
            red, green and blue tents near                            number  of  people  applying  in  Iran,  you  know.  Maybe  I  many  to  reach  the  channel
            Dunkirk,  they  pull  hoods  He  says  he  is  frightened  for  asylum  in  Britain  is  still  was … killed by police with  coast.
            over  their  heads,  hunch  about  the  crossing  —  but  relatively low compared with  a  gun,  Nobody  knows,”  he
            shoulders inside winter jack-  the chance for a better life is  other  European  countries.  said. “If not today, maybe to-  His  destination  is  Bour-
            ets and huddle next to small  worth the risk.             Migrants heading for Britain  morrow you die anyway.”     nemouth, where he has fam-
            fires to stay warm as an early                            usually do so because of fam-                             ily. And he intends to make it.
            winter  chill  grips  northern  “Everyone  is  scared  But  ev-  ily,  historical  or  geopolitical  Fifteen miles (25 kilometers)
            Europe.  The  smell  of  burn-  eryone  here  —  they  die  (a  reasons,  said  Nando  Sigona,  to the west at a camp outside  “We want to get free,” he says.
            ing  plastic  hangs  in  the  air  little) every day,” he said, giv-  chair of International Migra-  Calais, migrants from Sudan  “That’s why we’re here.’’
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