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A28     u.s. news
                 Dialuna 29 november 2021

                          Some states dropping ‘dehumanizing’ terms for immigrants

            (AP)  —  Luz  Rivas  re-                                                                                            use more “dignified, respect-
            members seeing the word                                                                                             ful”  terms.  He  said  he  sug-
            on her mother’s residency                                                                                           gested the change because he
            card as a child: “alien.”                                                                                           felt  the  original  terms  were
                                                                                                                                belittling to those seeking to
            In  the  stark  terms  of  the                                                                                      work  through  the  immigra-
            government,  it  signaled  her                                                                                      tion process.
            mother was not yet a citizen
            of the U.S. But to her young                                                                                        Fierro said he plans to intro-
            daughter,  the  word  had  a                                                                                        duce  another  bill  to  replace
            more    personal   meaning.                                                                                         the  terms  during  the  state’s
            Even though they were going                                                                                         next  regular  legislative  ses-
            through  the  naturalization                                                                                        sion, in 2023.
            process,  it  meant  the  family
            did not belong.                                                                                                     “We  are  just  trying  to  treat
                                                                                                                                people humanely,” he said.
            “I want other children of im-
            migrants, like me, to not feel                                                                                      Rosalidia  Dardon  knows
            the same way I did, that my                                                                                         from  personal  experience
            family did, when we saw the                                                                                         why the language surround-
            word ‘alien’,” said Rivas, now                                                                                      ing immigration is so impor-
            an  assemblywoman  in  the                                                                                          tant.
            California Legislature.
                                                                                                                                After  fleeing  violence  in  El
            The  Democratic  lawmaker  Colorado  law,  said  during  a  about  what  semi-controver-  Scott said in an interview.  Salvador,  she  spent  roughly
            sought to retire the term and  legislative  committee  hear-  sial words are buried in their                        16 months in an immigration
            this  year  authored  a  bill  —  ing that words such as “ille-  state statutes.”      An  analysis  by  The  Associ-  detention  center  in  Califor-
            since signed into law — that  gal” were “dehumanizing and                              ated  Press  (which  doesn’t   nia before arriving at a refu-
            replaces  the  use  of  “alien”  derogatory” when applied to  The  Biden  administration  refer to people as “aliens” ex-  gee  home  in  Texas  in  2016.
            in  state  statutes  with  other  immigrants.  Gonzales  said  also received some pushback  cept in direct quotes) found   She was determined to find a
            terms  such  as  “noncitizen”  the  legislation  aimed  to  re-  after its change in policy.  that more than a dozen states   job while she sought asylum
            or  “immigrant.”  Her  effort  move the only place in Col-                             still use the terms “alien” or   but  had  lost  her  work  visa
            was inspired by a similar shift  orado  statute  where  “illegal  In  April,  U.S.  Customs  and  “illegal”  in  statutes  referring   after her protected status ex-
            earlier this year by the Biden  alien”  was  used  to  describe  Border  Protection  ordered  to immigrants. Among them   pired.
            administration.              people  living  in  the  U.S.  il-  employees  to  avoid  using  is  Texas,  where  a  legislative
                                         legally.                     the  word  “alien”  in  internal  attempt  to  transition  to  dif-  Dardon, 54, blames the ankle
            Immigrants  and  immigrant-                               documents and public com-    ferent terminology advanced   monitor she was required to
            rights  groups  say  the  term,  “That language has been of-  munications and instead use  out  of  committee  with  bi-  wear  and  the  description  of
            especially  when  combined  fensive  for  many  people,”  “noncitizen”  or  “migrant.”  partisan backing this year but   immigrants with terms such
            with  “illegal,”  is  dehuman-  she  said.  “And  some  of  the  “Illegal  alien”  also  was  out,  failed to get a hearing before   as  “illegal”  for  a  job  search
            izing and can have a harmful  rationale behind that is really  to be replaced by descriptions  the full Texas House.  marked by rejection after re-
            effect on immigration policy.  rooted in this idea that a per-  such as “undocumented non-                          jection.
                                         son can certainly commit an  citizen.”
            The  word  became  a  focal  illegal act, but no human be-                             This is the text of a Texas bill   One  specific  moment  re-
            point  of  debate  in  several  ing themselves is illegal.”  “We  enforce  our  nation’s  seeking  to  prohibit  owner-  mains frozen in her memory.
            states earlier this year as the                           laws  while  also  maintaining  ship  of  agricultural  land  by
            number  of  migrants  at  the  Using  “alien”  to  describe  the dignity of every individ-  someone  who  is  not  a  U.S.   “I  won’t  give  you  a  job  be-
            U.S.-Mexico  border  swelled  those who are not U.S. citi-  ual with whom we interact,”  citizen, or by a foreign busi-  cause  you  are  a  criminal,”
            and  led  to  fierce  backlash  zens  has  a  long  history,  dat-  Troy  Miller,  acting  commis-  ness  or  government.  The   Dardon told the AP in Span-
            against Biden administration  ing to the nation’s first natu-  sioner, wrote to employees of  AP has highlighted the word   ish,  repeating  what  a  hiring
            policies  by  Republican  gov-  ralization  law,  passed  while  the largest U.S. law enforce-  ‘alien’  to  illustrate  its  use  in   manager in Texas said to her.
            ernors and lawmakers.        George    Washington   was  ment agency, which includes  state documents.
                                         president. Fearing a war with  the  Border  Patrol.  “The                              “I would ask myself and God
            Lawmakers  in  at  least  seven  France, Congress also passed  words we use matter and will  State Rep. Art Fierro, a Dem-  why  I  was  given  an  ankle
            states considered eliminating  the Alien and Sedition Acts in  serve  to  further  confer  that  ocrat, said he expected “kick-  monitor  if  my  only  sin  was
            use  of  “alien”  and  “illegal”  1798,  which  sought  to  sup-  dignity  to  those  in  our  cus-  back”  when  he  originally   to  go  to  a  country  that  was
            in state statutes this year and  press political subversion.  tody.”                   proposed  the  change.  But   not  my  own,”  said  Dardon,
            replacing them with descrip-                                                           following committee discus-  whose  immigration  case  re-
            tions such as “undocument-   Changing  the  long-standing  Border Patrol Chief Rodney  sions, he said that to his sur-  mains pending. “Without La-
            ed” and “noncitizen,” accord-  government   terminology  Scott  objected,  writing  to  prise the change was seen by   tinos, this country would spi-
            ing  to  the  National  Confer-  around  immigration  is  not  others in the agency that the  both  parties  as  an  effort  to   ral  downwards.  That’s  why
            ence of State Legislatures.  universally  accepted  as  nec-  edict  contradicted  language                         we should be treated better.”
                                         essary or desirable.         in  criminal  statutes  —  al-
            Only  two  states,  California                            though  Miller  made  an  ex-
            and Colorado, actually made  Sage  Naumann,  spokesper-   ception  for  legal  documents
            the change.                  son for the Colorado Senate  —  and  plunged  the  agency
                                         Republicans, said the Demo-  into a partisan debate. Scott,
            “I  want  all  Californians  that  cratic-controlled  Legislature  a  Trump-era  appointee,  re-
            are  contributing  to  our  so-  should  be  spending  its  time  fused to sign off on the order
            ciety, that are small business  on matters of deeper impor-  and  believes  his  outspoken-
            owners,  that  work  hard,  to  tance  to  residents,  such  as  ness on that and other issues
            feel that they are part of Cali-  taking steps to fight inflation,  contributed  to  him  being
            fornia  communities,”  Rivas  tackle crime and improve ed-  forced out of his position in
            said of the reason behind her  ucation.                   June.
                                         Naumann  said  he  doubted  “To  change  the  law  is  fine,
            State  Sen.  Julie  Gonzales,  that  “the  average  Colora-  but  until  then  you’re  really
            who  co-sponsored  the  new  dan — or American — cares  politicizing  the  mission,”
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