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                                                                                                       sports Diahuebs 31 Maart 2022

                         California panel OKs reparations limit for slave descendants

            (AP)  -  California’s  first-  of slavery and its harms and  sation  and  restitution  plan
            in-the-nation  task  force  to  educate  the  public  about  based  on  genealogy  as  op-
            on reparations has decid-    its findings.                posed  to  race  has  the  best
            ed to limit state compen-                                 change  of  surviving  a  legal
            sation  to  the  descendants  Reparations efforts at the fed-  challenge. They also opened
            of free and enslaved Black  eral level have not gone any-  eligibility to free Black people
            people  who  were  in  the  where, but cities and univer-  who  migrated  to  the  coun-
            U.S.  in  the  19th  century,  sities are taking up the issue.  try  before  the  20th  century,
            narrowly  rejecting  a  pro-  The  mayor  of  Providence,  given  possible  difficulties  in
            posal to include all Black  Rhode  Island,  announced  a  documenting  family  history
            people  regardless  of  lin-  city  commission  in  Febru-  and the risk at the time of be-
            eage.                        ary while the city of Boston  coming enslaved.
                                         is  considering  a  proposal  to
            The  vote  Tuesday  split  5-4,  form  its  own  reparations  Others on the task force ar-
            and  the  hours-long  debate  commission.                 gued that reparations should
            was at times testy and emo-                               include  all  Black  people  in  hind us.”                yet  separate  harms,  such  as
            tional. Near the end, the Rev.  The Chicago suburb of Evan-  the  U.S.  who  suffer  from                           slavery, Jim Crow laws, mass
            Amos  Brown,  president  of  ston, Illinois, became the first  systemic  racism  in  housing,  But Kamilah Moore, a lawyer  incarceration  and  redevel-
            the  San  Francisco  branch  of  U.S. city to make reparations  education  and  employment  and  chair  of  the  task  force,  opment  that  resulted  in  the
            the NAACP and vice chair of  available  to  Black  residents  and  said  they  were  defining  said  expanding  eligibility  displacement  of  Black  com-
            the  task  force,  pleaded  with  last  year,  although  some  say  eligibility  too  soon  in  the  would create its own fissures  munities.
            the  commission  to  move  the program has done noth-     process.                     and was beyond the purpose
            ahead with a clear definition  ing to right a wrong.                                   of the committee.            Compensation  could  in-
            of who would be eligible for                              Civil rights attorney and task                            clude free college, assistance
            restitution.                 California’s task force mem-  force  member  Lisa  Holder  “That is going to aggrieve the  buying  homes  and  launch-
                                         bers  —  nearly  all  of  whom  proposed  directing  econo-  victims  of  the  institution  of  ing businesses, and grants to
            “Please,  please,  please  I  beg  can  trace  their  families  back  mists  working  with  the  task  slavery,  which  are  the  direct  churches and community or-
            us  tonight,  take  the  first  to  enslaved  ancestors  in  the  force to use California’s esti-  descendants  of  the  enslaved  ganizations, advocates say.
            step,” he said. “We’ve got to  U.S. — were aware that their  mated 2.6 million Black resi-  people in the United States,”
            give emergency treatment to  deliberations  over  a  pivotal  dents  to  calculate  compen-  she said. “It goes against the  The  eligibility  question  has
            where it is needed.”         question  will  shape  repara-  sation  while  they  continue  spirit of the law as written.”  dogged  the  task  force  since
                                         tions  discussions  across  the  hearing from the public.                              its inaugural meeting in June,
            Gov. Gavin Newsom signed  country. The members were                                    The committee is not even a  when viewers called in plead-
            legislation  creating  the  two-  appointed  by  the  governor  “We  need  to  galvanize  the  year into its two-year process  ing  with  the  nine-member
            year reparations task force in  and  the  leaders  of  the  two  base  and  that  is  Black  peo-  and there is no compensation  group to devise targeted pro-
            2020,  making  California  the  legislative chambers.     ple,”  she  said.  “We  can’t  go  plan of any kind on the table.  posals and cash payments to
            only state to move ahead with                             into this reparations proposal  Longtime  advocates  have  make whole the descendants
            a study and plan, with a mis-  Those favoring a lineage ap-  without  having  all  African  spoken of the need for mul-  of  enslaved  people  in  the
            sion  to  study  the  institution  proach  said  that  a  compen-  Americans  in  California  be-  tifaceted remedies for related  U.S.

                        White House: Intel shows Putin misled by advisers on Ukraine

            (AP)  —  U.S.  intelligence  offi-  the White House.                    now persistent tension between him  sian prestige lost by the fall of the So-
            cials  have  determined  that  Rus-                                     and senior Russian military officials.  viet Union.
            sian  President  Vladimir  Putin  is  The intelligence finding, which was
            being  misinformed  by  advisers  recently  declassified,  indicates  that  The  U.S.  believes  Putin  is  being  “What it does is underscore that this
            about his military’s poor perfor-   Putin is aware of the situation on in-  misled not only about his military’s  has been a strategic blunder for Rus-
            mance  in  Ukraine,  according  to  formation coming to him and there is  performance but also “how the Rus-  sia,”  Bedingfield  said  of  the  intelli-
                                                                                    sian  economy  is  being  crippled  by  gence finding. “But I’m not going to
                                                                                    sanctions  because  again,  his  senior  characterize  how  ...  Vladimir  Putin
                                                                                    advisers are too afraid to tell him the  might be thinking about this.”
                                                                                    truth,”  White  House  communica-
                                                                                    tions  director  Kate  Bedingfield  said  Meanwhile,  Biden  told  Ukrainian
                                                                                    Wednesday.                          President Volodymyr Zelenskyy dur-
                                                                                                                        ing a 55 minute call that an additional
                                                                                    Earlier, President Joe Biden said in an  $500 million in direct aid for Ukraine
                                                                                    exchange with reporters that he could  was on its way. It’s the latest burst in
                                                                                    not comment on the intelligence.    American  assistance  as  the  Russian
                                                                                                                        invasion grinds on.
                                                                                                                        Asked  about  the  latest  intelligence,
                                                                                    The  administration  is  hopeful  that  Secretary  of  State  Antony  Blinken
                                                                                    divulging the finding could help prod  suggested that a dynamic within the
                                                                                    Putin  to  reconsider  his  options  in  Kremlin exists where advisers are un-
                                                                                    Ukraine, according to a U.S. official.  willing to speak to Putin with candor.
                                                                                    The  official  was  not  authorized  to
                                                                                    comment and spoke on the condition  “One of the Achilles’ heels of autoc-
                                                                                    of  anonymity.  The  war  has  ground  racies  is  that  you  don’t  have  people
                                                                                    to  a  bloody  stalemate  in  much  of  in those systems that speak truth to
                                                                                    the  country,  with  heavy  casualties  power  or  have  the  ability  to  speak
                                                                                    and Russian troop morale sinking as  truth  to  power,  and  I  think  that’s
                                                                                    Ukrainian forces and volunteers put  what we’re seeing in Russia,” Blinken
                                                                                    up an unexpectedly stout defense.   told reporters during a stop in Algeria
                                                                                                                        on Wednesday.
                                                                                    But the publicity could also risk fur-
                                                                                    ther  isolating  Putin,  who  U.S.  offi-  The unidentified official did not de-
                                                                                    cials have said seems at least in part  tail underlying evidence for how U.S.
                                                                                    driven by a desire to win back Rus-  intelligence made its determination.
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