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A30    world news
                    Diahuebs 31 Maart 2022

                          Saudi-offered, rebel-rejected cease-fire starts in Yemen war

                                                                                    more severe than the war itself,” he  delegates success in their talks.
                                                                                    wrote on Twitter early Wednesday.
                                                                                                                        The summit is expected to continue
                                                                                    The United Nations and others had  through April 7.
                                                                                    been  pushing  the  warring  sides  to
                                                                                    reach  a  truce  for  Ramadan,  as  has  Yemen’s  war  began  in  Septem-
                                                                                    tenuously  occurred  in  the  past.  Ra-  ber  2014,  when  the  Houthis  swept
                                                                                    madan is likely to start this weekend,  into  the  capital,  Sanaa,  from  their
                                                                                    depending on the sighting of the new  northwestern  stronghold  in  the
                                                                                    crescent moon.                      Arab  world’s  poorest  country.  The
                                                                                                                        Houthis  then  pushed  into  exile  the
                                                                                    The GCC, whose members are Bah-     government of President Abed Rab-
                                                                                    rain,  Kuwait,  Oman,  Qatar,  Saudi  bo Mansour Hadi, elected in 2012 as
                                                                                    Arabia and the United Arab Emirates,  the sole candidate after the long rule
                                                                                    began  the  talks  Tuesday  in  Riyadh.  of Ali Abdullah Saleh.
                                                                                    On Wednesday, Saudi state television
                                                                                    aired an open portion of the discus-  A  Saudi-led  coalition,  including  the
                                                                                    sions live.                         UAE, entered the war in March 2015
            (AP)  —  A  Saudi-led  coalition  because  the  Iran-backed  rebels  are                                    to try and restore Hadi’s government
            battling rebels who hold Yemen’s  skipping  an  ongoing  summit  over  GCC  Secretary-General  Nayef  al-   to power. But the war stretched into
            capital  began  a  unilateral cease-  the  war  in  Saudi  Arabia,  called  by  Hajraf  welcomed  the  Yemeni  del-  long bloody years, pushing Yemen to
            fire  Wednesday  in  the  yearslong  the  Saudi-based  Gulf  Cooperation  egations to Riyadh, hailing the talks  the brink of famine.
            war,  even  as  the  insurgents  said  Council, because it’s taking place on  in  his  speech  as  a  “breakthrough  to
            they rejected the proposal.         their adversary’s territory.        move Sanaa from war to peace.”      More than 150,000 people have been
                                                                                                                        killed in the warfare, according to the
            The  Saudi-proposed  pause  in  fight-  Within  hours,  Houthi  official  Mo-  “The  path  to  security  and  peace  in  Armed Conflict Location and Event
            ing began at 6 a.m. ahead of the holy  hammed al-Bukaiti rejected the offer  Yemen is not impossible, even if the  Data  Project.  Those  include  both
            Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.  over the continuing closure of Sanaa’s  challenges  are  great,”  al-Hajraf  told  fighters and civilians; the most recent
            Several similar efforts have failed, and  airport and restrictions on the coun-  the vast hall of officials and diplomats.  figure for the civilian death toll in Ye-
            there was no immediate independent  try’s ports by the Saudi-led coalition.  “The success of the Yemeni consulta-  men’s conflict stands at 14,500.
            confirmation  on  whether  hostilities                                  tions is not an option, but a duty.”
            paused between Saudi-led forces and  “If the blockade is not lifted, the dec-                               Saudi airstrikes have killed hundreds
            Yemen’s Houthi rebels.              laration of the coalition of aggression  The U.N. special envoy for Yemen,  of civilians. The Houthis have used
                                                to stop its military operations will be  Hans  Grundberg,  called  the  Saudi-  child  soldiers  and  indiscriminately
            The  cease-fire  announcement  late  meaningless because the suffering of  led coalition’s cease-fire offer “a step  laid landmines across the country.
            Tuesday had raised immediate doubts  Yemenis as a result of the blockade is  in the right direction” and wished the

                             For climate migrants in Bangladesh, town offers new life

            (AP)  —  The  29-year-old  whom  moved  from  villages  there  as  an  example  of  how  a  million  climate  migrants  refugees because of sea level
            Monira  Khatun  was  dev-    near  the  Sundarbans  forest,  climate refugees could trans-  each,”  said  Huq.  “Thus  we  rise,  river  erosion,  cyclonic
            astated after her husband  the world’s largest mangrove  form  their  life  through  new  can  offer  alternatives  to  at  storms  and  intrusion  of  sa-
            abandoned  her  suddenly.  forest  which  straddles  the  opportunities,  through  a  least  10  million  climate  mi-  line  water.  The  World  Bank
            She returned to her father  border of Bangladesh and In-  new approach of adaptation,”  grants over next one decade.”  in a new report said last year
            only to face another blow:  dia  and  harbors  endangered  said  Huq,  whose  institute                             that  Bangladesh  will  have
            He died soon after, leaving  Bengal tigers.               conducts  environmental  re-  Climate scientists say low-ly-  more than 19 million internal
            her to shoulder three oth-                                search.                      ing  Bangladesh  is  extremely  climate refugees by 2050, al-
            er  family  members’  care.  Being  forced  by  climate                                vulnerable to the impacts of  most half the projected num-
            Without any work, she was  change to move, within bor-    “Mongla has offered new op-  climate  change  and  millions  ber for the entire South Asia
            worried  about  how  she  ders or beyond, is a growing  portunities to them. With its  are  at  the  risk  of  being  dis-  region.
            would feed them.             reality  expected  to  acceler-  seaport  and  an  export  pro-  placed  —  becoming  climate
                                         ate  in  the  decades  ahead.  cessing zone and climate-re-
            “I lost everything. There was  Over  the  next  30  years,  143  silient infrastructure, Mongla
            darkness all around,” Khatun  million  people  are  likely  to  town has become a different
            said. “My parents’ home was  be  uprooted  by  rising  seas,  story,” Huq said.
            gone to the river for erosion,  drought,  searing  tempera-
            we had no land to cultivate.”  tures  and  other  climate  ca-  “Now,  we  expect  to  repli-
                                         tastrophes,  according  to  an  cate the Mongla model to at
            She  ended  up  working  at  a  Intergovernmental   Panel  least two dozen other coastal
            factory in a special economic  on  Climate  Change  report  towns  across  Bangladesh  as
            zone that employs thousands  published last month by the  safe  home  for  climate  refu-
            of  climate  refugees  —  like  United  Nations.  Leaders  gees,” he said. “Currently, we
            Khatun — in the southwest-   in  Asia,  already  one  of  the  are talking to mayors and of-
            ern  town  of  Mongla,  where  hardest-hit  continents,  are  ficials of almost half a dozen
            Bangladesh’s  second-largest  scrambling to confront major  municipalities about the suc-
            seaport is located.          changes taking place.        cess in Mongla.”

            These refugees from climate-  Climate  scientists  like  Sal-  Huq said more than a dozen
            impacted  areas  within  Ban-  eemul  Huq,  director  of  the  satellite towns, all adjacent to
            gladesh  lost  their  homes,  Dhaka-based   International  economic  hubs  such  as  sea
            land  and  livelihood,  but  Centre  for  Climate  Change  and river ports, have already
            found  a  new  life  in  the  riv-  and Development, are brand-  been  identified  as  potential
            erside coastal town about 50  ing Mongla as a climate-resil-  migrant-friendly locations.
            kilometers (30 miles) inland  ient town for the refugees.
            from the Bay of Bengal.                                   “These  are  all  secondary
                                         “When  it  comes  to  adapta-  towns  with  populations  of
            Some  150,000  people  now  tion,  Mongla  is  a  success  up  to  half  a  million,  which
            live  in  Mongla  —  many  of  story.  Changes  are  coming  can shelter up to another half
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