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A32 sports
Oklahoma governor signs transgender sports ban into law
The new law was quickly panned by who is transgender, held a sign that
civil rights groups as unnecessarily read: “How does it feel bullying kids
targeting a group of people who al- needing support?”
ready are marginalized.
“They’re not going to keep trans kids
“Transgender people belong every- from playing sports, having fun or
where, but with the swipe of a pen living their lives,” Kleber said. “What
and a public display, Governor Stitt they are going to do with this bill is
has sent a clear message to Oklaho- tell them they’re not invited in spac-
ma’s vulnerable transgender youth es and amongst everyone else, that
that they are not welcome or accepted they’re not equal, that they’re not
in our state,” Tamya Cox-Toure, the loved, that they’re not cared for.”
executive director of the Oklahoma
chapter of the American Civil Liber- A similar bill did not advance last year,
ties Union. “Ultimately, SB2 violates but several supporters of the measure
the United States Constitution and said they were convinced to vote for
federal civil rights law, puts Oklaho- it after University of Pennsylvania
ma at risk of losing federal funding, swimmer Lia Thomas, a trans wom-
(AP) — Oklahoma Gov. Kevin mon sense,” said Stitt, a first-term and harms transgender youth, all to an, won a title earlier this month at
Stitt signed a bill into law on Republican who is running for re- solve a problem that does not exist.” the national NCAA Women’s Divi-
Wednesday that prevents trans- election. “When it comes to sports sion I championship.
gender girls and women from and athletics, girls should compete The state’s governing body for high
competing on female sports against girls. Boys should compete school sports, the Oklahoma Second- Some opponents had raised concerns
teams, joining a dozen other against boys. And let’s be very clear: ary Schools Activity Association, has about the NCAA pulling sports tour-
states with similar laws. That’s all this bill says.” had a policy in place since 2015 ad- naments from Oklahoma, including
dressing transgender athletes’ partici- the Women’s College World Series
Flanked by more than a dozen young The bill, which easily passed the pation in sports, but OSSAA spokes- held each year in Oklahoma City, but
female athletes, including his 14-year- Republican-led House and Senate man Van Shea Iven said no school has Stitt said he wasn’t concerned.
old daughter Piper, Stitt signed the mostly along party lines, took effect ever requested enforcement of the
measure, dubbed the “ Save Women’s immediately with the governor’s policy for a male student transition- “We’re not worried about it, because
Sports Act.” signature. It applies to female sports ing to female. we know Oklahomans are with us
teams in both high school and col- and the majority of Americans are
“This bill, the Save Women’s Sports lege. Outside the room where Stitt signed with us as well,” he said.
Act, to us in Oklahoma is just com- the bill, 26-year-old Cara Kleber,
Close to reaching World Cup, US looks to avoid last-day flop
(AP) — American soccer’s still got a job to do,” Yed- goals was in 1957. started among the group last Berhalter planned to contact
harrowing memory of the lin said. “Obviously, we’re week in Mexico. Berhalter those not in Costa Rica to
loss in Trinidad 4 1/2 years in a good situation and we “We’re not taking anything also revealed the hamstring congratulate them.
ago remains omnipresent, know that. but I think going for granted,” coach Gregg injury that sidelined Reyna
if no longer raw. into the Trinidad game, we Berhalter said. “We’re com- from September until Febru- Players prepared to celebrate
thought we were in a good ing here to be aggressive in ary included nerve issues that at National Stadium, at least
Denied a berth in the 2018 situation, as well.” the game and to win the soc- were solved. in one respect. They have a
World Cup by a 2-1 defeat to cer game. That’s our inten- new JBL Boombox 2, a wa-
an already-eliminated oppo- Canada (28 points) has tion. We’re not going to be If the U.S. qualifies, Berhal- terproof portable Bluetooth
nent, U.S. players try not to clinched one of the three au- cautious. We’re not going to ter has little time to prepare speaker purchased by team
think about the fact they will tomatic berths from North sit back. We’re not going to for Friday’s draw, where the administrator Sam Zapatka.
qualify for this year’s tourna- and Central America and the play for a tie.” Americans would be in pot Weah is the DJ.
ment as long as they don’t Caribbean, the U.S. (25) is two. The match ends about
lose to Costa Rica by six goals second ahead of Mexico on The U.S. has nine losses and 9 p.m. local time, and he and “Since I’ve been with the na-
or more in Wednesday night’s goal difference and Costa one draw in qualifiers at San staff have plans to catch an tional team, we’ve had this
qualifying finale. Rica (22) is fourth. Because Jose, and one victory, two 11:54 p.m. flight to New York tiny little Bose speaker, and
the Americans have a plus- defeats and three draws in and a connection to Doha, every camp we talk about we
“The guys have told us, that 13 goal difference and Costa road qualifiers in this cycle. Qatar. Coaches and players need to get a new speaker,
have been here and through Rica is at plus-three, the U.S. Using one of the youngest usually try not to think ahead we need to get new speak-
this path before, that we could be denied only by a de- rosters in international soc- of a game but Berhalter was ers,” Yedlin said. “I don’t
thought we qualified last feat of at least six goals. cer, the Americans began last forced to. know why it took eight years
World Cup,” midfielder Ty- September with a 0-0 draw at or however long it took, but
ler Adams said Tuesday. “The “The media has classified us El Salvador and a 1-1 draw at Twenty-seven of the 44 play- finally, we got a nice speaker
fans thought we did, as well. as the golden generation and home against Canada, then ers on U.S. qualifying ros- that we can play, so we’re
But we hadn’t when we real- the generation that’s going gained strength over the five ters are with the team. and pretty excited about it.”
ized our game was finished to qualify for the next World qualifying windows.
and we lost.” Cup,” 22-year-old winger
Tim Weah said. “We do carry Pulisic has five of the Ameri-
Just four players remain from a lot of that weight on our cans’ 21 goals, including his
the American roster that left shoulders, and qualifying first international hat trick in
tears on the field on Couva: for the World Cup, it’s not Sunday’s 5-1 home rout of
Christian Pulisic, DeAndre only for us, it’s for the group Panama.
Yedlin, Kellyn Acosta and before, it’s for the Clints
Paul Arriola. (Dempsey), it’s for DeAn- Right back Reggie Cannon
dres, for Jozy (Altidore), all rejoined the team after recov-
“I know this and Christian, the guys that didn’t get to do ering from COVID-19. Gio
too, better than anyone: It’s it again.” Reyna is still not 90-minute
not over until it’s over. We ready while he is among 30
can’t be too complacent. We The last time the U.S. lost players and staff recover-
can’t be too relaxed. We’ve a competitive match by six ing from a stomach bug that