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A28    u.s. news
                    Diahuebs 31 Maart 2022

                        Number of Ukraine refugees passes worst-case U.N. estimate

                                                                      old son a month ago. She says  Russia  launched  its  invasion  safe place to stay or are head-
                                                                      they  will  only  return  when  on  Feb.  24  and  sparked  Eu-  ing  to  bordering  European
                                                                      “bombs  stop  exploding  in  rope’s  largest  refugee  cri-  countries.  UNHCR  teams
                                                                      my city” and “when Russian  sis since World War II. That  and their partners have been
                                                                      troops  completely  leave  our  number  exceeds  the  worst-  working  to  deliver  protec-
                                                                      territory.”                  case predictions made at the  tion, emergency shelter, cash
                                                                                                   start of the war.            assistance,  core  relief  items
                                                                      Elena  Litvinova,  a  33-year-                            and other critical services for
                                                                      old  accountant  from  Myko-  Half  of  the  refugees  from  refugees.
                                                                      laiv, is also skeptical of Rus-  Ukraine  are  children,  ac-
                                                                      sia’s  promises  and  will  only  cording  to  UNHCR  and  UNHCR projected from the
                                                                      head  home  with  her  two  the  U.N.  children’s  agency  onset  that  about  4  million
                                                                      young  children  when  “our  UNICEF.                      people  might  flee  Ukraine
                                                                      president says that the war is                            and said it was regularly reas-
                                                                      over.”                       More than 2.3 million refu-  sessing its forecasts.
                                                                                                   gees  from  Ukraine  entered
            (AP)  —  The  number  of  ated Press, echoed the opin-    “During  the  negotiations,  Poland, but some have since  Aid workers say the number
            people  who  have  fled  ion  of  Ukrainian  President  the  city  administration  and  traveled  on  to  other  coun-  of people fleeing eased in re-
            Ukraine  since  Russian  Volodymyr Zelenskyy. In his  children’s  educational  insti-  tries.  A  small  number  have  cent  days  as  many  residents
            troops  invaded  has  sur-   nightly video address, Zelen-  tutions  where  my  children  returned  to  Ukraine,  either  awaited  indications  of  the
            passed  4  million,  the  skyy said that given what was  studied were destroyed,” she  to help in the defense against  direction the invasion might
            United  Nations  reported  happening  on  the  ground,  said at a refugee center in Ro-  the  Russians  or  to  care  for  take. The U.N. estimates the
            Wednesday  as  shelling  there was no reason to believe  mania’s  central  city  of  Bra-  relatives.               war  also  has  displaced  6.5
            continued in places where  Russia’s  statement  about  re-  sov, where she says they will                           million  people  within  the
            Moscow had vowed to ease  ducing  military  activity  near  stay until the war is over. “It’s  More  than  608,000  refugees  country.
            its military operations.     Kyiv and in Chernihiv, a be-  still very scary, every day we  have  entered  Romania,  over
                                         sieged northern city.        get messages from home that  387,000  have  gone  to  Mol-  The  International  Organi-
            “I  do  not  know  if  we  can                            there is shooting and bomb-  dova, and about 364,000 have  zation  for  Migration,  which
            still  believe  the  Russians,”  “We can call those signals that  ing.”                entered  Hungary  in  the  last  tracks  not  just  refugees  but
            refugee Nikolay Nazarov, 23,  we  hear  at  the  negotiations                          five  weeks,  UNHCR  said,  all people on the move from
            said as he crossed Ukraine’s  positive,”  Zelenskyy  said  in  Olha  Kovalyova,  who  ar-  based  on  counts  provided  their homes, reported earlier
            border  into  Poland  with  his  his address to the Ukrainian  rived  in  Poland  with  her  by the governments of those  this  month  that  more  than
            wheelchair-bound father.     people.  “But  those  signals  two children, said she didn’t  countries.               12  million  people  are  esti-
                                         don’t  silence  the  explosions  trust Moscow because it had                           mated to be stranded in areas
            Despite  Russia’s  announce-  of Russian shells.”         failed to fulfill earlier prom-  U.N.  High  Commissioner  of  Ukraine  under  attack  or
            ment during talks on Tuesday                              ises  made  in  the  framework  for  Refugees  Filippo  Grandi  cannot leave because of secu-
            that its forces would ease their  For  Diana  Konstantynova,  a  of 2014 and 2015 agreements  entered Ukraine on Wednes-  rity  risks,  the  destruction  of
            assault near Ukraine’s capital,  45-year-old accountant from  aimed at ending fighting be-  day and said he would be in  bridges and roads and a lack
            Kyiv, and elsewhere, Nazarov  Vinnytsia  in  south  Ukraine,  tween  Russia-backed  sepa-  the western city of Lviv and  of  information  about  safe
            said  he  expects  “more  esca-  Russia’s  promise  to  scale  ratists  and  Ukrainian  forces  discuss ways to increase sup-  destinations and lodging.
            lation” in the country’s east,  back its attacks is not a signal  in the eastern Donbas region.  port  “to  people  affected  and
            including the city he and his  she can safely return home.                             displaced  by  this  senseless  All  told,  more  than  22  mil-
            father fled.                                              The  U.N.  refugee  agency,  war.”                        lion people are either blocked
                                         “I do not believe in a truce,”  UNHCR,  said  Wednesday                                from  moving  or  have  been
            Nazarov,  like  other  refugees  said Konstantynova, who fled  that more than 4 million peo-  Lviv  has  become  a  destina-  forced  to  flee,  IOM  figures
            interviewed  by  The  Associ-  to Romania with her 8-year-  ple  have  left  Ukraine  since  tion for Ukrainians seeking a  show.

                           With at least one GOP vote, Jackson likely to be confirmed

            (AP) — Maine Sen. Susan  and  likely  saves  them  from  would also be the first former  2020. Collins, who was up for  she  will  always  agree  with
            Collins  said  Wednesday  having to use Vice President  public defender on the court.  reelection that year, said she  Jackson’s decisions.
            she  will  vote  to  confirm  Kamala  Harris’  tie-breaking                            voted against Barrett because
            Judge Ketanji Brown Jack-    vote to confirm President Joe  It  is  expected  that  all  50  of  the  accelerated  six-week  “That alone, however, is not
            son,  giving  Democrats  at  Biden’s  pick.  Senate  Demo-  Democrats  will  support  her,  timeline. “It’s not a comment  disqualifying,”  Collins  said.
            least one Republican vote  cratic  leaders  are  pushing  though  one  notable  moder-  on her,” Collins said of Bar-  “Indeed,  that  statement  ap-
            and  all  but  assuring  that  toward  a  Senate  Judiciary  ate  Democrat,  Arizona  Sen.  rett at the time.       plies to all six justices, nomi-
            Jackson  will  become  the  Committee vote on the nom-    Kyrsten  Sinema,  hasn’t  yet                             nated  by  both  Republican
            first Black woman on the  ination  Monday  and  a  final  said how she will vote.      In  her  statement  supporting  and  Democratic  presidents,
            Supreme Court.               Senate vote to confirm Jack-                              Jackson,  the  Maine  senator  whom  I  have  voted  to  con-
                                         son late next week.          Collins  was  the  most  likely  said  she  doesn’t  expect  that  firm.”
            Collins  met  with  Jackson  a                            Republican  to  support  Jack-
            second  time  this  week  af-  Biden  called  Collins  on  son, and she has a history of
            ter four days of hearings last  Wednesday to thank her after  voting  for  Supreme  Court
            week  and  said  Wednesday  her  announcement,  accord-   nominees  picked  by  presi-
            that  “she  possesses  the  ex-  ing  to  the  senator’s  office.  dents of both parties, as well
            perience,  qualifications  and  The president had called her  as other judicial nominations.
            integrity to serve as an asso-  at least three times before the
            ciate justice on the Supreme  hearings, part of a larger push  The  only  Supreme  Court
            Court.”                      to  win  a  bipartisan  vote  for  nominee  she’s  voted  against
                                         his historic pick.           since her election in the mid-
            “I  will,  therefore,  vote  to                           1990s  is  Justice  Amy  Coney
            confirm her to this position,”  Jackson,  who  would  replace  Barrett, who was nominated
            Collins said.                retiring Justice Stephen Brey-  by  then-President  Donald
                                         er, would be the third Black  Trump after the death of Jus-
            Collins’ support gives Dem-  justice, after Thurgood Mar-  tice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in
            ocrats  at  least  a  one-vote  shall  and  Clarence  Thomas,  the  weeks  before  Trump’s
            cushion in the 50-50 Senate  and  the  sixth  woman.  She  election  defeat  to  Biden  in
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