Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20220331
P. 29
world news Diahuebs 31 Maart 2022
Germany warns on Russian gas, Poland to end oil imports
(AP) — Germany and “There have been several gered — a step also taken
Austria activated early comments from the Russian Wednesday by Austria — was
warning plans Wednesday side that if this (payments in a precautionary measure and
amid concerns that Mos- rubles) doesn’t happen, then Germany was prepared for a
cow could cut natural gas the supplies will be stopped,” sudden stop in Russian gas
deliveries, while Poland Economy Minister Robert supplies.
announced steps to end Habeck told reporters in Ber-
all Russian oil imports by lin. Still, he warned of “consider-
year’s end, in fresh signs able impacts” if that were to
of how Russia’s war in Hours later, German officials happen and urged consumers
Ukraine is affecting Eu- said Chancellor Olaf Scholz to help prevent a shortage by
rope’s energy security. had received assurances from conserving energy.
Russian President Vladimir
The German government Putin that European com- “We are in a situation where,
said it was establishing a crisis panies won’t have to pay for I have to say this clearly, ev- most need gas — such as hos- “well filled,” according to the
team to step up monitoring Russian gas supplies in rubles ery kilowatt hour of energy pitals and private households head of its Regulatory Energy
of the gas supply, and called but could continue to pay in saved helps,” Habeck said. — receive it, Habeck said. Commission, but still asked
on companies and house- euros as stipulated by existing He added that Germany’s gas for some efforts to save en-
holds to conserve energy fol- contracts. storages are currently filled to “We’re not there and we don’t ergy.
lowing demands by Russia about 25% capacity. want to go there,” he added.
that deliveries should be paid Scholz had asked for further “If we don’t do that, there is
in rubles. details of the process, which A second warning level France also called Wednes- a risk next winter for con-
involves payments to a Rus- would require companies in day for “those who can” to sumption demand to be su-
Western nations have reject- sian bank not subjected to the gas industry to take nec- conserve energy, including perior to our ability to meet
ed that demand, arguing it sanctions, his office said. essary measures to regulate electricity and gas, focusing that demand,” Jean-Francois
would undermine sanctions supply. The third and highest especially on businesses and Carenco told the BFM news
imposed because of the war. Habeck had earlier said that level entails full state inter- public facilities. The coun- broadcaster.
the level one warning trig- vention to ensure those who try’s gas storage facilities are
El Salvador forces encircle neighborhoods in gang crackdown
(AP) — Security forces in peace compared to earlier Bukele enjoys extremely high in line with international hu- was not limited (in the state
intensified operations periods of bloodshed. popularity in El Salvador, but man rights law and standards. of emergency) and there are
against El Salvador’s some heavy handed tactics already citizens denouncing
street gangs Tuesday with That changed last weekend have faced criticism. Bukele responded via Twitter the encircling of neighbor-
mass arrests, the cordon- when 89 people were killed that the organizations criti- hoods.”
ing off of neighborhoods in a four-day span, compared Opposition politicians and cizing his actions now had
and house-by-house to 79 in all of February. The nongovernmental organi- done nothing to help El Sal- William Soriano, a lawmaker
searches under a state of Congress passed Bukele’s zations say security forces vador battle the gangs. from Bukele’s New Ideas
emergency that has raised state of emergency early Sun- are going beyond even their party, suggested the spike in
concerns among some or- day giving authorities broad newly enhanced powers. Eduardo Escobar, director murders could have been a
ganizations it could open latitude in making arrests and of the local nongovernmen- message from the gangs after
the door to human rights extending jail time while in- Human Rights Watch said in tal Citizen Action organiza- the government took control
abuses. vestigations are carried out. a statement Tuesday that the tion, noted that the state of of two bus routes in the capi-
government should confront emergency had not included tal earlier this month. The
Rather than back down un- Attorney General Rodolfo gang violence, but while re- restrictions on mobility, yet gangs extort transportation
der growing criticism, Presi- Delgado told state television specting rights. “Instead of security forces had encircled companies and drivers and
dent Nayib Bukele appeared that in the past two days near- protecting Salvadorans, this some neighborhoods, con- the government takeover of
ready to double down, an- ly 1,500 alleged gang mem- broad state of emergency is trolling who entered and nearly 300 vehicles slashed a
nouncing late Tuesday that bers were captured “without a recipe for disaster that puts who left. revenue stream.
he had asked the president firing a single shot.” their rights at risk,” the orga-
of the Congress to convene nization said. At an entrance to the San “Coincidentally after they
lawmakers to give him more Only two murders were con- Jose El Pino neighborhood intervene in certain public
legal tools to take on gangs. firmed Monday compared to The Inter-American Com- in Santa Tecla near the capi- transportation routes which
62 on Saturday. mission on Human Rights tal Tuesday, soldiers wear- function as a way to laun-
The country’s relatively condemned measures that ing masks and carrying rifles der money for the gangs,
low homicide rate during “I’ve been a victim of the keep incarcerated gang mem- stopped everyone entering as a source of income for
Bukele’s administration had gangs, I’ve paid them (extor- bers inside their cells 24 and leaving, searched cars the gangs ... this spike oc-
been one of his most tout- tion),” said Esteban Maravil- hours a day and reduce their and backpacks and required curs,” Soriano said. “It means
ed accomplishments. Even la, who works in transporta- food to two meals a day. identification documents. they’re directly touching the
while some raised doubts tion. “They should lock them They denied access to an As- gangs’ pockets.”
about how it was obtained, all up.” “The measures implement- sociated Press reporter.
the country had been living ed in the prisons constitute The state of emergency could
policies of a repressive nature “I have my employment card last 30 days and possibly be
that can result in serious vio- and my (identification) and extended.
lations of the humans rights I haven’t had problems, but
of persons deprived of liber- they search everything, ev- Bukele has railed against
ty,” the commission said. erything,” said Héctor Flores politicians from previous
Stéphane Dujarric, spokes- near a military barricade. administrations who alleg-
man for United Nations “The soldiers and police en- edly entered into pacts with
Secretary-General Antonio tered Sunday night and went the street gangs to lower kill-
Guterres, said Tuesday the house to house. I believe they ings in exchange for benefits
Secretary General was con- took them (gang members) for their imprisoned leaders.
cerned with the sharp in- all, but they are still looking.” The president has vehement-
crease in gang killings and National lawmaker Claudia ly denied that his administra-
trusted that measures taken Ortiz of the conservative Va- tion had entered into a simi-
by the government would be mos party, said, “Free transit lar deal.