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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 25 Maart 2022

                           Louisiana digging out after tornadoes plow through homes

            (AP) — Louisiana Nation-     tornado bore down.           decimation, homes appeared
            al  Guardsmen  and  other                                 intact.
            responders  went  door-to-   There were “no injuries, ca-
            door in some areas around  sualties or significant damage  Collin  Arnold,  director  of
            New Orleans on Wednes-       reported  in  Orleans  Parish,”  homeland security and emer-
            day as the region dug out  New Orleans Mayor LaToya  gency  preparedness  in  New
            from overnight tornadoes,  Cantrell said Wednesday, but  Orleans,  described  “incred-
            with  Gov.  John  Bel  Ed-   tornadoes  touched  down  in  ible  devastation”  in  Arabi,
            wards declaring a state of  Arabi,  just  east  of  the  city,  where he said a state team in-
            emergency and calling the  and further east in Lacombe,  cluding fire, EMS and police
            destruction “devastating.”   across Lake Pontchartrain.   officers  from  across  Louisi-
                                                                      ana  was  doing  searches  and
            Other tornadoes spawned by  In  Arabi,  debris  hung  from  damage assessments.
            the  same  system  caused  so  electrical  wires  and  trees
            much  damage  in  Texas  that  amid destroyed houses. Pow-  Louisiana  activated  300  Na-
            the governor declared a disas-  er poles were down, forcing  tional  Guard  personnel  to
            ter in 16 counties. Buildings  emergency  workers  to  walk  clear roads and provide sup-  downed  power  lines  forced  rainfall  in  the  central  Ala-
            were  shredded  in  Alabama,  slowly  through  darkened  port. They joined firefighters  emergency  workers  to  walk  bama city of Sylacauga over-
            where  torrential  rainfall  was  neighborhoods  checking  for  and  others  searching  door-  slowly through the wreckage.  night.  The  roofs  of  several
            recorded.                    damage early Wednesday.      to-door to make sure no one  Michelle  Malasovich  was  homes were damaged in Tox-
                                                                      had  been  left  behind,  said  texting  relatives  from  her  ey,  Alabama,  where  tornado
            Two  people  were  killed  and  The  National  Weather  Ser-  John Rahaim Jr., the parish’s  home  in  Arabi  when  “all  of  warnings were issued.
            multiple others were injured  vice  said  the  Arabi  damage  homeland security director.  a  sudden  the  lights  started
            as the storm front blew across  had been caused by a torna-                            flickering.” Her husband saw  The  Mississippi  Emergency
            the  South,  upending  homes  do of at least EF-3 strength,  Residents  of  severely  dam-  the twister approaching.  Management  Agency  said  a
            and the lives of the residents  meaning it had winds of 158-  aged  or  destroyed  homes  in                        dozen  counties  had  damage
            in them. The dead included  206  mph  (254-332  km/h),  Arabi swept up broken glass  The couple inside that home  to  homes  and  two  injuries
            a woman north of Dallas and  while   the   Lacombe-area  and tried to salvage their be-  emerged  from  the  wreck-  were reported.
            a person in St. Bernard Par-  twister  was  an  EF-1,  with  longings.  The  community  age  seeking  help  to  rescue
            ish,  next  to  New  Orleans.  winds  as  strong  as  90  mph  next to the city’s Lower 9th  their  daughter,  who  was  on  The vicious weather hit Texas
            Authorities  didn’t  immedi-  (145 km/h).                 Ward  was  wrecked  by  Hur-  a  breathing  machine  and  on Monday, with several tor-
            ately describe how they were                              ricane Katrina in 2005 and hit  trapped inside, neighbors and  nadoes reported along the In-
            killed.                      Television  stations  broadcast  hard  again  when  Hurricane  authorities  said.  St.  Bernard  terstate 35 corridor. In Elgin,
                                         live images as the storm dam-  Ida swept through last year.  Parish President Guy McIn-  broken  trees  lined  the  rural
            Edwards  declared  an  emer-  aged  an  area  about  2  miles                          nis later said the girl was “do-  roads  and  pieces  of  metal
            gency  in  St.  Bernard,  Or-  (3.2  kilometers)  long  and  Stacey Mancuso’s family had  ing fine.”                hung  from  the  branches  as
            leans, Jefferson and St. Tam-  a  half-mile  (0.8  kilometer)  just  finished  repairing  dam-                      residents  stepped  gingerly
            many  parishes.  After  flying  wide  in  St.  Bernard  Parish,  age  from  Ida,  which  ripped  Gene  Katz  said  he,  his  wife  through the mess.
            over  the  area  Wednesday,  where  Ochsner  Health  said  off the roof and caused exten-  and their two children hid in
            he  walked  the  streets  of  the  eight patients were treated in  sive water damage. Huddling  a closet as the tornado pushed  Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said
            tornado-stricken Arabi com-  an emergency department.     in the laundry room with her  their  home  off  its  slab  and  10  people  were  injured  by
            munity  near  New  Orleans,                               husband,  two  children  and  caved in the part where they  storms in the Crockett area,
            greeting storm victims pick-  From  the  air,  the  Arabi  dogs, they all survived as the  took shelter.            while  more  than  a  dozen
            ing through the wreckage of  twister’s  path  of  destruction  tornado  blew  away  part  of                        were  reportedly  hurt  else-
            their homes.                 reflected  in  a  tight  swath  of  their new roof.       As  the  storm  front  moved  where. The Grayson County
                                         homes  that  were  roofless  or                           eastward, an apparent twister  Emergency   Management
            In front of her roofless home,  reduced to splinters, the line  Entergy  reported  that  about  shredded  a  metal  building  Office  said  a  73-year-old
            another  woman  told  Ed-    of  wreckage  interrupted  in  3,700  of  its  customers  re-  and  shattered  windows  east  woman  was  killed  in  Sher-
            wards that she, her husband  spots where the tornado ap-  mained  without  electricity  of Mobile Bay. The weather  wood Shores, about 60 miles
            and their 1-year-old son took  parently skipped over build-  Wednesday. A strong smell of  service  reported  more  than  (95 kilometers) north of Dal-
            refuge in the bathroom as the  ings. Outside that thin line of  natural gas was in the air, and  8 inches (20 centimeters) of  las, but provided no details.

                        Takeaways: Supreme Court hearings a venue for culture wars

            (AP)  —  It’s  not  just  Su-  the  potential  to  confirm  a  menting  that  his  panel  had  Georgia,  she  explained  that  eral  judge,  have  provided  a
            preme  Court  nominee  judge  who  would  help  the  become  “the  testing  ground  prior to the court’s 1963 rul-  lengthy  record  of  difficult
            Judge    Ketanji    Brown  court look more like Ameri-    for  conspiracy  theories  and  ing in Gideon v. Wainwright,  cases  for  senators  to  review,
            Jackson who is being scru-   ca.                          culture war theories.”       people who were accused of  in  particular  as  Republicans
            tinized.  Senators  are  also                                                          crimes  but  couldn’t  afford  have suggested she is soft on
            being  watched  at  this  Others,  led  by  Sens.  Josh  Nevertheless,  he  declared,  lawyers were not guaranteed  crime. Critics say she brings
            milestone moment in his-     Hawley  and  Ted  Cruz,  quiz  “America is ready for the Su-  the right to legal representa-  too  much  “empathy”  to  the
            tory  considering  the  first  the  federal  judge  about  her  preme Court glass ceiling to  tion.                 cases.
            Black woman for the high  views  on  issues  of  race  and  finally shatter.”
            court.                       crime,  amplifying  election                              “The protections of the Sixth  Democrats counter that Jack-
                                         year  grievances  and  a  back-  Here  are  some  takeaways  Amendment,  the  right  to  son, who comes from a fam-
            Some senators are overcome  lash over changing culture.   from Day Three of the week-  trial,  includes  the  right  to  ily  with  police  officers,  is
            with  “joy,”  as  Cory  Booker                            long confirmation hearings.  appointed  counsel,  so  that  backed  by  the  Fraternal  Or-
            of New Jersey described the  Jackson appeared for a third                              everybody who is accused of  der  of  Police,  the  large  law
            swell of emotion he felt over  day  before  the  Senate  Judi-  Jackson  is  the  first  federal  criminal  behavior  now  has  enforcement organization.
                                         ciary Committee for grueling  public defender to be nomi-  the right to an attorney,” she
                                         confirmation  hearings  that  nated to the Supreme Court,  said.                       Jackson’s  record  is  being
                                         are providing a vivid portrait  and  she  related  her  views                          scrutinized much the way the
                                         of  the  nation’s  promise,  but  about the importance of the  “And that’s very important.”  work of the first Black nomi-
                                         also its enduring racial chal-  work to ensure fair trials for                         nee  to  the  court,  Thurgood
                                         lenges.                      all Americans.               Jackson’s  efforts  represent-  Marshall,  the  storied  civil
                                                                                                   ing those accused of crimes,  rights  attorney,  was  probed
                                         Chairman Sen. Dick Durbin,  Under questions from Dem-     alongside   the   sentences  for representing criminal de-
                                         D-Ill, opened Wednesday la-  ocratic  Sen.  Jon  Ossoff  of  she  handed  down  as  a  fed-  fendants a half a century ago.
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