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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 25 Maart 2022

                       NATO extends Stoltenberg term for a year due to Russia’s war

            (AP)  —  With  the  threat  mandate was due to expire in  ing  that  he  prioritizes  con-
            of wider conflict hanging  September.                     tinuing in the important role
            over  Europe,  NATO  opt-                                 he has in NATO,” Slagsvold
            ed for stability on Thurs-   In  a  tweet,  Biden  said  that  Vedum said.
            day  by  extending  Secre-   Stoltenberg  has  “done  a  re-
            tary-General Jens Stolten-   markable  job  leading  and  Stoltenberg, 63, has described
            berg’s term in office for an  strengthening  our  Alliance  Russia’s  war  on  Ukraine  as
            extra year to help steer the  —  particularly  during  this  “the  most  serious  security
            30-nation  military  alli-   critical  moment  for  interna-  situation we have been in for
            ance through the security  tional security.”              decades.”
            crisis  sparked  by  Russia’s
            war on Ukraine.              In  February,  Norway’s  gov-  Stoltenberg has been praised
                                         ernment  appointed  Stolten-  for  steering  NATO  through
            Stoltenberg  tweeted  Thurs-  berg  as  head  of  the  Scandi-  a difficult and divisive period
            day  that  he  is  “honored”  by  navian country’s central bank  under the Trump administra-
            the decision of NATO lead-   and  said  it  hoped  he  could  tion,  when  the  U.S.  threat-
            ers  to  extend  his  term  until  start in his new role around  ened not to come to the aid  Stoltenberg was twice prime  Wolden Bache was due to be
            Sept. 30, 2023.              Dec. 1.                      of  member  countries  that  minister in Norway — from  formally  be  named  the  cen-
                                                                      weren’t spending enough on  2000 to 2001 and then again  tral bank chief later Thursday
            “As  we  face  the  biggest  se-  In  Oslo,  Finance  Minister  defense.               from 2005 to 2013 — and he  for a six-year term.
            curity  crisis  in  a  generation,  Trygve Slagsvold Vedum con-                        also served as finance minis-
            we stand united to keep our  firmed  that  Stoltenberg  had  Speaking  to  reporters  on  an  ter, and industry and energy  “Norges  Bank  has  great  re-
            alliance strong and our peo-  resigned from the job. Tem-  Air Force One flight to Brus-  minister.                 spect  for  Mr  Stoltenberg’s
            ple safe,”  he  said,  after  U.S.  porary governor Ida Wolden  sels on Wednesday, U.S. Na-                         decision made in the light of
            President  Joe  Biden  and  his  Bache  has  been  nominated  tional  Security  Advisor  Jake  Norwegian  Prime  Minister  his very important responsi-
            counterparts agreed to extend  in his place and her appoint-  Sullivan said Biden and Stol-  Jonas  Gahr  Støre  told  Nor-  bilities  as  Secretary  General
            his term at a summit in Brus-  ment is expected to be con-  tenberg have “developed a re-  wegian  news  agency  NTB  of NATO,” she said.
            sels.                        firmed later Thursday.       lationship of trust.”        that  Stoltenberg  had  done
                                                                                                   “a solid job” as NATO chief.  Prior  to  Thursday’s  an-
            The    former    Norwegian  “Of course I would like to see  “Secretary-General  Stolten-  “Never  before  has  the  al-  nouncement,   speculation
            prime  minister  was  named  Jens Stoltenberg become our  berg  has  played  an  instru-  liance  been  stronger,  and  had  been  rife  that  a  woman
            to NATO’s top civilian post  next  central  bank  governor,  mental role in helping secure  never before in the alliance’s  would be named at the helm
            in October 2014. It’s the sec-  but we are in the middle of a  the  powerful  unity  you’ve  history has unity been more  of  the  world’s  biggest  secu-
            ond time that his term of of-  dramatic situation in Europe  seen  at  NATO  through  this  important.”             rity organization for the first
            fice  has  been  extended.  His  and I have great understand-  crisis,” Sullivan said                               time.

                             EU agrees on Russia sanctions so far, but energy divides

            (AP)  —  The  European  war,  EU  nations  imposed  homes warm and the wheels                                       EU’s executive arm, has pro-
            Union preserved a sense of  tough  measures  targeting  of industry turning.           He  reflected  the  position  of  posed slashing the bloc’s de-
            rarely seen unity through  Russia’s  economy  and  fi-                                 EU  nations  like  Germany,  pendency on Russian gas by
            four  rounds  of  unprec-    nancial  system  as  well  as  “We are not at war with our-  Austria and the Netherlands.  two-thirds this year. The EU
            edented sanctions against  President Vladimir Putin and  selves,”  Belgian  Prime  Min-  They are running up against  is in talks with the U.S. to en-
            Russia over its invasion of  Russian oligarchs.           ister Alexander De Croo said  other member states situated  sure extra deliveries of lique-
            Ukraine. But at a summit                                  at  the  summit  in  Brussels,  closer  to  Russia  that  want  fied natural gas and have also
            Thursday,  the  27  leaders  Unlike  the  U.S.,  they  have  where  sanctions  and  energy  tougher action now.     started discussions with other
            faced division on the big-   so  far  spared  Russian  fossil  were  key  topics.  “Sanctions                       suppliers.
            gest issue of all: energy.   fuels,  highlighting  the  EU’s  must  always  have  a  much  “As long as we are purchasing
                                         reliance on the country’s oil,  bigger impact on the Russian  energy  from  Russia,  we  are  Maria  Zakharova,  spokes-
            During  the  first  month  of  natural  gas  and  coal  to  keep  side than on ours.”  financing  the  war,  and  this  woman for the Russian For-
                                                                                                   is  the  big  problem  that  we  eign Ministry, said Thursday
                                                                                                   have,” Finland Prime Minis-  that  European  nations  that
                                                                                                   ter Sanna Marin said.        don’t want to work with Rus-
                                                                                                                                sia on energy should “just tell
                                                                                                   She  was  joined  by  Baltic  their citizens who is destroy-
                                                                                                   leaders  in  demanding  swift  ing their prosperity and how.
                                                                                                   action.                      We will cooperate with those
                                                                                                                                who are interested in ensur-
                                                                                                   “We have to continue to iso-  ing  their  own  energy  secu-
                                                                                                   late Putin’s economy — Rus-  rity.”
                                                                                                   sia’s economy — to stop the
                                                                                                   money flowing into the war  High energy prices triggered
                                                                                                   machine,”  Latvian  Prime  by a supply crunch in Europe
                                                                                                   Minister Krisjanis Karins told  have  for  months  triggered
                                                                                                   reporters.  “The  most  logical  rising energy bills and prices
                                                                                                   place  to  move  forward  is  in  at  the  pump,  worsening  as
                                                                                                   oil and coal.”               the  war  has  jolted  energy
                                                                                                   The EU imports 90% of the
                                                                                                   natural  gas  used  to  generate  Last  year,  the  EU’s  imports
                                                                                                   electricity,  heat  homes  and  of Russian goods were worth
                                                                                                   supply  industry,  with  Russia  158.5  billion  euros,  with
                                                                                                   supplying almost 40% of EU  mineral fuels accounting for
                                                                                                   gas and a quarter of its oil.  62%,  or  98.9  billion  euros,
                                                                                                                                according  to  the  European
                                                                                                   Instead  of  an  embargo,  the  Commission.
                                                                                                   European  Commission,  the
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