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A30    world news
                   Diabierna 25 Maart 2022

                      Nicaragua’s OAS ambassador: “free” after blasting government

                                                            view with The Associated Press.                 when Nicaragua was shaken by protests, he started
                                                                                                            thinking his government could do things different-
                                                            The day before, the Nicaraguan official asked for  ly. In that moment, however, he was a press attaché
                                                            a point of order during an online meeting of the  at the Nicaraguan embassy in Washington, he said.
                                                            OAS to discuss unrelated topics and started speak-
                                                            ing on behalf of “more than 177 political prisoners  Last fall, he said, he proposed to his government
                                                            and more than 350 people that have lost their lives  that it free political prisoners who were sick or old.
                                                            in my country since 2018.”                      He was told that wouldn’t even be considered, he
                                                            “To denounce the dictatorship of my country is not
                                                            easy but to keep silent and to defend what is in-  The “last straw” was Tamara Davila’s case, he said.
                                                            defensible is impossible,” said McFields, who until  Davila is a Nicaraguan activist who has been in jail
                                                            now had defended Ortega’s government when it  for the last nine months, “without being able to hug
                                                            was criticized by members of the OAS.           his 5-year-old daughter.” McFields has a 5-year-old
                                                                                                            daughter himself, so he felt “moved” by her case.
                                                            His speech was soon on social media. Ortega’s gov-
                                                            ernment issued a statement saying that McFields  “It broke me,” he said. “I started crying.”
                                                            “does not represent us so none of his statements
                                                            are valid.” On Thursday, the Nicaraguan govern-  Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Denis Moncada an-
                                                            ment said that his appointment is “no longer in ef-  nounced in November that the Central American
                                                            fect.”                                          nation would withdraw from the OAS, complain-
                                                                                                            ing of its “repeated acts of meddling” in Nicaragua.
                                                            Ortega was elected to a fourth consecutive term in
                                                            Nov. 7 elections that were broadly criticized as a  McFields,  the  first  Afro-Nicaraguan  to  represent
                                                            farce. Seven likely challengers to Ortega were ar-  his country before the OAS, is a former journalist.
            (AP) — Nicaragua’s ambassador to the Orga-      rested and jailed in the months prior to the elec-  He wouldn’t say whether he has asked for asylum
            nization of the American States said he had  tion.                                              in the U.S. but he said the Ecuadorean government
            been  feeling  a  “weight  in  his  heart”  for  the                                            offered him asylum yesterday and he is considering
            last couple of weeks.                           The  OAS  General  Assembly  had  voted  to  con-  all his options along with his family.
                                                            demn the elections, saying they “were not free, fair
            He  said  he  lifted  it  on  Wednesday  when  he  de-  or transparent, and lack democratic legitimacy.”  He also has a message for current Ortega officials.
            nounced his own government as a “dictatorship” in
            a break with the administration of President Daniel  McFields, who is 46 and has lived in Washington  “Lose your fear and don’t lose your hope. Speak
            Ortega.                                         D.C. since 2011, said on Thursday that he hadn’t  up because you don’t agree. You are tired,” he said.
                                                            told  anyone  what  he  was  about  to  do  except  his  “There is a tiredness, a profound sadness. There
            “I feel free. I feel like I can look at my daughter in  wife.                                   are officials who are leaving (the government) but
            the eyes. I can look at myself in the mirror,” Arturo                                           they leave in silence.”
            McFields said on Thursday during a phone inter-  The  Nicaraguan  official  said  that  around  2018,

                           Ukraine says Moscow is forcibly taking civilians to Russia

            (AP)  —  Ukraine  accused  have taken the eastern town  cated to Russia and whether  them to various distant, eco-  and are being offered jobs on
            Moscow  on  Thursday  of  of Izyum after fierce fighting.  they were going willingly —  nomically depressed areas in  condition they don’t leave for
            forcibly  taking  hundreds                                as Russia claimed — or were  Russia.                      two years. The ministry said
            of  thousands  of  civilians  At  an  emergency  NATO  being coerced or lied to.                                    the  Russians  intend  to  “use
            from  shattered  Ukraini-    summit  in  Brussels,  Ukrai-                             Among      those     taken,  them  as  hostages  and  put
            an cities to Russia, where  nian  President  Volodymyr  Russian  Col.  Gen.  Mikhail  Ukraine’s  Foreign  Ministry  more  political  pressure  on
            some may be used as “hos-    Zelenskyy  pleaded  with  the  Mizintsev  said  the  roughly  charged, were 6,000 residents  Ukraine.”
            tages” to pressure Kyiv to  Western  allies  via  video  for  400,000  people  evacuated  to  of  Mariupol,  the  devastated
            give up.                     planes,  tanks,  rockets,  air  Russia  since  the  start  of  the  port city in the country’s east.  Kyrylenko  said  that  Mari-
                                         defense  systems  and  other  military  action  were  from  Moscow’s troops are confis-  upol’s  residents  have  been
            Lyudmyla          Denisova,  weapons,  saying  his  country  the  Donetsk  and  Luhansk  cating  identity  documents  long  deprived  of  informa-
            Ukraine’s    ombudsperson,  is  “defending  our  common  regions  in  eastern  Ukraine,  from  an  additional  15,000  tion  and  that  the  Russians
            said  402,000  people,  includ-  values.”                 where  pro-Moscow  separat-  people in a section of Mari-  feed them false claims about
            ing  84,000  children,  have                              ists  have  been  fighting  for  upol  under  Russian  control,  Ukraine’s defeats to persuade
            been taken against their will.  U.S  President  Joe  Biden,  in  control for nearly eight years.  the ministry said.  them to move to Russia.
                                         Europe  for  the  summit  and  Russian authorities said they
            The  Kremlin  gave  nearly  other  high-level  meetings,  are  providing  accommoda-   Some could be sent as far as  “Russian  lies  may  influence
            identical  numbers  for  those  gave  assurances  more  aid  is  tions  and  dispensing  pay-  the Pacific island of Sakhalin,  those  who  have  been  under
            who  have  been  relocated,  on its way, though it appeared  ments to the evacuees.    Ukrainian  intelligence  said,  the siege,” he said.
            but  said  they  wanted  to  go  unlikely the West would give
            to  Russia.  Ukraine’s  rebel-  Zelenskyy  everything  he  But  Donetsk  Region  Gov.
            controlled  eastern  regions  wanted, for fear of triggering  Pavlo  Kyrylenko  said  that
            are  predominantly  Russian-  a much wider war.           “people  are  being  forcibly
            speaking,  and  many  people                              moved  into  the  territory  of
            there  have  supported  close  Around  the  capital,  Kyiv,  the  aggressor  state.”  Den-
            ties to Moscow.              and  other  areas,  Ukrainian  isova said those removed by
                                         defenders have fought Mos-   Russian  troops  included  a
            A  month  into  the  invasion,  cow’s  ground  troops  to  a  92-year-old woman in Mari-
            meanwhile,  the  two  sides  near-stalemate,  raising  fears  upol who was forced to go to
            traded  heavy  blows  in  what  that  a  frustrated  Russian  Taganrog in southern Russia.
            has become a devastating war  President Vladimir Putin will
            of  attrition.  Ukraine’s  navy  resort to chemical, biological  Ukrainian  officials  said  that
            said  it  sank  a  large  Russian  or nuclear weapons.    the Russians are taking peo-
            landing ship near the port city                           ple’s  passports  and  moving
            of  Berdyansk  that  had  been  Kyiv and Moscow gave con-  them  to  “filtration  camps”
            used  to  bring  in  armored  flicting accounts, meanwhile,  in  Ukraine’s  separatist-con-
            vehicles.  Russia  claimed  to  about the people being relo-  trolled  east  before  sending
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