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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 25 Maart 2022

                         NYC lifts vaccine rule that blocked athletes from home games

            (AP)  —  New  York  City’s  fair.                         more  than  1,400  workers
            mayor  exempted  athletes                                 who  failed  to  comply  with
            and performers — includ-     “Players attract people to the  the vaccine mandate. Adams
            ing  Brooklyn  Nets  star  stadium,”  Adams  remarked  said Thursday that he had no
            Kyrie  Irving  —  from  the  as he announced the change  plans  at  this  time  to  rehire
            city’s  vaccine  mandate  during a news conference at  those workers.
            Thursday,  while  keeping  Citi  Field,  where  the  Mets
            the  rule  in  place  for  pri-  play.  Accompanying  him  “This  exemption  sends  the
            vate  and  public  workers  were  Mets  President  Sandy  wrong  message  that  higher-
            who risk losing their jobs  Alderson  and  Yankees  presi-  paid  workers  and  celebrities
            for refusing to get inocu-   dent  Randy  Levine,  both  of  are  being  valued  as  more
            lated.                       whom praised the decision.   important  than  our  devoted
                                                                      civil servants, which I reject,”
            Several   public   employee  “By putting our home teams  said  City  Council  Speaker
            unions whose members were  on  (an)  equal  playing  field,  Adrienne Adams, who is not
            fired  for  refusing  the  shots  we increase their chances of  related to the mayor.
            blasted  Mayor  Eric  Adams  winning  and  that  has  a  real                          our New York teams, players,  he was “happy Kyrie can play
            for apparently lifting the rule  impact on our city,” he said.  Jay Varma, a health adviser to  fans  and  communities  and  some home games.”
            only for wealthy and famous                               de Blasio, said in a tweet that  for leveling the playing field
            athletes.  Adams  dismissed  Public  employees’  unions  the former mayor’s mandate  for home teams and their op-   The Yankees open their sea-
            the  criticism,  saying  exemp-  weren’t buying that.     had legal standing because it  ponents,” the statement said.  son at home against the Bos-
            tions  for  athletes  and  per-                           applied to everyone.                                      ton Red Sox on April 7.
            formers  were  important  to  “There  can’t  be  one  system                           Concerns  had  been  raised
            the city’s economic recovery.  for the elite and another for  “#VaccinesWork   …   un-  that  De  Blasio’s  vaccination  New York Mets owner Steve
                                         the  essential  workers  of  our  less  you’re  rich  and  power-  rule would also impact Major  Cohen  gave  $1.5  million  to
            The  exemption  is  effective  city,”  said  Harry  Nespoli,  ful,  in  which  case,  #Lob-  League Baseball.       a  political  action  committee
            immediately. One of the first  president  of  the  Municipal  byingWorks,”  Varma  said.                            supporting Adams during his
            beneficiaries will be Irving, a  Labor  Committee,  an  um-  He added: “The #KyrieCar-  Alderson and Levine have de-  2021  campaign.  Adams  is  a
            vaccine holdout who was al-  brella  group  of  unions  that  veOut opens City up to en-  clined  to  specify  how  many  Mets fan.
            lowed  to  rejoin  the  Nets  in  together  represent  about  tire scheme being voided by  of their players were unvacci-
            January  but  only  when  they  350,000 city workers.     courts  as  “‘arbitrary  and  ca-  nated.  Alderson  said  Thurs-  Adams has been rolling back
            played  out  of  town  games.                             pricious.’”                  day  that  it  was  “a  minority”  vaccine  mandates  and  other
            The  Nets  need  him  as  they  The  city’s  largest  police                           and Levine said “very few.”  coronavirus  restrictions,  in-
            push for a playoff spot with  union echoed that argument,  Adams  said  he  would  not                              cluding  on  Tuesday  when
            nine games left in their regu-  saying its officers “don’t de-  have  made  the  announce-  Yankees  star  Aaron  Judge  he said masks could become
            lar season.                  serve  to  be  treated  like  sec-  ment if city attorneys had ad-  refused  to  directly  answer  a  optional for children under 5
                                         ond-class citizens.”         vised him it would not stand  question  about  his  vaccine  starting April 4.
            Adams’  predecessor,  Mayor                               up to a legal challenge.     status  earlier  this  month,
            Bill de Blasio, made vaccina-  “If  the  mandate  isn’t  neces-                        leading  to  speculation  that  Mask  mandates  for  older
            tion  mandatory  as  a  work-  sary for famous people, then  The  NBA  and  the  players’  another  New  York  team  children  have  already  been
            place safety rule last year be-  it’s not necessary for the cops  union  issued  a  joint  state-  would be hobbled by a play-  removed, as well as rules re-
            fore he left office but created  who  are  protecting  our  city  ment  praising  Adams’  deci-  er’s refusal to get inoculated.  quiring people to show proof
            a loophole exempting players  in the middle of a crime cri-  sion.                                                  of  vaccination  to  dine  in  a
            and  performers  who  aren’t  sis,” said union president Pat                           When    asked   Wednesday  restaurant, work out at a gym,
            based in New York City. Ad-  Lynch.                       “We  applaud  the  mayor  for  about  reports  the  rule  was  attend a show, or go to an in-
            ams said he felt that was un-  The  city  last  month  fired  listening  to  the  concerns  of  about to be lifted, Judge said  door sporting event.

                            Ukrainian women’s soccer club adjusts to life in Germany

            (AP)  —  On  the  day  Rus-  key.                         with support from Cologne,  away on duty with the Ukrai-  has been converted to house
            sian  troops  surged  into                                a  soccer  club  with  teams  nian national team.         refugees, and they’re able to
            Ukraine a month ago, the  They  had  to  abort  the  trip  in  the  men’s  and  women’s                             use their host club’s modern
            players  of  women’s  soc-   as Russian missile strikes hit  Bundesliga competitions.  Kryvbas coach Alina Stetsen-  training  facilities.  Kryvbas
            cer club FC Kryvbas were  their home city of Krivyi Rih.                               ko’s thoughts were on mod-   was  third  in  the  Ukrainian
            heading to the airport on                                 The players and staff of Kryv-  ernizing  fitness  training  and  league  when  the  war  began
            their  way  to  a  training  The  players  are  now  living  bas have managed to stay to-  recovery,  and  signing  new  and  competitions  were  sus-
            camp  and  games  in  Tur-   and  training  in  Germany  gether, but focusing on train-  Ukrainian  and  foreign  play-  pended.  It’s  not  clear  when
                                                                      ing is far from easy.        ers to fill out a young squad  they could resume.
                                                                                                   in  the  process  of  a  rebuild,
                                                                      “I  am  very  glad  we  arrived  she said on social media the  Kryvbas captain Anna Ivano-
                                                                      here  with  all  our  team,  that  day before.            va said she can’t adapt to life
                                                                      we  managed  to  keep  the                                in Germany while her family
                                                                      team. But honestly speaking  The players were already on  remains in danger at home.
                                                                      I cannot say that football is a  the  bus  when  rocket  strikes
                                                                      priority  for  me  now,”  Kryv-  hit the city. They took refuge  “Being here in a secure place,
                                                                      bas midfielder Liubov Mozga  in a hotel and ended up stay-  while  your  family  is  under
                                                                      said  Wednesday  at  training.  ing there for two weeks. The  shelling is very difficult,” Iva-
                                                                      “Peace on our land is a prior-  players eventually made their  nova  said.  “We  are  worried
                                                                      ity for me now.”             way  to  Germany  with  the  for  our  families.  They  are
                                                                                                   help  of  Artur  Podkopayev,  a  in  touch,  they  are  hiding  in
                                                                      Kryvbas had booked a train-  former  player  for  the  Kryv-  bomb shelters. Unfortunate-
                                                                      ing  camp  with  two  friendly  bas  men’s  youth  teams  who  ly  there  are  missiles  flying,
                                                                      games  in  the  Turkish  resort  was living in the country and  the  sirens  turn  on,  so  their
                                                                      city of Belek starting Feb. 24,  asked Cologne for help.  nights  are  not  quiet.  Same
                                                                      and the players were looking                              way,  our  nights  aren’t  quiet
                                                                      forward  to  meeting  up  with  Now  the  players  are  staying  as well.”
                                                                      teammates  who  had  been  in a hotel in Cologne which
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