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                                                                                                    US NEWS Diamars 17 November 2020
                      Biden vows to strengthen economy despite exploding pandemic

            (AP)    —    Acknowledg-                                                                                            ic-induced  shutdowns  this
            ing that the nation is in a                                                                                         spring  more  quickly  than
            “dark”  place,  President-                                                                                          most  economists  expected.
            elect  Joe  Biden  on  Mon-                                                                                         The  unemployment  rate
            day  said  his  administra-                                                                                         dropped  a  full  percentage
            tion  would  strengthen                                                                                             point last month to 6.9% and
            the  country’s  vulnerable                                                                                          those who still have jobs —
            economy  despite  the  ex-                                                                                          many of them working from
            ploding  pandemic  as  he                                                                                           home  —  have  stepped  up
            pushed  forward  with  the                                                                                          their spending on cars, elec-
            business  of  preparing  to                                                                                         tronics  and  home  renova-
            assume the presidency.                                                                                              tions.

            Biden,  who  will  take  office                                                                                     But much of the rebound was
            on  Jan.  20,  offered  an  opti-                                                                                   fueled by $2 trillion in stimu-
            mistic assessment of the next                                                                                       lus  money  that  has  largely
            four  years  during  a  meeting                                                                                     run its course. And there are
            with several business and la-                                                                                       signs  that  the  ongoing  in-
            bor leaders ahead of an after-                                                                                      creases  in  confirmed  virus
            noon economic address from                                                                                          cases  are  making  Americans
            his makeshift headquarters in   national  lockdown  to  ar-  hearing  all  these  governors  the  pandemic  and  distribute   more  cautious  about  travel-
            Delaware.                    rest the surge of coronavirus  and  mayors  are  scrambling  prospective vaccines.     ing and shopping.
                                         cases. Since defeating Trump,  to try to find what is the right
            “To  state  the  obvious,  we   Biden has devoted most of his  answer  for  us,  and  it  would  “We  now  have  the  possi-  Consumers  cut  back  on
            seem  to  be  turning  a  pretty   public remarks to encourag-  surely  help  all  of  them,  and  bility  ...  of  a  vaccine  start-  spending  in  early  Novem-
            dark corner now,” Biden told   ing Americans to wear masks  that’s what I’m hearing from  ing  perhaps  in  December   ber,  according  to  JPMorgan
            the group, their faces project-  and embrace social distancing  them,  that  we  have  a  stan-  or January,” Biden’s chief of   Chase,  which  tracks  spend-
            ed  on  video  screens,  as  the   measures.              dardized set of recommenda-  staff, Ron Klain, said Sunday.   ing on 30 million of its debit
            meeting began.                                            tions and protocols,” he said.  “There  are  people  at  HHS   and  credit  cards.  Spending
            “I don’t want to be falsely op-  But  members  of  his  coro-                          making  plans  to  implement   declines  have  been  larger
            timistic,”  he  continued.  But   navirus  advisory  board  have  Recent  reports  suggest  that  that  vaccine.  Our  experts   in  some  states  with  severe
            “I think we can do this.”    been  more  specific.  One  at least two vaccines are close  need to  talk  to  those  people   outbreaks, such as Iowa and
                                         member,  Dr.  Michael  Os-   to winning approval, though  as soon as possible so nothing   North Dakota.
            Biden, a Democrat, has vowed   terholm,  recently  suggested  mass  distribution  is  likely  drops in this change of power
            to spend trillions of dollars to   a  four-  to  six-week  national  several months away.  we’re  going  to  have  on  Jan.   Most  economists  support
            reinvigorate  U.S.  manufac-  lockdown  with  financial  aid                           20.”                         another  round  of  stimulus
            turing,  expand  health  care   for  Americans  whose  liveli-  Trump  seemed  to  acknowl-                         funding,  including  loans  to
            coverage and combat climate   hoods would be affected. He  edge  Biden’s  victory  for  the  Before  his  Monday  address,   small  businesses,  extended
            change,  among  other  pri-  later walked back the remarks  first  time  on  Sunday  before  Biden  and  Vice  President-  unemployment  benefits  and
            orities. But his chief priority   and was rebutted by two oth-  walking  back  the  remark  elect Kamala Harris held vir-  support  for  states  and  cities.
            remains controlling the coro-  er members of the panel who  and  repeating  false  claims  tual meetings with AFL-CIO   Congressional   Democrats
            navirus  pandemic,  which  is   said  a  widespread  lockdown  of  widespread  voter  fraud.  President  Richard  Trumka,   have  previously  backed  an-
            surging  to  record  levels  and   shouldn’t be under consider-  Despite  mounting  public  General  Motors  CEO  Mary   other $2 trillion in aid.
            forcing  state  and  local  lead-  ation.                 pressure, the Trump admin-   Barra  and  Microsoft  Presi-
            ers to implement new rounds   Speaking  Monday  on  “CBS  istration has refused to initi-  dent and CEO Satya Nadella,   Sen.  Mitch  McConnell,  the
            of restrictions on local busi-  This  Morning,”  Osterholm  ate  the  traditional  transition  among others.        Republican  majority  leader,
            nesses.                      was not asked about a poten-  briefings  for  the  incoming                            has pointed to the falling un-
                                         tial lockdown, but he said the  president’s  team  on  national  Biden and Harris were speak-  employment rate as evidence
            The  president-elect  has  so   nation  needs  “a  standard  set  security and policy issues.  ing  at  a  particularly  tricky   that  much  less  stimulus  is
            far  tried  to  sidestep  difficult   of principles.”     Trump  is  also  blocking  time for economic policy.      needed.
            questions  about  whether  he   “Right  now,  we  don’t  have  Biden’s  team  from  being  The  U.S.  economy  has  re-
            might  support  a  short-term   a  standardized  set  so  you’re  briefed  on  efforts  to  control  covered  from  the  pandem-

                           Texas surpasses 20,000 virus deaths, second highest in US

             (AP)  —  Texas  surpassed                                                             America’s  first  state  to  re-  virus  restrictions,  allowing
             20,000  confirmed  corona-                                                            cord  more  than  1  million  restaurants  and  gyms  to  let
             virus  deaths  Monday,  as                                                            confirmed COVID-19 cases.  more people inside. He also
             COVID-19  continues  to                                                               Texas also recently surpassed  let  county  leaders  decide  if
             surge in the United States.                                                           California,  the  most  popu-  they wanted to reopen bars at
                                                                                                   lous  state,  in  recording  the  50% capacity.
             That  is  the  second  highest                                                        highest  number  of  positive  Since  then,  the  virus  has
             death  count  overall  in  the                                                        coronavirus  tests.  The  true  spread.
             U.S., trailing only New York,                                                         number of infections is likely
             according   to   researchers                                                          higher  because  many  peo-  Over the past two weeks, the
             from  Johns  Hopkins  Uni-                                                            ple  haven’t  been  tested,  and  rolling  average  number  of
             versity. It’s the 22nd highest                                                        studies suggest people can be  daily new cases has increased
             per capita at 69.7 deaths per                                                         infected and not feel sick.  by  3,430.4,  an  increase  of
             100,000 people.                                                                                                    53.6%.
                                                                                                   During  the  summer,  peo-
             So  far,  Texas  leaders  have   emphasizing that new thera-  lifted  a  local  shutdown  or-  ple  with  COVID-19  over-  Texas now ranks 31st in the
             given no indication of forth-  peutics  and  vaccines  are  ex-  der in El Paso, where mobile   whelmed hospitals in Hous-  country  for  new  cases  per
             coming  restrictions  to  keep   pected  to  become  available  morgues are being trucked in   ton  and  in  the  Rio  Grande  capita, with 428.3 new cases
             people  from  gathering  and   soon.                     to help overwhelmed hospi-   Valley, along the border with  per  100,000  people  over  the
             spreading  the  virus.  Instead,   A  state  appeals  court  last  tals and funeral homes.  Mexico.  But  in  the  fall  case  past two weeks. One in every
             Republican  Gov.  Greg  Ab-  week sided with Texas Attor-                             numbers dipped, and Abbott  417  people  in  Texas  tested
             bott in recent days has been   ney General Ken Paxton and  Just  last  week,  it  became   began relaxing some corona-  positive in the past week.
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