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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 17 November 2020
                           Charles Oakley wins right to jury decision on assault claim

            (AP) — A jury can decide                                                               nights and forcing him to pay  than the merits of their legal
            whether former New York                                                                for his own ticket to games.  arguments.”
            Knicks  star  Charles  Oak-                                                            Oakley blamed Dolan for his  Madison  Square  Garden  re-
            ley was ejected from Mad-                                                              ouster from the game, saying  leased a statement, saying of-
            ison  Square  Garden  with                                                             he  was  “treated  like  a  com-  ficials  are  pleased  that  most
            excessive  force  when  he                                                             mon  criminal”  after  Dolan  claims were dismissed. Those
            was  removed  as  a  specta-                                                           directed security to “forcibly  claims include defamation al-
            tor to a 2017 game, an ap-                                                             remove Mr. Oakley from the  legations made against Dolan.
            peals court ruled Monday.                                                              Garden and publicly embar-   According  to  the  statement,
                                                                                                   rass  him  on  live  television,”  MSG  representatives  are
            The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court                                                             the lawsuit said.            “confident that after a review
            of  Appeals  reinstated  assault                                                       It  said  Dolan  and  Madi-  of  the  facts,  the  remaining
            and  battery  claims  Oakley                                                           son  Square  Garden  then  claims will also be dismissed.”
            made  in  a  lawsuit  brought                                                          launched a defamatory public  In a statement released by his
            against the team’s owners af-                                                          relations  campaign,  accusing  lawyers,  Oakley  said:  “I  am
            ter his February 2017 removal  rejected  Oakley’s  claims  of  fied damages in a defamation  Oakley  of  abusing  fans  and  appreciative  of  the  appeals
            from a game the Knicks lost  defamation and false impris-  lawsuit claiming assault, bat-  staff,  acting  inappropriately  court as I now have a chance
            to the Los Angeles Clippers.  onment.                     tery and false imprisonment,  and struggling with alcohol-  to show the world what I said
            A three-judge panel conclud-  Oakley was a Knicks fan fa-  contending his treatment was  ism.                       from day one was true. The
            ed a jury could decide wheth-  vorite  from  1988  to  1998.  part  of  team  owner  James                          truth is going to come out at
            er it was improper for secu-  He was accused of striking a  Dolan’s  pattern  of  harass-  The lawsuit was thrown out  trial  and  Dolan  will  be  held
            rity  guards  to  throw  Oakley  security guard before he was  ment against him.       earlier this year by U.S. Dis-  responsible for what he did.”
            to  the  ground  after  Oakley,  forcefully  removed  and  ar-  The  lawsuit  said  Dolan  had  trict  Judge  Richard  J.  Sulli-  His lawyer, Douglas Wigdor,
            according to his court papers,  rested  outside  the  stadium.  frequently   “disrespected”  van,  who  said  the  case  “had  said: “This is a great day for
            slapped  their  hands  away  in  The  charges  were  later  dis-  Oakley  by  refusing  to  make  the feel of a public relations  Knicks  fans  and  fans  of  Mr.
            self-defense  as  he  sought  to  missed.                 eye contact or shake his hand  campaign,  with  the  parties  Oakley, and we look forward
            watch the game.              The power forward sued lat-  during  meetings  and  by  de-  seemingly more interested in  to the truth of what happened
            The  appeals  court,  though,  er the same year for unspeci-  nying  him  fan  appreciation  the  court  of  public  opinion  finally coming out.”

                          Ex-Giant Baker cleared of robbery; victims’ lawyer arrested

                                                                      Quinton  Dunbar,  who  had  10 years in prison and could  them  off  speaks  for  itself
                                                                      originally been accused of as-  have received life.       about  what  happened,”  Co-
                                                                      sisting Baker, had previously  Dean  was  being  held  Mon-  hen said.
                                                                      been cleared for lack of evi-  day  pending  an  initial  court  Baker was a first-round pick
                                                                      dence.                       hearing. His law partner, Mi-  for  the  Giants  in  the  2019
                                                                      The sheriff’s office says Dean  chael  J.  Rotundo,  declined  NFL draft out of the Univer-
                                                                      told  Baker’s  attorney,  Brad-  comment.                 sity of Georgia. He played in
                                                                      ford  Cohen,  that  the  three  Cohen said he has represent-  all 16 games last season, start-
                                                                      alleged victims he represent-  ed  numerous  high-profile  ing the final 15. He finished
                                                                      ed  would  stop  cooperating  clients including former bas-  with 61 tackles (48 solo) and
                                                                      with  prosecutors  or  change  ketball  star  Dennis  Rodman  eight passes defensed and was
                                                                      their  stories  if  they  were  and rapper Kodak Black and  expected  to  be  a  starter  this
                                                                      paid  $266,000  each.  Investi-  never had an attorney for an  year before his arrest.
            (AP) — Former New York  it  was  dropping  all  charges  gators say Dean said his cli-  alleged victim approach him  The NFL placed him on the
            Giants cornerback DeAn-      against Baker shortly after the  ents would “do anything you  with an offer to have his cli-  exempt list in July and he was
            dre  Baker  was  cleared  of  county sheriff’s office arrest-  want, so long as the money is  ents  stop  cooperating  with  released by the Giants in Sep-
            robbery charges in Florida  ed  attorney  William  Dean,  right.”                      a  criminal  investigation  in  tember.
            on  Monday  after  his  al-  50, and charged him with ex-  Prosecutor  Paul  R.  Valcore  exchange  for  money.  Cohen  The NFL did not immediate-
            leged  victims’  attorney  tortion.                       said  in  a  statement  that  the  said he never believed Baker  ly return a call seeking com-
            was arrested on extortion  Baker, 23, had been charged  alleged victims’ credibility “is  robbed the men, who all have  ment Monday about whether
            charges.                     with holding up four men at  unalterably  tarnished,” mak-  felony records.            Baker will now be reinstated.
                                         gunpoint at a May barbecue  ing the prosecution of Baker                               The  Giants’  media  relations
            The  Broward  County  State  in suburban Fort Lauderdale.  impossible.  If  convicted,  “The fact that they were try-  office did not answer a phone
            Attorney’s Office announced  Seattle Seahawks cornerback  Baker  faced  a  minimum  of  ing  to  get  my  client  to  pay  call Monday morning.
                          Olympic champ Kipruto charged with having sex with minor

            (AP)  —  Olympic  steeple-   The  25-year-old  Kipruto,                                                             lieving she was over the age
            chase  champion  Conses-     who  is  a  policeman,  was                                                            of  18  or  that  he  reasonably
            lus  Kipruto  of  Kenya  has  charged  in  a  courthouse  in                                                        believed she was over 18. He
            been charged with having  Kapsabet, a town in the high-                                                             made no arguments in his de-
            sexual  intercourse  with  a  altitude  Rift  Valley  region                                                        fense on Monday apart from
            15-year-old  girl  and  was  that is famous for producing                                                           denying the charge.
            released  on  bail  Monday  a  stream  of  world-class  dis-
            after pleading not guilty    tance  runners.  Kipruto  lives                                                        Kipruto  won  gold  in  the
            .                            in the region and was born in                                                          3,000-meter    steeplechase
            Kipruto  was  charged  with  nearby  Eldoret,  another  re-                                                         at  the  2016  Rio  de  Janeiro
            what is referred to as “defile-  nowned running town.                                                               Olympics.  He  followed  that
            ment” in Kenyan law — sex-   Kipruto wore a red sweatshirt                                                          up  with  back-to-back  victo-
            ual intercourse with a minor  with the hood pulled over his                                                         ries  at  the  world  champion-
            under the age of 18. Because  head in an attempt to hide his  from  taking  photographs  first arrested on Nov. 11. Ke-  ships in 2017 and 2019.
            the girl is under 16, Kipruto  face  from  photographers  at  of  him.  He  was  released  on  nyan media reported that the  He hasn’t competed this sea-
            faces at least 20 years in pris-  the courthouse. He also had a  $1,800 cash bail.     girl had disappeared from her  son.  He  withdrew  from  the
            on if convicted, according to  mask on because of the coro-  Kipruto  is  alleged  to  have  home and had stayed at Kip-  Diamond  League  meet  in
            Kenya’s sexual offenses laws.  navirus.  Police  officers  who  had intercourse with the girl  ruto’s house for three days.  Monaco in August after test-
            The charge is comparable to  escorted  Kipruto  to  court  on Oct. 20 and 21, according  Kipruto could argue that the  ing positive for the coronavi-
            statutory rape.              tried  to  prevent  journalists  to the charge sheet, and was  minor deceived him into be-  rus.
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