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A28    US NEWS
                Diamars 17 November 2020
                       Police: Man accused of punching Rick Moranis attacked others

            (AP)  —  Prosecutors  say  prosecutors  said  Marquis  Moranis in the face on Oct. 1  tion for Ventura.             his  medication,  the  newspa-
            the man accused of punch-    Ventura, 35, is charged in five  in what police called a “ran-                         per reported.
            ing actor Rick Moranis is a  assaults on strangers that took  dom,  unprovoked  assault.”  An attorney for Ventura, Au-
            suspect  in  multiple  other  place in the last six months,  Moranis is well known for his  tumn  Levine,  said  he  has  a  Ventura  was  arrested  Satur-
            unprovoked  attacks  on  the New York Post reported.      roles in movies like “Ghost-  diagnosis  of  schizophrenia,  day  but  the  charges  naming
            people in New York City.                                  busters,”  “Spaceballs”  and  a serious mental illness, and  him as a suspect in other as-
                                         Ventura  allegedly  attacked  “Honey I Shrunk the Kids.”  has  previously  been  in  in-  saults were not known until
            At  a  Manhattan  Criminal  the owner of a liquor store in  Judge  Nicholas  Moyne  or-  patient  mental  health  treat-  yesterday’s hearing.
            Court  hearing  on  Sunday,  Soho hours after he punched  dered a psychiatric examina-  ment. She said he was not on

                         Texas man sentenced for death of 2 Kansas carnival vendors

            (AP) — A Texas man has  deaths of Alfred and Pauline  Mike  Keeley  on  Friday  also
            been  sentenced  to  life  in  Carpenter,  who  were  work-  sentenced  Christine  Ten-
            prison  for  his  role  in  the  ing as vendors at the Barton  ney, 40, of La Marque, Texas,
            slayings  of  a  Kansas  cou-  County, Kansas, fair.      to 59 months for aggravated
            ple  who  were  killed  after  Prosecutors said the Carpen-  robbery and eight months for
            a carnival worker ordered  ters were killed at the fair and  obstructing apprehension for
            their  deaths  as  part  of  a  their  bodies  were  taken  to  her role in the deaths.
            fictitious carnival mafia.   Arkansas,  where  they  were
                                         buried  in  a  national  forest  Michael  Fowler  Jr.,  56,  of
            Rusty Frasier, 37, of Aransas  near Van Buren, Arkansas.  Sarasota,  Florida,  was  pre-
            Pass,  Texas,  was  sentenced  Investigators said one suspect  viously  sentenced  to  life  in
            Friday to life without parole  posed as a carnival mafia boss  prison  without  the  possibil-
            for  50  years  on  each  of  two  and  ordered  the  other  sus-  ity  of  parole  for  100  years.
            counts  of  first-degree  mur-  pects to kill the couple. Police  Kimberly Younger, of McIn-
            der.                         have said the “carnival mafia”  tosh, Florida, has pleaded not
                                         does not exist.              guilty to several charges, in-
            He  is  one  of  several  people                          cluding capital murder, in the
            charged  in  the  July  2018  Barton County District Judge  Carpenters’ deaths.

                             US casinos recovering from virus, but challenges remain

            (AP)  —  America’s  casi-
            nos  are  recovering  from
            months of closures neces-
            sitated by the coronavirus
            outbreak, having regained
            81%  of  the  gambling  rev-
            enue they saw in the third
            quarter  of  last  year,  the
            casinos’  trade  association
            said Monday.

            But  that  recovery  is  threat-
            ened  in  places  as  the  virus
            continues  to  surge  through-
            out  the  country.  Sunday
            night,  Michigan’s  governor
            ordered numerous business-
            es  including  casinos  to  shut
            down  for  three  weeks,  and
            Atlantic City’s top casino last
            week laid off or cut the hours
            of 422 workers in response to
            restrictions imposed by New
            Jersey’s governor.

            Also  on  Sunday,  Washing-  which is 81% of the amount it  Our  industry  continues  to  sorts  International,  said  the  with  902  commercial  and
            ton’s  governor  also  banned   won during the same period  prioritize the health and safe-  industry  continues  to  deal  tribal  casinos  operational  by
            indoor  service  at  restaurants   a year earlier, when there was  ty of our employees, custom-  with  the  pandemic,  and  has  the end of the third quarter.
            and bars.                    no virus and casinos were op-  ers,  and  communities  above  been  forced  to  abide  by  re-  Five states actually won more
            The  American  Gaming  As-   erating normally. Virtually all  all else,” said Bill Miller, the  strictions.         in the third quarter this year
            sociation  released  a  report   casinos in the U.S. are oper-  association’s  president  and                       than they did in the same pe-
            on  gambling  revenue  at  the   ating  with  some  restrictions  CEO. “While these quarterly  But  he  also  said  September  riod  last  year:  Arkansas,  up
            nation’s  casinos  during  the   on the amount of people they  results are promising, the re-  “was an exceptional booking  3%;  Mississippi,  up  2.8%;
            third quarter of this year —   can  accommodate  and  the  ality is a full recovery is de-  month for the future. It’s the  Ohio, up 7.5%; Pennsylvania,
            the time when most casinos   type  of  operations  they  can  pendent on continued public  best  booking  months  we’ve  up 3.8%; and South Dakota,
            reopened  after  four  months   conduct amid the pandemic.  health  measures  to  control  had in seven. And so I think  up 6.1%.
            or  more  of  being  shuttered                            prevalence rates” of the virus.  the  tell  is  is  that  people  are
            during  the  first  wave  of  the   The  report  found  that  na-                      still booking into the future.”  Revenue from slot machines
            virus outbreak.
                                         tionwide gambling revenue is  In a recent conference call to                           was  $5.87  billion  for  the
                                         down 36.5% in the first nine  discuss  third-quarter  earn-  The  report  said  more  than  quarter, down 19.3%, and ta-
            It  found  that  the  industry   months of 2020 compared to  ings, Bill Hornbuckle, presi-  100  casinos  reopened  be-  ble games revenue was $1.57
            won  over  $9  billion  in  the   the same period in 2019.  dent and CEO of MGM Re-    tween  July  and  September  billion, down 31.2%.
            third  quarter  of  this  year,
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