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A30    world news
                Diamars 17 November 2020
                   Case dismissed against lawmaker accused of damaging monument

                                         felony and injury to a monu-
                                         ment in excess of $1,000. The  Portsmouth  is  a  majority
                                         charges stemmed from a pro-  Black  city  of  nearly  100,000
                                         test  in  June  that  drew  hun-  people.  The  damage  to  the
                                         dreds of people to the city’s  memorial and the protester’s
                                         Confederate     monument.  injuries  prompted  blame
                                         Heads were ripped off some  against  protesters  and  police
                                         of  the  monument’s  statues  alike. Lucas had called for the
                                         while one was pulled down,  resignation  of  Portsmouth’s
                                         critically  injuring  a  demon-  police  chief,  Angela  Greene,
                                         strator.                     who is also Black.

                                         The  police  department  had  The  dismissed  case  is  only
            (AP)  —  A  judge  in  Vir-  filed  the  charges  without  the  latest  fallout  stemming
            ginia  dismissed  charges                                                              the  monument  June  10  and  William & Mary law professor
            on Monday that were filed    the cooperation of the city’s  from the June protest. Short-  told police they could not ar-  Timothy  Zick  told  The  As-
                                         prosecutor. And Lucas’s allies  ly before the judge’s decision
            against a prominent Black                                 Monday,  Portsmouth’s  po-   rest anyone who put paint on  sociated Press in August that
            state  senator  after  police   viewed the case as shameless-                          the memorial.                he  questioned  the  strength
                                         ly  political.  The  Democrat  lice  chief  said  she  had  been
            said  that  she  and  others                              fired and planned to sue for                              of  the  case.  He  pointed  to
            conspired  to  damage  a     is  the  state  Senate’s  Presi-                          Police  said  the  76-year-old  two  phrases  in  the  probable
                                         dent  Pro  Tempore.  She  was  wrongful termination.
            Confederate  monument                                                                  approached  officers  with  a  cause: “Go ahead” as well as
            in the city of Portsmouth.   charged in a warrant the day                              warning:  “(T)hey  are  going  “I’m  not  telling  them  to  do
                                         before  state  lawmakers  met  “I  believe  I  was  wrongfully   to  put  some  paint  on  this  anything, I’m telling you, you
                                         to work on various police re-  terminated for upholding the   thing,  and  y’all  can’t  arrest  can’t arrest them.”
            The  Virginian-Pilot  reports   forms,  including ones Lucas  law,” Greene said Monday at
            the charges against state Sen.                            a news conference.           them.”                       Speech  that  calls  for  an  un-
            Louise Lucas were dismissed   championed.                                              “(T)hey gonna do it, and you  lawful action is protected un-
            at the request of the city’s top                          Greene  had  said  in  August   can’t stop them … they got a  less it is “directed to inciting
            prosecutor,  who  said  the  el-  Legal  observers  also  ques-                        right, go ahead!,” police claim  an  imminent  violation  and
            ements  of  the  charges  were   tioned  the  strength  of  the  that “several individuals con-  Lucas said. Police “informed  that violation is likely to oc-
            not properly met.            case because it was based on  spired  and  organized  to  de-  Senator Lucas that she could  cur,” Zick said.
                                         Lucas’s  words,  not  her  ac-  stroy the monument as well   not  tell  people  they  can  do
                                         tions. The senator’s attorney,  as summon hundreds of peo-  that,”  the  filing  said.  “Lucas  “If  those  are  the  facts,  then
            Portsmouth’s  police  depart-
            ment  charged  Lucas  and    Don  Scott,  had  said  she  left  ple to join in felonious acts.”  replied, ‘I’m not telling them  the  senator’s  speech  would
            several  others  in  August   the  scene  hours  before  the  Charging documents filed by   to  do  anything,  I’m  telling  likely  be  protected,”  Zick
            with conspiracy to commit a   statue was torn down.       police  said  Lucas  arrived  at   you, you can’t arrest them.’”  wrote in an email in August.

                              Retirees protest Belarus leader on 100th day since vote

                                                                                                                                elicited international outrage.
                                                                                                                                The  European  Union  has
                                                                                                                                imposed  sanctions  on  Lu-
                                                                                                                                kashenko  and  several  dozen
                                                                                                                                officials  over  their  role  in  it
                                                                                                                                earlier  this  year  and  again
                                                                                                                                condemned it following Ban-
                                                                                                                                darenka’s death.

                                                                                                                                Steffen  Seibert,  spokesman
                                                                                                                                for  German  Chancellor  An-
                                                                                                                                gela Merkel, accused Belaru-
                                                                                                                                sian authorities of “brutal po-
            (AP)  —  Crowds  of  retir-  banners the retirees carried.                                                          lice violence.”
            ees  marched  Monday  in                                                                                            “This  must  end,”  he  said.
            the  Belarusian  capital  of  Such  protests  have  roiled                                                          “The  German  government
            Minsk,  marking  100  days  Belarus  ever  since  the  Aug.                            after reportedly being beaten   won’t  forget  how  people
            since mass protests began  9  election  handed  Lukash-   Authorities  have  cracked  by security forces.           there  are  mistreated  almost
            and  became  an  almost-     enko a crushing victory over  down  hard  on  the  largely  “Why  was  (Raman)  killed?”   daily  on  the  streets,  and  we
            daily feature of life in the  his widely popular opponent  peaceful demonstrations, the  they  chanted,  demanding  a   will also not forget those who
            country  after  authoritar-  Sviatlana   Tsikhanouskaya.  largest  of  which  attracted  criminal  investigation  into   are  kidnapped  daily  and  ex-
            ian  President  Alexander  She  and  her  supporters  re-  up to 200,000 people. Police  his death.                 posed  to  even  worse  abuse
            Lukashenko won his sixth  fused to recognize the result,  used  stun  grenades,  tear  gas  Police  didn’t  interfere  with   behind prison walls.”
            term in a widely disputed  saying  the  vote  was  riddled  and  truncheons  to  disperse  the  march  but  harshly  dis-  Tsikhanouskaya, who is in ex-
            election.                    with fraud.                  the rallies and detained thou-  persed  a  demonstration  in   ile  in  Lithuania  after  fleeing
                                                                      sands, beating many of them  Bandarenka’s  memory  on     Belarus for her safety, called
            More  than  2,000  pensioners  Both sides seem to be locked  brutally.                 Sunday, using stun grenades,   on the West to “act faster.”
            were estimated to have taken  into  a  continuing  cycle  of                           tear gas and clubs and beating
            part  in  the  rally,  demanding  protest   and   crackdowns,  According  to  human  rights  up  protesters  in  shops  and   “Belarusians need help right
            the resignation of Lukashen-  with  the  opposition  turn-  advocates, over 19,000 people  restaurants  where  they  were   now,” she tweeted Monday.
            ko and a halt to the govern-  ing out thousands in regular  have been detained since the  hiding from the crackdown.  “Expand  the  sanction  list
            ment’s violent crackdown on  marches  while  the  govern-  election. At least four people                           (and)  impose  economic  re-
            dissent. They carried flowers  ment  uses  arrests  and  other  are  reported  to  have  died  as  The  Interior  Ministry  said   strictions.  Help  those  re-
            and red and white flags that  intimidation tactics to quash  the result of the crackdown.  over  700  people  were  de-  pressed  (and)  injured.  Sup-
            have  become  a  symbol  of  any  threats  to  Lukashenko’s                            tained  Sunday  across  the   port  media  (and)  human
            protest.                     26-year hold on power. A na-  Retirees  at  Monday’s  march  country, while the Viasna hu-  rights  defenders.  Stop  in-
                                         tionwide strike called by the  in  Minsk  carried  portraits  man rights center put the fig-  vesting in banks (and) state-
            “Lukashenko,  you  and  my  opposition did not catch on,  of  Raman  Bandarenka,  a  ure at 1,291.                  owned  companies.  Start  in-
            children  will  remember  this  although  students  boycotted  31-year-old  opposition  sup-                        ternational  investigation  and
            disgrace,”  said  one  of  the  classes for a few days.   porter  who  died  last  week  The  continued  clampdown   tribunal,” she wrote.
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