Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200407
P. 31

LOCAL           Tuesday 7 april 2020

            Aruba’s nature is taking a breath

            ST. CRUZ — In this time of COVID-19  almost 18 % of the island. Its rugged
            crisis  we  the  people  are  urged  to  terrain, desert-like hills filled with tall
            stay  inside  as  much  as  possible.  cacti,  breathtaking  coastline  and
            While  there  is  a  downside  to  this  protected  local  flora  and  fauna
            situation when it comes to humans  welcome  you  to  be  explored.
            and their freedom to live in health,  There  is  numerous  wildlife  to  dis-
            to  have  an  income  and  to  go  cover like for example the sea tur-
            around freely the other side is that  tle who lays his eggs on the park’s
            nature  is  taking  a  breath.    Roads  beaches.  There  are  more  places
            without TV’s, jeeps and cars, empty  on the island that are a preserved
            beaches  and  less  pollution  in  the  area like the Bubali Plas which is a
            air are a fact. We can hear the birds  bird sanctuary.
            sing and see goats crossing roads
            again. Our national park Arikok is  Protecting people and nature
            closed  to  visitors  since  March  23  It's  awesome  to  work  with  spe-
            and nature is flourishing. Plants and  cialist  organizations  that  are  also
            flowers arise, animals recover their  dedicated  to  conserving  Aruba's   side the Marine Corps to safeguard  forward  to  many  more  years  of
            space. As the world slows, Mother  natural heritage, states the Aruba
            Nature is taking a breath!          National  Park  Foundation  (FPNA).   several Shoco (the Aruban burrow-  successful cooperation.”
                                                                                    ing owl) families that call the Ma-
                                                                                                                        A  big,  warm  thanks  to  the  Sava-
                                                In collaboration with Aruba Birdlife
            The national park Arikok comprises  Conservation  they  worked  along-  rine Barracks Savaneta their home.  neta  Marine  Corps  for  also  being
                                                                                    A  total  of  eight  Artificial  Burrows  a role model for nature conserva-
                                                                                    (ABs)  were  strategically  placed  in  tion! Together we can make a dif-
                                                                                    safe  zones  at  the  barracks.  “We  ference. q
                                                                                    are ecstatic to see that the Shocos
                                                                                    have  moved  out  of  their  natural
                                                                                    burrows, which were in unsafe ar-
                                                                                    eas,  and  into  their  new  artificial
                                                                                    nests. With the next breeding sea-
                                                                                    son  we  can  expect  to  see  many
                                                                                    new,  young  Shocos  appearing
                                                                                    from their specially designed Abs,”
                                                                                    says a representative of the park.
                                                                                    “The Marine Barracks Savaneta ex-
                                                                                    emplifies  how  local  organizations
                                                                                    can  benefit  and  strengthen  local
                                                                                    conservation  efforts  and  we  look

            From the Aruba Chamber of Commerce and Industry:                                         Share your message

            Steps that can save the private sector                                                   from home

            employees                                                                                ORANJESTAD — In these difficult times we would like

                                                                                                     to  reach  out  to  our  friends  abroad  who  were  sup-
                                                                                                     posed to spend their tropical vacation on Aruba or
            ORANJESTAD — We, as Chamber of Com-
            merce, herewith inform as follows: Aruba is                                              who had to break up their vacation due to the CO-
                                                                                                     VID-19 situation. Aruba Today invites you to send us
            in a deep social/economic crisis. We are
            aware of the measures taken, however we                                                  your picture and words expressing your memory of
                                                                                                     our island or your dream vacation for the future.
            suggest the following.
                                                                                                     Send us your picture(s) together with completing the
            1. Entrepreneurs should do all possible to
            maintain employees on the payroll;                                                       sentence: Aruba to me is …….. (Email: news@aruba-
                                                                                             Please  do  note:  By  submitting  photos,
            2.  Government  should  support  entrepre-
            neurs to do so;                             culated on a month to month basis;           text or any other materials, you give permission to The
                                                                                                     Aruba Today newspaper, Caribbean Speed Printers
            3. Government should cut in their salaries  7. The injection mentioned at #6 should go
            and give the money back to the entrepre-    to  the  entrepreneurs  so  they  are  able  to   and any of its affiliated companies to use said mate-
                                                                                                     rials, as well as names, likeness, etc. for promotional
            neurs to pay their employees in the private  pay their employees and not to the payroll
            sector with these monies                    expenses of the Government.                  purposes without compensation.
            4.      ELMAR/WEB/ARUGAS/SETAR/DIGI-
            CEL  Services  should  be  made  available  We do know and feel that the Government      Tim Hanley from San Diego, U.S. sent us a picture from
                                                                                                     a front page of Aruba Today in the year 1993, a clas-
            against no cost, no deferral, FREE, until fur-  is doing its best in order to help as much
            ther notice;                                as possible, however, we understand from     sic! This is what he wrote to us:
                                                                                                     “With the times as they are, I was going through some
            5. All taxes to be paid should not be de-   the  members  of  the  Chamber  of  Com-
            ferred, but exempted as of immediate, so  merce that the above are the main con-         of my older images and ran across 10 front pages of
                                                                                                     Aruba Today from 1993 and 1994. Enjoy!”
            entrepreneurs are able to pay the employ-   cerns. There are, or will be 50.000 people,
            ees on their payroll (keep the cash going),  unemployed,  on  the  Aruban  streets  that   We will most certainly do so Tim, thank you for reach-
                                                                                                     ing out. Last but not least: check out our website and
            until further notice;                       need help and these people, our people,
            6. Government should work hard to get a  will need help very quickly.                    Facebook  page!  Thank  you  for  supporting  our  free
                                                                                                     newspaper, we strive to make you a happy reader
            capital injection for the amount that Aru-
            ba needs in order to keep the economy  Of course, we are willing to help and give        every day again and look forward to have you here
            alive at least until the end of the year, cal-  input wherever necessary. q              with us soon again! Stay healthy and keep safe! q
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