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                      Tuesday 7 april 2020
            China's big donors are pitching in to deal with the new coronavirus

            – and not just in their own country

            Charles Sellen IUPUI         pledged  US$144  million  in   vate  jet  the  New  England  demic  illustrates  how  this  In 1994, China's leaders of-
            (The Conversation is an in-  medical supplies for Hubei   Patriots football team uses,  generosity  is  beginning  to  ficially  admitted  that  phi-
            dependent  and  nonprofit    province  and  its  capital   to Boston on April 3.       extend far beyond China's  lanthropy  and  socialism
            source  of  news,  analysis   city Wuhan.                 Separately,  China  Ever-    borders.                     could  be  compatible.  Its
            and commentary from ac-      Soon after that Jan. 29 an-  grande    Group,    China's  Chinese charity              philanthropy is fueling Chi-
            ademic experts.)             nouncement,  Chinese  bil-   largest real estate compa-   Ma is, according to Forbes  na's  worldwide  influence
            Charles  Sellen,  IUPUI  and   lionaire Jack Ma, Alibaba's   ny, has set up a $115 million  Magazine, the 21st wealthi-  through  what's  known  as
            Fabrice  Jaumont,  Fonda-    founder, said he was giving   effort  in  Boston  that  brings  est person in the world with  "soft  power"  –  an  effort
            tion  Maison  des  Sciences   away  $14  million  through   together researchers at top  a  pre-pandemic  fortune  to  persuade  others  to  do
            de l'Homme (FMSH) – USPC     his  own  foundation  to  de-  universities such as Harvard  estimated to be worth ap-  what it wants without force
            (THE  CONVERSATION)  Less    velop a COVID-19 vaccine.    and  the  Massachusetts  In-  proximately $43 billion.    or coercion.
            than  a  month  after  China   These gifts from Ma, a for-  stitute  of  Technology  Chi-  In the fall 2019, he stepped  Other  Chinese  billionaire
            confirmed the emergence      mer  high  school  teacher,   na's  Guangzhou  Institute  away  from  his  leadership  philanthropists
            of  what  soon  became       and the company roughly      of Respiratory Health along  role  at  Alibaba,  the  com-  The  proliferation  of  Chi-
            the  new  coronavirus  pan-  equaled  everything  else    with  local  biotechnology  pany  he  founded  in  1999  nese  philanthropists  is  di-
            demic,  the  Chinese  e-     given by that point to fight   companies   to   develop  that  now  has  more  than  rectly  linked  to  the  rise  of
            commerce  giantAlibaba       coronavirus.                 tests,  treatments  and  do  100,000  employees.  The  massive  Chinese  fortunes
                                         Ma has continued to step     other  work  aimed  at  halt-  entrepreneur stated at that  and  "wealth  polarization."
                                         up. On March 3, he donat-    ing the pandemic.            time that he wanted to de-   There  were  325  billionaires
                                         ed  1  million  masks  to  Ja-  All  told,  Chinese  donors,  vote  himself  to  philanthro-  in mainland China and 436
                                         pan. On March 13, he an-     foundations  and  corpora-   py,  especially  causes  tied  in  greater  China  in  2018  –
                                         nounced that he was ship-    tions  are  already  planning  to education.              the second-largest number
                                         ping500,000  test  kits  and   to  kick  in  some  $900  mil-  Large-scale private charity  anywhere  after  the  United
                                         a  million  masks  to  the  U.S.   lion,  about  a  fifth  of  the  only  emerged  in  modern  States,  where  607  billion-
                                         Three  days  later,  he  an-  estimated $4.3 billion in this  China after 2000.        aires live.
                                         nounced a donation of 1.1    initial  wave  of  worldwide  After   China   embraced  Ma isn't the only self-made
                                         million test kits and 6 million   donations  raised  by  April  capitalism,  it  experienced  Chinese  entrepreneur  to
                                         masks  to  be  distributed  to   2  to  deal  with  COVID-19  meteoric    economic  go  big  with  philanthropy.
                                         all 54 African countries.    and its many repercussions,  growth,  which  generated  Charles Chen Yidan, a Ten-
                                         By the end of March, every   according  to  Candid  –  a  not  just  islands  of  wealth  cent  co-founder,  left  the
                                         other  region  of  the  world   group  that  tracks  charities  but  also  vast  inequalities.  company in 2013. Like Ma,
                                         benefited from his largesse,   and funders.               China's first private founda-  he's  emphasizing  educa-
                                         including  Western  Europe,   We have observed through  tions flourished in the 1980s  tion. The Yidan Prize – which
                                         Latin  America,  Asia  and   our  research  that  private  and  1990s  in  attempt  to  amounts to $3.8 million – is
                                         Russia.                      philanthropy  is  flourishing  halt  this  process  and  help  the  world's  most  gener-
                                         A wave of giving             in  China.  The  response  by  the government establish a  ous award for educational
                                         This  wave  of  Chinese  giv-  Chinese donors to this pan-  safety net.                research.q
                                         ing goes beyond Ma's own
                                         checkbook.                   CBS' 'All Rise' to produce coronavirus
                                         The  Chinese  search  en-
                                         gine  company  Baidu  has    episode at a distance
                                         pledged $43 million to sup-
                                         port  drug  research  and
                                         help  disseminate  public    LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  CBS'
                                         health  information  in  Chi-  courtroom drama series "All
                                         na.                          Rise" is resuming production
                                         The  giant  tech  company    with  an  episode  reflecting
                                         Tencent  Holdings  says  it   the coronavirus crisis in the
                                         donated  $211  million  in   lives  of  its  characters,  the
                                         February  for  medical  sup-  network said Monday.
                                         plies,  efforts  to  fight  the   The  episode  will  follow  so-
                                         new  coronavirus  in  China   cial distancing rules and be
                                         and other related priorities.  taped  remotely  using  so-
                                         In  addition,  on  March  24,   cial media and other digi-
                                         Tencent  announced  the      tal  technology,  CBS  said.
                                         creation  of  a  $100  million   "All  Rise,"  as  with  other  TV
                                         global  fund  to  support  in-  programs and movies, had   This image released by CBS shows Simone Missick in a scene
                                         ternational  efforts  to  deal   suspended production be-  from "All Rise."
                                         with  the  pandemic.  The    cause of the pandemic.                                               Associated Press.
                                         company seeks to harness     "It's  a  unique  chance  for  hosts  working  remotely,  involves  an  argument  be-
                                         the  power  of  internet  by   our 'All Rise' family to band  freshman  drama  "All  Rise"  tween  brothers  and  a  sto-
                                         providing  faster  access  to   together — in our different  appears  to  be  the  first  se-  len car.
                                         health care services online,   homes, even cities —- to tell  ries to return to production.  The cast includes Marg Hel-
                                         facilitating remote working   a story about resilience, jus-  The episode set to air May  genberger,  Wilson  Bethel
                                         and  battling  misinforma-   tice and the power of com-   4  will  reflect  the  pandem-  and Jessica Camacho.
                                         tion.                        munity," Greg Spottiswood,  ic's  impact  on  the  justice  Footage will be shot in cast
                                         Tencent also played a key    the drama's executive pro-   system,  CBS  said.  Series  members' homes, with spe-
                                         role  in  getting  more  than   ducer said in a statement.   star Simone Missick's Judge  cial  effects  used  to  cre-
                                         a  million  N95  masks  deliv-  Although  late-night  shows  Lola  Carmichael  will  virtu-  ate  the  necessary  back-
                                         ered,  courtesy  of  the  pri-  are  back  on  air  with  their  ally preside over a trial that  grounds, CBS said. q
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