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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 7 april 2020
            Virus deaths slow in places, British PM’s condition worsens

            Continued from Front         The number of dead in New  said.  “This  is  a  hospital  sy-  Bergamo  said  that  while  It  was  a  message  repea-
                                         York  state  rose  past  4,700,  stem  where  we  have  the  the  numbers  of  new  pa-  ted by leaders around the
            Stocks rallied on Wall Street  and  the  death  toll  in  New  foot  to  the  floor  and  the  tients  had  eased  up  a  bit,  world:  Any  gains  could
            and  around  the  world  on  York  City  closed  in  on  the  engine  is  at  red  line  and  hospital   staff   members  easily be reversed if people
            the  news  out  of  the  U.S.  2,753 lives lost at the World  you  can’t  go  any  faster,  were  still  pulling  long,  diffi-  do  not  continue  to  abide
            and  places  like  Italy  and  Trade Center on 9/11.      and by the way, you can’t  cult shifts.                   by lockdown rules.
            Spain. The Dow Jones Indu-   The  state  has  been  aver-  stay at red line for any pe-  “There has been no reduc-  A  report  from  a  federal
            strial  Average  was  up  ne-  aging just under 600 deaths  riod  of  time  or  the  system  tion in the work,” Berardelli  watchdog  agency  found
            arly 1,300 points, or 6%, by  per  day  for  the  past  four  will blow.”              said.  “There  have  been  that  three  out  of  four  U.S.
            early afternoon.             days.  As  horrific  as  that  Elsewhere   around   the  fewer  admissions  to  the  hospitals  surveyed  are  al-
            Outbreaks  in  other  places  number is, the roughly stea-  world,  Austria  and  the  emergency  room,  but  our  ready treating patients with
            were going the other way.    dy daily totals were seen a  Czech  Republic  both  be-   intensive care units are still  confirmed  or  suspected
            Britain reported more than  positive  sign.  Cuomo  also  gan openly discussing how  full,  so  the  activity  hasn’t  COVID-19.  And  some  pla-
            600 deaths in a single day  reported  that  the  number  to  ease  some  of  the  crip-  been reduced.”             ces, like Maryland, Virginia
            on    Sunday,    surpassing  of  new  people  entering  pling  restrictions,  starting  In  Spain,  deaths  and  new  and Washington, D.C., are
            Italy’s  daily  increase  for  hospitals  daily  has  drop-  with reopening some small  infections  dropped  again.  predicting  the  peak  won’t
            the  second  day  in  a  row.  ped, as has the number of  shops  and  garden  centers  The  health  ministry  repor-  come until May or well into
            France recorded its highest  critically ill patients who re-  next week.               ted  637  new  deaths,  the  the summer.
            24-hour death toll since the  quire ventilators.          Italy’s  day-to-day  incre-  lowest toll in 13 days, for a  Baton Rouge, Louisiana, re-
            epidemic began, 833. And  At  the  same  time,  he  or-   ase  in  new  COVID-19  ca-  total  of  over  13,000  dead.  ported the death of a new-
            Japan  considered  a  state  dered  schools  and  nones-  ses  dipped  again,  for  the  New  infections  were  also  born  girl  born  prematurely
            of  emergency  for  Toyko  sential businesses to remain  lowest  one-day  increase  the lowest in two weeks.        after  her  mother  contrac-
            and  other  areas  because  closed until the end of the  in  early  three  weeks.  The  Emergency  rooms  in  the  ted  the  disease  and  was
            of  soaring  infections  in  the  month,  announced  he  is  country, ravaged by the vi-  hard-hit  Madrid  region  of  put  on  a  ventilator.  Loui-
            country  with  the  world’s  doubling  the  fines  for  rule  rus, also saw a drop for the  6.6 million were returning al-  siana,  a  state  where  New
            third-largest economy and  breakers  to  $1,000,  and  third  straight  day  in  inten-  most to normal a week af-  Orleans  hosts  millions  of
            its oldest population.       lambasted New Yorkers for  sive  care  beds  occupied  ter scenes of patients slee-    tourists yearly, had over 500
            Worldwide,  more  than  1.3  being out in parks over the  by infected patients.        ping on floors and in chairs.  deaths.
            million  people  have  been  weekend, calling it “wholly  Italy  still  has,  by  far,  the  Transport,  Mobility  and  Ur-  The virus is spread by drop-
            confirmed  infected  and  unacceptable.”                  world’s highest coronavirus  ban  Affairs  Minister  José  lets from coughs or sneezes.
            over 70,000 have died, ac-   Even as he announced po-     death toll — over 16,500 —  Luis Ábalos said the figures  For  most  people,  the  virus
            cording  to  Johns  Hopkins  sitive signs, he warned that  but  the  pressure  on  inten-  show  Spain  is  entering  “a  causes  mild  to  moderate
            University. The true numbers  hospitals  are  under  extre-  sive care units in the north  new phase of the battle.”  symptoms  such  as  fever
            are  certainly  much  higher,  me pressure.               has eased so much that the  “This  new  phase  does  not  and  cough.  But  for  some,
            because  of  limited  tes-   “If  we  are  plateauing,  we  region is no longer airlifting  mean  we  can  let  down  especially older adults and
            ting, different ways nations  are  plateauing  at  a  very  patients to other regions.   our  guard.  We  are  asses-  the  infirm,  it  can  cause
            count  the  dead  and  deli-  high level, and there is tre-  Nursing  coordinator  Maria  sing the measures that we  pneumonia.  Over  270,000
            berate  under-reporting  by  mendous  stress  on  the  he-  Berardelli  at  the  hard-hit  will need to adopt,” Ábalos  people  have  recovered
            some governments.            alth  care  system,”  Cuomo  Pope  John  XXIII  hospital  in  said.                    worldwide. q

            Chicago mayor: Virus deaths in black community 'devastating'

            By KATHLEEN FOODY                                                                      hot spots for the coronavi-  of  the  deaths,  according
            undefined                                                                              rus, including New York, De-  to the Michigan health of-
            CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago                                                                 troit,  Milwaukee  and  New  ficials.  The  race  of  about
            is launching a health cam-                                                             Orleans.                     38% of the confirmed cases
            paign focused on the city's                                                            Figures  released  Monday  and  26%  of  the  deaths  in
            black  and  brown  commu-                                                              by   Michigan's    Depart-   Michigan were not known.
            nities,  Mayor  Lori  Lightfoot                                                        ment of Health and Human  "Part  of  what  we're  seeing
            said  Monday  following  a                                                             Services  showed  African  in Detroit is that there's such
            media    report   highlight-                                                           Americans,  who  make  up  a high number of individu-
            ing  the  disproportionate                                                             14%  of  the  state  popula-  als who have those under-
            number  of  black  residents                                                           tion, make up about 33% of  lying conditions, who have
            among  those  who  have                                                                cases  statewide  and  41%  the diabetes and the heart
            died  of  COVID-19  compli-                                                            of deaths.                   disease,  who  may  have
            cations in the city.                                                                   Detroit, which is about 80%  obesity,"  Dr.  Joneigh  Khal-
            Lightfoot called WBEZ's find-  Mayor  Lori  Lightfoot  announces  the  "We  Are  Not  Playing"   black,  has  recorded  5,032  dun, Michigan's chief med-
            ing  that  70%  of  recorded   campaign during a press conference at Soldier Field, Monday   confirmed  cases  with  196  ical  executive  who  previ-
                                         morning, April 6, 2020, in Chicago.
            deaths due to the corona-                                            Associated Press.  people  dead  from  com-    ously  led  Detroit's  health
            virus in the city were black                                                           plications  due  to  the  CO-  department,  said  earlier
            residents "devastating." The  providers.                  fever and cough that clear  VID-19 virus.                 this month.
            radio  station's  report  said  "It's  devastating  to  see  up  in  two  to  three  weeks.  Coronavirus  data  specific  Lightfoot  noted  that  un-
            black  residents  make  up  those  numbers,"  Lightfoot  For  some,  especially  older  to  black  residents  was  not  equal  access  to  health
            29% of the city's population.  said. "And knowing they're  adults  and  people  with  available from the city, but  care  in  Chicago's  black
            Lightfoot  promised  more  not  just  numbers,  they've  existing health problems, it  Detroit  and  its  surrounding  and  brown  communities
            detail on the city's plan at  lives.  There's  families  and  can cause more severe ill-  suburbs account for about  has  persisted  for  decades.
            an afternoon press confer-   communities    that   have  ness, including pneumonia,  80%  of  the  state's  con-    Some  medical  conditions
            ence  but  said  it  involves  been shattered."           and death.                   firmed cases.                including  diabetes  and
            faith  leaders,  elected  offi-  For most people, the coro-  Chicago  is  among  cities  White residents account for  heart  disease  also  remain
            cials,  neighborhood  orga-  navirus causes mild or mod-  with  large  black  popula-  about 23% of the confirmed  more  prevalent  among
            nizations  and  health  care  erate  symptoms,  such  as  tions  that  are  considered  cases  statewide,  and  28%  black adults in the U.S. q
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