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                                                                        TECHNOLOGY/HEALTH Tuesday 7 april 2020
            'Old school' technique helps expert ID remains from 1969

            By HOLLY RAMER               minutiae or individual char-  correct comparison. When  jaw  and  buck  teeth.  She  to  comment  through  in-
            Associated Press             acteristics   myself,"   said  I did it myself, I knew what I  also  noted  that  he  had  a  vestigators,  told  authori-
            CONCORD,  N.H.  (AP)  —  Timothy  Jackson,  who  is  was looking at."                  broken  leg  that  had  been  ties  they  had  contacted
            Thanks to an old-fashioned                                                                                          law   enforcement,     the
            fingerprint-matching  tech-                                                                                         Salvation  Army  and  the
            nique,  the  remains  of  a                                                                                         Unsolved  Mysteries  televi-
            shooting    victim   found                                                                                          sion  show  over  the  years
            alongside  a  New  Hamp-                                                                                            as  they  searched  for  him.
            shire highway 50 years ago                                                                                          They told investigators Mor-
            have  been  identified  as                                                                                          ris had been released from
            a  Vermont  man  who  had                                                                                           the  Vermont  State  Prison
            been  released  from  prison                                                                                        on May 9, 1969, and spent
            three  months  earlier,  au-                                                                                        time in Boston the following
            thorities said Monday.                                                                                              month and in Glastonbury,
            The  body  of  Winston  "Skip"                                                                                      Connecticut,  that  July.  He
            Morris was discovered by a                                                                                          was  last  seen  alive  in  Bur-
            work crew in a water-filled                                                                                         lington,  Vermont,  on  July
            pit  off  Interstate  93  in  Sa-                                                                                   25, 1969. Jackson said final-
            lem on Aug. 7, 1969. Morris,                                                                                        ly  identifying  the  remains
            30, of Barre, Vermont, had                                                                                          felt  good  for  a  number  of
            been shot at least six times                                                                                        reasons."We  realize  now
            in  the  head.  Fingerprints                                                                                        maybe the family's going to
            were taken at the time, but                                                                                         get some closure," he said.
            there were no state or na-                                                                                          "It definitely gave our Cold
            tional databases to search.                                                                                         Case  Unit  at  the  attorney
            After  exhuming  the  body                                                                                          general's office help in their
            in  2012,  investigators  ob-                                                                                       investigation and hopefully
            tained   new    fingerprints   This October 1962 photo released by the New Hampshire Attorney General's Office shows Winston   solving this someday."
            and submitted them to re-    "Skip" Morris, whose remains were found along Interstate 93 in Salem, N.H., on Aug. 7, 1969.   The  Cold  Case  Unit  was
            gional  databases  and  to                                                                        Associated Press.  created in 2009. In 2019, it
            FBI  system  multiple  times,                                                                                       solved its oldest crime, the
            most  recently  in  July.  But  scheduled to retire in June.  The attorney general's Cold  repaired  with  a  surgical  52-year-old shooting death
            they didn't get a match un-  "When  you're  looking  at  Case Unit had been trying  plate and screws.               of an auto repair shop work-
            til  a  criminalist  at  the  New  a  finger  that's  been  in  the  to  identify  the  remains  for  A forensic artist later creat-  er in Andover. Investigators
            Hampshire State Police Fo-   ground since 1969, the epi-  years.  Those  efforts  includ-  ed  a  facial  reconstruction  said  Thomas  Cass,  67,  of
            rensic  Lab  manually  plot-  dermal layer of skin is gone.  ed an examination by Uni-  of  the  man's  skull,  and  a  Orleans, Vermont, killed Ev-
            ted the characteristics from  What we're truly looking at  versity of Maine anthropol-  DNA profile was submitted  erett Delano, 49. Cass killed
            one of Morris's fingers.     is the inner layer," he said in  ogist  Marcella  Sorg,  who  to  a  database  of  profiles  himself in 2014, four days af-
            "I chose to play old school,  a phone interview Monday.  provided a fuller picture of  developed  from  people  ter authorities told him that
            I'm  not  a  youngster,  so  I  "It was off enough that the  the man's appearance, in-  looking for missing relatives.  evidence linked him to the
            went  back  to  plotting  the  system  couldn't  make  the  cluding his over-sized lower  Morris' family, who declined  murder.q
            What to know about malaria drug and coronavirus treatment

            By The Associated Press                                                                nary  studies  give  conflict-  31  others  who  did  not  get
            undefined                                                                              ing results.                 the  drug,  although  fewer
            Some  politicians  and  doc-                                                           One lab study suggested it  people  in  the  comparison
            tors   are   sparring   over                                                           curbed  the  virus'  ability  to  group had cough or fevers
            whether  to  use  hydroxy-                                                             enter  cells.  Another  report  to start with.
            chloroquine  against  the                                                              on  11  people  found  it  did  Four people developed se-
            new     coronavirus,   with                                                            not  improve  how  fast  pa-  vere illness and all were in
            many  of  scientists  saying                                                           tients  cleared  the  virus  or  the group that did not get
            the evidence is too thin to                                                            their symptoms.              the drug. These results were
            recommend it now.                                                                      A   report   from   China  posted  online  and  have
            HOW IS IT BEING USED?                                                                  claimed  the  drug  helped  not been reviewed by oth-
            The  drug  can  help  tame                                                             more  than  100  patients  at  er scientists or published in
            an overactive immune sys-                                                              10  hospitals,  but  they  had  a journal.
            tem.  It's  been  used  since                                                          various  degrees  of  illness  Larger, more rigorous stud-
            the  1940s  to  prevent  and                                                           and  were  treated  with  ies are underway now.
            treat malaria, and to treat                                                            various  doses  for  different  WHAT'S THE RISK?
            rheumatoid  arthritis  and                                                             lengths of time, and might  The  drug  can  cause  heart
            lupus.  It's  sold  in  generic                                                        have  recovered  without  rhythm  problems,  severely
            form and under the brand                                                               the  drug  —  there  was  no  low  blood  pressure  and
            name Plaquenil in the Unit-                                                            group  that  didn't  get  the  muscle  or  nerve  damage.
            ed States. Doctors also can                                                            drug for comparison.         Taking it outside of a scien-
            prescribe  it  "off  label"  for                                                       Finally, researchers in China  tific  experiment  adds  the
            other  purposes,  as  many                                                             reported that cough, pneu-   risk of not having tracking in
            are  doing  now  for  COV-   In  this  March  31,  2020  file  photo  pharmacist  Amanda  Frank   monia  and  fever  seemed  place  to  watch  for  any  of
            ID-19.                       reaches  for  a  bottle  of  Hydroxychloroquine  at  the  Medicine   to  improve  sooner  among  these  side  effects  or  prob-
            WHAT'S THE EVIDENCE?         Shoppe in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.                               31  patients  given  hydroxy-  lems  and  quickly  address
            Four small and very prelimi-                                         Associated Press.  chloroquine  compared  to  them if they do occur. q
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