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Tuesday 7 april 2020
Karuna respons to the coronavirus
ORANJESTAD — Karuna to deal with the virus, peo- nity to be kind in large and rance and to reinstate a
comes from the Sanskrit ple are moving into spiri- small ways. sense of dignity by acting
kara, meaning “to do,” tual domains for strength, from enlightened responsi-
or “to make.” Karuna is a support, and signals. Ka- Cleanliness Is Important – bility.
compassionate state of be- runa is offered as a collec- Don’t Become Frustrated
ing as part of a shared hu- tive spiritual experiment to At a time when we are Check for Symptoms –
man experience. Karuna is help open our hearts and dealing with preventative Don’t Blame
the compassionate doing souls to a more elevated responses, the spiritual te- When millions of people
of something to alleviate response, one requiring re- net of “cleanliness gives the globally have to face the Compassionate Generosity
suffering. Karuna is a key silience and flexibility. clarity to be safe” is appli- fact that they may con- Compassionate generos-
element of the yogic path, cable. Every time I wash my tract a deadly virus, then ity is to live from the heart
opening the “eye” of en- Compassionate Love hands or wipe a surface, I we know that we are em- and not from the ego. As
lightened wisdom to see Compassionate love is am being kind and keep- bracing a collective settle- a human family, we must
the harmony, connected- care and consideration ing others safe. It takes a ment for something that accept that in life there
ness, and interdependence for someone. It is not self- clear and clean intellect we contributed to in some are many challenges. In
of all living beings and their ish in its aims and upholds to discern between choice way and form. The usual the face of challenges, we
natural environments within respect, reverence, and and compulsion. Choose response is to project, to must rise with humility, calm-
the whole universe. regard. Its intention is pure. kindness! blame, and to accuse. In ness, and courage. Com-
People who love compas- this particular settlement, it passionate generosity urg-
Karuna is the highest level sionately, whether for loved Compassionate Mercy appears the law of karma es us to open our hearts to
of compassion and is com- ones, their community, or Compassionate mercy mo- is enabling the animals to our people and our planet.
prised of six basic spiritual all of humankind, do so tivates benevolence – go- have their karmic revenge. Compassionate generosity
virtues latent in the soul. continually, and maintain ing out of one’s way to help The time of collective set- stops us from viewing life
These latent virtues are a relationship with others another. To be of service tlement is also a time for through the eyes of greed.
transmitted from the liv- through selfless service. to others gives a feeling of reconciliation and forgive- It prevents us from becom-
ing beings, souls, through gratitude, something to be ness. It’s the time to take ing small, narrow-minded,
the spiritual trajectory of Social Distancing – Don’t Be thankful for. It is a spiritual our lifestyle seriously and lonely, bitter, and resentful.
awareness, attitude, vision, Distressed disposition of understand- to change our awareness, Compassionate generosity
and action. These virtues In observing social distanc- ing the essential in the ex- attitude, and actions es- is to live from a place of au-
live as vibrational frequen- ing, the space of six feet pansion, the underpinning pecially toward animals, thenticity and abundance.
cies in the soul, and their apart invites us to practice wisdom in the vastness of plants, and Planet Earth. It opens our eyes to see life
expression forms a living the spiritual principle of “be- information overload. Forgiveness is grounded in as it is (a new normal), in-
system of interrelationships ing detached and loving.” deep realization of causes, stead of how it should be
that connects us in the ex- The foundation of human Be Informed – Don’t Over- symptoms, and conse- (normalcy bias).
perience of life. Karuna is life is love. Love brings souls react quences. Forgiveness sets Compassionate generosity
like a satellite that emits the closer. Being detached To be knowledgeable of us free. awakens goodness in the
frequencies of love, kind- gives us the chance to be something is to have mer- soul and helps us to culti-
ness, mercy, forgiveness, fully present. Social dis- cy on yourself, family, and Compassionate Non-Vio- vate heart-to-heart bonds
non-violence, and gener- tancing is the opportunity community. Knowledge lence and to live pure, unselfish
osity. to share spiritual love. With makes it easy to follow di- Compassionate non-vio- lives.
your eyes, emit the vibra- rections with understand- lence is to appeal to fair-
The Coronavirus is a global tions of elevated thoughts, ing. Mercy is to stay with ness, not to fear. The hu- Lockdown - enough for
health and societal emer- pure feelings. This is called what is essential and not man heart is capable of everyone’s need – don’t
gency that calls on the col- “drishti” - the sharing of soul to over-listen, over-read, conceiving a complete panic
lective effort of human be- conscious love. With your over-speak, and over- substitute for violence. The There is a panic that runs
ings to take informed and folded hands, honor the react about the informa- heart’s deepest nature is to through the society when
effective action to protect divinity in the other. This is tion so abundantly avail- trust what is true and real. there’s a lockdown. Peo-
the self and others. The vi- called “namaste.” With able. Don’t keep thinking The roots of this substitute ple begin to stockpile and
rus is an excretion of a toxic your smile, acknowledge about the many different grow from courage, not hoard food and other es-
cell that has gone viral. It the other with the peaceful opinions. Not keeping the from confusion. True non- sential supplies. The super-
spreads mainly between greeting of “om shanti.” detailed expansion in your violence is only possible markets and stores can
people through respiratory mind and heart means to with unadulterated fear- sometimes hardly keep up
droplets from an infected Compassionate Kindness have mercy for the self. lessness. with consumers’ demand.
person as well as through Compassionate kindness Merge the waste of worry The mindset is “survival of
touching surfaces that may comes from self-compas- and stay with the pure feel- At Times of Uncertainty- the fittest.” Compassion-
contain germs from the vi- sion – do unto others as you ings of hope. The mercy of Don’t Get Confused ate generosity can be ap-
rus, then touching one’s would have them do unto your own heart enables you Some people behave in plied through the simple
own mouth, nose, and you. It is the ability to be to have disinterest for the certain violent ways when reminders of “less is more,”
eyes. In order to cope with gentle with the self and to various types of ideas and their behaviors are driven “enough for everyone’s
the sudden-ness of this out- go beyond self-judgments. opinions that could cause by fear. Panic unearths ex- need, but not everyone’s
break and the drastic pre- When we enhance this in- over-reaction on your part. clusion and discrimination, greed,” and “sharing is car-
cautions people are being ner ability to really see the resulting in anger, resent- ing.” To practice compas-
asked to take, there are a self, then we can see and Compassionate Forgive- ment, and prejudices. For sionate generosity at the
lot of emotional and psy- feel what is around us. We ness other people, compas- time of crisis fosters a sense
chological consequences, would treat others the way Compassionate forgive- sionate non-violence is of community and a feel-
such as distress and anxi- we would want to be treat- ness is an awareness that embodied best at times of ing of interconnectedness.
ety, uncertainty and worry, ed. Compassionate kind- generates a willingness to uncertainty. At these times, This shifts the focus away
confusion and fear, and ness brings stability and sat- let go of guilt and blame these people spontaneous- from selfishness to a spirit of
over-reaction. isfaction in relationships. It that cause disturbance ly act from the heart, com- being in it together. More
gives courage and strength and distress to the soul. It is ing together in community information: Brahma Ku-
Because there is no imme- to see every thought, word, the wisdom to forgive the as one human family. maris World Spiritual Orga-
diate treatment available and action as an opportu- self for acting out of igno- nization. q