Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200407
P. 28

                      Tuesday 7 april 2020
            Desperate hunt for food by Peru's poor amid virus quarantine

            By FRANKLIN BRICENO                                                                                                 older  adults  and  people
            Associated Press                                                                                                    with  existing  health  prob-
            LIMA,  Peru  (AP)  —  Push-                                                                                         lems, it can cause more se-
            ing  a  shopping  cart  with                                                                                        vere illness, including pneu-
            two children, César Alegre                                                                                          monia and death.
            emerges  from  the  large,                                                                                          As  of  Monday,  Peru  had
            deteriorated  house  near                                                                                           2,561  confirmed  coronavi-
            Peru's  presidential  palace                                                                                        rus  cases,  with  92  deaths,
            that is shared by 45 families                                                                                       The government has steadi-
            to  search  for  food.  Some-                                                                                       ly tightened bans and lock-
            times  he  begs  in  markets.                                                                                       downs  to  slow  the  spread
            Sometimes he sells candies.                                                                                         of the virus. This past week it
            It is a task that was hard at                                                                                       ordered that only men can
            the  best  of  times,  but  with                                                                                    leave  the  house  on  Mon-
            a  month-long  quarantine                                                                                           days,  Wednesdays  and
            that  has  forced  32  million                                                                                      Fridays,  while  only  women
            Peruvians  to  stay  home                                                                                           can  go  out  on  Tuesdays,
            and closed restaurants and                                                                                          Thursdays  and  Saturdays.
            food  kitchens,  it  has  be-                                                                                       The trips can only be to the
            come much harder.                                                                                                   market, pharmacy or bank.
            "We  eat  once  or  twice  a                                                                                        To  try  to  address  the  hu-
            day,"  said  the  52-year-old,                                                                                      manitarian  disaster,  Peru
            who says he has spent time                                                                                          has   begun     distributing
            in  six  different  prisons  for   In this March 19, 2020 photo, Nilu Asca and her 2-year-old daughter Darleth, who wears a spica cast   about  $400  million  to  feed
            theft. Many among the 100    to treat hip dysplasia, sleep inside their small room inside a building nicknamed “Luriganchito,”   12  million  poor  people  for
                                         after the country’s most populous prison, in Lima, Peru. The 24-year-old single mother spends her
            or so residents of the three-  days begging to provide for her two children and raise the 10 soles, about three U.S. dollars, for   one month.  But the money
            story house are ex-convicts   her daily lodging expense.                                                            doesn't seem to be reach-
            who can't find work. The old                                                                      Associated Press.  ing  most  of  the  families  in
            building  is  opposite  Lima's  them as much food, if any  dor said two weeks ago a  say  a  looming  recession  Alegre's  sprawling  shared
            San  Lazaro  church,  which  at  all,  because  their  sales  young man from the build-  worse than any since World  house.  The  building  in  Li-
            was  founded  in  1650  as  a  have fallen amid the pan-  ing stole a bag of fish.     War II could push the con-   ma's Rimac district is a rel-
            hospital for refugees from a  demic  and  strict  measures  Besides begging in markets,  tinent's  long-suffering  poor  ic  from  the  area's  historic
            leprosy outbreak.            that  have  kept  people  at  Alegre  also  sells  candy  on  into even more dire circum-  era  and  still  has  balconies
            Alegre  and  his  children,  home  and  shuttered  the  buses.  Nowadays,  passen-     stances.                     from its better days. But in-
            accompanied  by  a  hand-    restaurants that would buy  gers wear face masks and  "The  economic  impact  of  side  its  now-cracked  walls
            ful  of  neighbors,  normally  their  goods.    "They're  va-  don't like strangers coming  what  is  happening  is  un-  is a warren of narrow, dark
            start out by walking about  grants,"  said  a  meat  ven-  near them.                  precedented,"  said  Peru's  passageways  that  smell  of
            2  miles  (3  kilometers)  to  dor  of  the  inhabitants  of  "The  virus  has  highlighted  economy  minister,  María  damp  clothing  and  mari-
            a  market  where  they  ask  Alegre's  building,  which  the  selfishness  that  man  Alva.                         juana. Children run through
            for  food.  The  merchants  has  earned  the  nickname  carries inside," he said.      For  most  people,  the  new  them  barefoot  as  cock-
            give  them  potatoes,  meat  "Luriganchito,"   or   "Little  The  pandemic  has  spot-  coronavirus causes mild or  roaches  scatter  to  avoid
            bones  and  overripe  fruit  Lurigancho,"  after  Peru's  lighted  the  wide  gap  be-  moderate  symptoms,  such  being crushed.
            that nobody wants to buy.    most-populous  prison,  for  tween  rich  and  poor  in  as  fever  and  cough  that  Its  residents  have  stories
            But  these  days  the  mer-  the  number  or  ex-convicts  Peru and elsewhere in Latin  clear  up  in  two  to  three  of  hard  luck  and  tough
            chants are refusing to give  who reside there. The ven-   America,  and  economists  weeks. For some, especially  living.q
            Israeli leader announces lockdown over Passover holiday

            By ILAN BEN ZION             ment to help slow the out-   will not be allowed to leave
            Associated Press             break,  allowing  people  to  their homes.
            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  Israeli  leave  their  homes  to  buy  Netanyahu    said   similar
            Prime  Minister  Benjamin  food or other essential ac-    travel restrictions would be
            Netanyahu announced on  tivities. In a nationally tele-   in place for the upcoming
            Monday  a  complete  lock-   vised  address,  Netanyahu  holidays  of  Easter  and  Ra-
            down  over  the  upcoming  said  the  government  was  madan later in April.
            Passover  holiday  to  con-  further  restricting  move-  At  the  same  time,  he  said
            trol  the  country’s  corona-  ment  for  Passover,  which  “there  are  positive  signs
            virus outbreak, but offered  begins  Wednesday  eve-      on  the  horizon”  and  that
            citizens some hope by say-   ning  with  a  festive  meal  preparations  were  already
            ing he expects to lift wide-  known as the “Seder.”       underway  for  a  possible
            spread restrictions after the  “Every  family  will  sit  down  easing  of  movement  re-
            week-long festival.          for  Seder  night  on  its  own.  strictions after Passover.
            Netanyahu’s     announce-    Celebrate  only  with  the  For  most  people,  the  virus
            ment  came  as  leaders  immediate  family  that’s  at  causes  mild  to  moderate     An  ultra-Orthodox  Jew  wears  an  improvised  protective  face
            of  the  Coptic  Orthodox  home  with  you  now,”  he  symptoms  such  as  fever       mask as he pulls a supermarket cart on a mainly deserted street
            Church    in   neighboring  said.                         and  cough.  But  for  some,   because of the government's measures to help stop the spread
            Egypt  said  they  were  sus-  Beginning  Tuesday  after-  especially older adults and   of  the  coronavirus,  in  Bnei  Brak,  a  suburb  of  Tel  Aviv,  Israel,
            pending  Easter  celebra-    noon, Israel will ban move-  the  infirm,  it  can  cause   Friday, April 3, 2020.                Associated Press.
            tions because of the coro-   ment between cities. From  pneumonia and even lead
            navirus.  Israel  has  already  Wednesday  evening  until  to death.                   said it was suspending Eas-  tions  at  churches  later  this
            greatly  restricted  move-   Thursday  morning,  Israelis  In Egypt, the Coptic church  ter  prayers  and  celebra-  month.q
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