Page 13 - ATA 3 OCT 2015
P. 13


LOCALSaturday 3 October 2015

Elko Family Honored at the Divi Phoenix Beach Resort

PALM BEACH - Recently the      utive years. The honorees    feels like a second home
Aruba Tourism Authority        were Mr. George and Mrs.     where the people are like
had the great pleasure of      Linda Elko from Lancaster,   family to them, and the
honoring a very nice cou-      Pennsylvania. George and     Divi Phoenix is their ‘home
ple as Distinguished Visitors  Linda are loyal members      away from home.’  The cer-
at the Divi Phoenix Beach      of the Divi Phoenix Beach    tificates were presented by
Resort. The symbolic hon-      Resort and they love Aruba   Mr. Ernest Giel representing
orary title is presented in    very much because of the     the Aruba Tourism Author-
the name of the Minister of    friendly people, the weath-  ity together with Mr. Daniel
Tourism as a token of appre-   er, the beaches, the res-    Ras and Mrs. Avril Culley
ciation to guests who visit    taurants and the fantastic   representing the Divi Phoe-
Aruba for 10-to-19 consec-     snorkeling. They say Aruba   nix Beach Resort.q
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