Page 8 - MIN SOC 27 JUNI 2015
P. 8

                                                                                                                                       Saturday 27 June 2015

                                                                                                BOURBON TASTING

Supreme Court declares US-wide right to same-sex marriage 

MARK SHERMAN                     court in Massachusetts le-    The crowd celebrates outside of the Supreme Court in Washing-                  Roberts read a summary of
Associated Press                 galizing same-sex marriage    ton, Friday June 26, 2015, after the court declared that same-sex              his dissent from the bench,
WASHINGTON (AP) — Gay            there, prompting several      couples have a right to marry anywhere in the US.                              the first time he has done
and lesbian Americans            states to ban it and galva-                                                                                  so in nearly 10 years as
have the same right to           nizing conservative voter                                                       (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)  chief justice.
marry as any other cou-          turnout during George W.                                                                                     Justice Antonin Scalia said
ples, theU.S. Supreme            Bush’s re-election cam-       called it “justice that arrives  cuiting a national debate                     he was not concerned so
Court declared Friday in a       paign. Just over a decade     like a thunderbolt.”             about same-sex marriage.                      much about same-sex mar-
historic ruling deciding one     later, Justice Anthony Ken-   Four of the court’s justices     “This court is not a legis-                   riage as “this court’s threat
of America’s most conten-        nedy’s majority opinion       weren’t cheering. The dis-       lature. Whether same-sex                      to American democracy.”
tious and emotional legal        was clear and firm: “The      senters accused their col-       marriage is a good idea                       He termed the decision a
questions. Celebrations          court now holds that same-    leagues of usurping power        should be of no concern                       “judicial putsch.”
and joyful weddings quick-       sex couples may exercise      that belongs to the states       to  us,” Chief Justice John                   Several religious organiza-
ly followed states where         the fundamental right to      and to voters, and short-cir-    Roberts wrote in dissent.                     tions criticized the decision
they had been forbidden.         marry. No longer may this                                                                                    and a group of pastors in
The vote was narrow — 5-4        liberty be denied to them.”                                                                                  Texas vowed to defy it.
— but the ruling will put an     Kennedy’s reading of the                                                                                     Kennedy said nothing in
end to same-sex marriage         ruling elicited tears in the                                                                                 the court’s ruling would
bans in the 14 states that       courtroom, euphoria out-                                                                                     force religions to condone,
still maintain them, and pro-    side and the immediate is-                                                                                   much less perform, wed-
vide an exclamation point        suance of marriage licens-                                                                                   dings to which they object.
for breathtaking changes         es to same-sex couples in                                                                                    And he said the couples
in America’s social norms in     county offices in Georgia                                                                                    seeking the right to marry
recent years. As recently as     and Texas. In Dallas, Ken-                                                                                   should not have to wait for
last October, just over one-     neth Denson said he and                                                                                      the political branches of
third of the states permitted    Gabriel Mendez had been                                                                                      government to act.
gay marriages.                   legally married in 2013 in                                                                                   “The dynamic of our con-
Public acceptance has            California but “we’re Tex-                                                                                   stitutional system is that in-
also shot up in recent years,    ans; we want to get mar-                                                                                     dividuals need not await
in stark contrast to the         ried in Texas.”                                                                                              legislative action before
widespread outcry against        In praise of the decision,                                                                                   asserting a fundamental
a 2004 ruling by the high        President Barack Obama                                                                                       right. q

Gay US couples wed on historic day as conservatives resist

C. GALOFARO                      “It’s just been incredible    couples. Allen said Ala-         lican Gov. Bobby Jindal is                    In Arkansas, Pulaski County
K. CHANDLER                      and historic and amazing      bama law gives judges the        running for the White House                   Clerk Larry Crane held a
Associated Press                 to live this moment,” Moore   option of granting licenses,     as a conservative Christian,                  hand to his heart after the
LOUISVILLE, Kentucky (AP)        said, after the mayor took    and “I have chosen not to        same-sex couples were                         Supreme Court’s ruling.
— Benjamin Moore and             commemorative photos          perform that function.”          turned away.                                  “It is a special day,” he said,
Tadd Roberts wore match-         of him and Roberts getting    Governors in Louisiana,          In Texas, many counties                       choking up. “I’m honored
ing tuxedos to the county        their license.                Mississippi and Texas also       held off on issuing same-sex                  to be a part of it.”
clerk’s office in Louisville to  But the reaction wasn’t as    railed against the ruling.       marriage licenses until re-                   Jessica Dent and Carolee
get married Friday, and the      welcoming in some of the      And clerks in some of the        ceiving guidance from Re-                     Taylor got married a few
mayor greeted them with a        14 states that had been the   affected states refused          publican Attorney General                     blocks from the courthouse
bottle of champagne.             last holdouts against same-   to issue licenses, citing a      Ken Paxton,                                   in Montgomery, Alabama.
They were among a rush of        sex marriages, creating       three-week grace period          who scolded the Supreme                       “Never thought it would
gay couples across Ameri-        confusion as some officials   allowed by the Supreme           Court but left counties in                    happen in our lifetime,”
ca who celebrated the Su-        embraced the ruling and       Court or forms now out of        limbo for hours. The de-                      said Taylor.
preme Court’s ruling legaliz-    others resisted it.           date that specify “bride”        lay dragged on for hours                      After their ceremony, they
ing same-sex marriage with       In rural Alabama, the heart   and “groom.”                     in Houston, until the clerk                   returned to the courthouse
spontaneous weddings.            of the battle against gay     But by Friday afternoon,         relented and agreed not                       to file their license, making
They were young and old,         marriage, Pike County Pro-    couples had received li-         to wait for updated forms                     them officially married in
they wore gowns and suits        bate Judge Wes Allen said     censes in all but one of the     from the state.                               the conservative state that
or T-shirts and jeans, they      he would stop issuing all     14 states, according to the      Other clerks scrambled to                     had fought back against
kissed and waved flags           marriage licenses to avoid    Human Rights Campaign.           issue licenses as gay cou-                    efforts to legalize gay
that read “love wins.”           having to give them to gay    In Louisiana, where Repub-       ples rushed to their offices.                 marriage.q
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