Page 9 - MIN SOC 27 JUNI 2015
P. 9
WORLD NEWSSaturday 27 June 2015
Leahy heads US delegation to Cuba ahead of embassies
HAVANA (AP) — A biparti- 17 they would move to re- said, “the sooner the bet- hotel and boarded a bus. president and heir-appar-
san delegation of U.S. sena- store diplomatic ties that ter.” “I’m glad to see things Leahy, who has traveled to ent to Raul Castro, Miguel
tors was in Cuba on Friday were severed more than are changing between our Cuba multiple times, was Diaz-Canel. A statement
to meet with top govern- 50 years ago, but talks on countries, and the more leading a group that also from the U.S. State Depart-
ment officials and others to reopening embassies have they change, the faster included fellow Democrat ment said the delegation
discuss rapprochement be- yet to yield an agreement they change, the better Ben Cardin of Maryland also would meet with reli-
tween the two countries. six months later. Asked for both countries,” he said and Republican Dean Hell- gious leaders, ambassadors
The United States and when that might happen, in brief remarks as the law- er of Nevada. The senators and others in Havana and
Cuba announced on Dec. Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy makers left their Havana met with Cuba’s first vice the eastern city of Santiago.
Haiti: Dominican deportations causing ‘humanitarian crisis’
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) residency. Many of those A man jokes around as he loads plantains for export to Haiti into a transport truck, at a border
— Haiti’s prime minister affected are of Haitian de- market in Jimani, Dominican Republic. Haiti’s prime minister warned Thursday that the Dominican
warned Thursday that the scent or from Haiti. Republic is creating a humanitarian crisis with its crackdown on migrants.
Dominican Republic is cre- The majority of those cross-
ating a humanitarian crisis ing the border are children (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
with its crackdown on mi- and young adults, said
grants, noting that 14,000 Paul, who stressed that the the border,” he said. ficials saying more than ambassadors to explain
people have crossed the Haitian government needs The Dominican govern- 12,000 people have left the the details of the immigra-
border into Haiti in less than to establish a social and ment has said deportations country voluntarily. tion registration program, in
a week. economic plan to help will be a slow and lengthy Dominican officials met which nearly 290,000 peo-
“That is massive,” Prime them. process, with migration of- Wednesday with several ple have enrolled.q
Minister Evans Paul said He said that creating
during a meeting with re- camps near the border
porters to talk about the to house them would only
issue. He said the number lead to more poverty.
included both people be- Paul called for renewed di-
ing deported and those alogue with the Dominican
leaving voluntarily. He said government to address the
many of them should be migrant issue, among other
considered Dominican citi- things.
zens. “It’s time to try and fix ev-
Paul spoke just days after erything that needs fixing,
the Dominican govern- to improve relations be-
ment announced it would tween both countries, but
start deporting non-citizens also for the good of the
who did not submit appli- people, for the respect of
cations to establish legal the people on both sides of
Puerto Rico amends laws after US ruling on gay marriage
DANICA COTO government agencies to change. of such marriages. The is- northern city of Arecibo,
Associated Press become compliant with Miranda praised the Su- land’s Justice Department said he would continue to
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) the ruling within 15 days. As preme Court ruling as “a originally fought the law- protect the institution of
— Thousands of people in a result, the island’s Health huge step in the quest for suit but announced earlier marriage as it is meant to
Puerto Rico celebrated Fri- Department and other equal rights. You cannot this year it would no longer be: “By nature, marriage
day’s U.S. Supreme Court agencies are expected to deny people the right to defend the laws. The case exists and can only exist be-
ruling to allow gay mar- begin issuing marriage li- love.” then was put on hold pend- tween a man and a wom-
riage as authorities rushed censes by early next month. All U.S. Supreme Court rul- ing a Supreme Court ruling. an,” he said.
to approve legislation ex- Justice Secretary Cesar ings apply in the U.S. terri- Supporters of the ruling Garcia acknowledged op-
tending marriage rights in Miranda said that while it tory. gathered at the seaside ponents in a statement,
the socially conservative was not immediately clear Several gay couples in Capitol building to cele- saying, “I ask all of those
U.S. territory. whether the ruling also Puerto Rico previously had brate, while religious lead- who are people of faith like
Just hours after the court’s meant that gay couples filed a lawsuit challenging ers across the island reject- me to understand that no
decision, Gov. Alejandro in Puerto Rico could now local laws including those ed it. one is allowed to impose
Garcia Padilla signed an adopt, he said he would that prohibit same-sex mar- Monsignor Daniel Fernan- their religious beliefs on
executive order requiring accept and support the riage and the recognition dez, Catholic bishop of the others.”q