Page 10 - MIN SOC 27 JUNI 2015
P. 10
LOCALSaturday 27 June 2015
Talented Violinist from the USA:
Andrea Hughes is the first winner of the “Clyde Harms Scholarship”
ORANJESTAD - During the her Bachelor’s degree in seph Silverstein and Barba- during the school year, as forward to seeing Andrea
Nuevo Mundo Festival & music at Cleveland Insti- ra Gorzynska. determined by the violin
Academy (NMFA) 2015 tute of Music (CIM) study- In 2006, when she was just facultyat CIM. The Aruban Hughes back in Aruba next
that just ended last week, ing under Professors Paul 15, Andrea won the first classical music lovers look
a competition was held Kantor and Ivan Zenaty. prize of the UMTA Pre-Col- year. clydeharms@ya-
among the students of all She has performed in con- legiate Instrumental Com-
musical instruments. The certs with the Woods Cross petition and of the Utah hoo.comq
American violinist from Orchestra and with the State Fair Competition. She
Utah, Miss Andrea Hughes Utah Symphony. She has again won the latter com-
was named the winner also collaborated with the petition in 2007. Two years
while Renato Moscott, a Ohio Valley Symphony and ago Andrea received the
cellist from Caracas, Ven- the Suzuki Youth Orchestra Dr. Jerome Gross Award
ezuela obtained second of the Americas. She has presented annually to the
place. With her victory, An- taken Master classes with graduate or undergradu-
drea became the first win- renowned professors such ate student demonstrat-
ner of the “Clyde Harms as Charles Castleman, Jo- ing the greatest progress
Scholarship” which NMFA
created to honor an Aru-
ban who helped them es-
tablish in Aruba and who
has been an ardent fan
of NMFA since 2005 when
they were still performing
in Maracaibo. The scholar-
ship covers the student’s
fees for next year’s festival.
Andrea Hughes is only 24
years old, but already has
an impressive trajectory
as a violinist. She obtained