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Some of Peru’s Best Flavors
October 28, 2022 are Firing up Palm Beach
T: 582-7800
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Aruban designer Darwin
Winklaar receives In the
Spotlight Award
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Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin listens to a question during a briefing at the Pentagon in Wash-
Associated Press Cyclists activity to
ington, Thursday, Oct. 27, 2022.
Spy agencies pulled 2020 vote study bring awareness in the
amid internal dissent community
By NOMAAN MERCHANT failed to address the allegations of politics
Associated Press seeping into intelligence that arose in the
WASHINGTON (AP) — As U.S. spy agencies 2020 election and that remain unresolved
ramped up their work to catch foreign for some today.Reissued in September, the
meddling in this year’s election, a team of study remains classified and its full contents
CIA experts studied lessons learned from aren’t publicly known. Several people fa-
the contentious 2020 vote. Unexpectedly, miliar with the matter would say only that it
their report sparked a controversy within included recommendations on how intel-
parts of the intelligence community. ligence leaders could best examine and
In a rare move, their study was withdrawn report election threats attributed to Russia,
shortly after it was issued in the spring af- China and other American adversaries.
ter rank-and-file officers protested that it Continued on Page 2 Page 11