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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 16 June 2020
            Continued from Front         Trump aggressively pushed
            FDA's  move  means  that  the  drug  beginning  in  the
            shipments of the drugs ob-   first weeks of the outbreak
            tained by the federal gov-   and    stunned     medical
            ernment  will  no  longer  be  professionals  when  he  re-
            distributed to state and lo-  vealed  he  took  the  drug
            cal  health  authorities  for  preemptively against infec-
            use  against  the  coronavi-  tion.  After  Trump's  repeat-
            rus. The drugs are still avail-  ed  promotions,  prescrip-
            able for alternate FDA-ap-   tions  for  hydroxychloro-
            proved uses, so U.S. doctors  quine  soared,  contributing
            could  still  prescribe  them  to  shortages  for  patients
            for COVID-19 — a practice  using  the  drugs  for  estab-
            known as off-label prescrib-  lished uses.
            ing.                         No  large,  rigorous  studies
            Dr. Steven Nissen, a Cleve-  have found the drugs safe
            land Clinic researcher who  or  effective  for  preventing
            has  been  a  frequent  FDA  or  treating  COVID-19.  And
            adviser,  agreed  with  the  a  string  of  recent  studies
            decision and said he would  made clear they could do
            not  have  granted  emer-    more harm than good.
            gency  access  in  the  first  Dr.  Peter  Lurie,  a  former
            place.                       FDA associate commission-
            "There has never been any  er and an Obama adminis-       This April 7, 2020 file photo shows a bottle of hydroxychloroquine tablets in Texas City, Texas.
            high-quality  evidence  sug-  tration appointee, said the                                                                       Associated Press
            gesting that hyrdoxychloro-  agency  had  tarnished  its
            quine is effective" for treat-  reputation  by  clearing  the  remdesivir,  an  intravenous  warned doctors that it had  spread  use  of  the  malaria
            ing  or  preventing  corona-  drugs  based  on  scant  evi-  drug that has been shown  seen  reports  of  danger-   drugs.  Rick  Bright  said  he
            virus infection, he said, but  dence  and  under  appar-  to help severely ill, hospital-  ous  side  effects  and  heart  worked with FDA senior staff
            there is evidence of serious  ent political pressure.     ized patients recover faster.  problems  reported  to  poi-  to limit the drugs' authoriza-
            side effects.                "This  is  an  agency  that  The  FDA  granted  emer-     son  control  centers  and  tion to patients hospitalized
            On Thursday, a National In-  gains  its  credibility  from  gency use of the drugs for  other health systems.       with  COVID-19  and  under
            stitutes  of  Health  panel  of  the strength of its scientific  coronavirus patients in late  The agency said it revoked  professional supervision.
            experts  revised  its  recom-  pronouncements,"  said  Lu-  March  at  the  same  time  the authorization in consul-  Among  other  issues,  Bright
            mendations  to  specifically  rie,  now  president  of  the  the  U.S.  government  ac-  tation  with  the  Biomedical  objected  to  the  fact  that
            recommend  against  the  nonprofit  Center  for  Sci-     cepted  30  million  doses  of  Advanced  Research  and  some  of  the  doses  import-
            drug's use except in formal  ence in the Public Interest.  hydroxychloroquine   and  Development  Authority,  or  ed  were  manufactured  at
            studies, and "that, I'm sure,  "The  lesson  of  this  whole  chloroquine that had been  BARDA, which had request-  facilities  in  India  and  Paki-
            had influence on the FDA,"  tawdry  episode  is  that  it's  donated  by  two  foreign  ed the emergency use.       stan that had not been in-
            Nissen said.                 the  old,  painstaking  ways  drug  manufacturers.  Mil-  BARDA's  former  director  spected by the FDA.
            The  actions  by  FDA  and  of  science  that  ultimately  lions  of  those  doses  were  said  in  April  that  he  was  The  FDA  says  it  sampled
            NIH  send  a  clear  signal  to  deliver  safe  and  effective  shipped to U.S. hospitals to  removed  from  his  job  be-  and  tested  the  imported
            health professionals against  therapies." The only remain-  treat  patient  who  weren't  cause  he  resisted  political  drugs  to  confirm  they  met
            prescribing  the  drugs  for  ing  drug  with  FDA  authori-  enrolled in clinical trials.  pressure  from  Trump  ap-  the agency's standards for
            coronavirus.                 zation  against  COVID-19  is  But  the  FDA  previously  pointees  to  allow  wide-   safety and quality.q

             Supreme Court for now stays out of police immunity debate

             WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                              finds that an official or of-  crats in the wake of Floyd's
             Supreme  Court  is  for  now                                                          ficer  has  violated  some-  death would make it easi-
             declining to get involved in                                                          one's  constitutional  rights,  er for injured individuals to
             an ongoing debate by citi-                                                            they can still be protected  claim damages in civil suits
             zens and in Congress over                                                             from  civil  lawsuits  seeking  against  police offices. The
             policing,  rejecting  cases                                                           money. The Supreme Court  White House, however, has
             Monday  that  would  have                                                             has  said  that  qualified  im-  said that provision is a non-
             allowed  the  justices  to  re-                                                       munity protects officials as  starter and not likely to be
             visit  when  police  can  be                                                          long as their actions don't  part  of  a  Senate  Republi-
             held financially responsible                                                          violate  clearly  established  can bill that's in the works.
             for wrongdoing.                                                                       law  or  constitutional  rights  The  push  for  the  court  to
             With  protests  over  racism                                                          which  they  should  have  reexamine qualified immu-
             and  police  brutality  con-                                                          known about.                nity  has  come  both  from
             tinuing  nationwide,  the                                                             The Supreme Court's deci-   the  left  and  right,  includ-
             justices turned away more   The columns of the Supreme Court are seen with the Capitol at   sion  not  to  wade  into  the  ing  Thomas,  a  conserva-
             than  half  a  dozen  cases   right, in Washington, early Monday, June 15, 2020.      qualified immunity debate  tive, and Justice Sonia So-
             involving  the  legal  doc-                                          Associated Press  follows  nationwide  pro-  tomayor, a liberal. In 2018,
             trine  known  as  qualified                                                           tests  against  racism  and  when  the  court  said  that
             immunity,  which  the  high  comment  in  turning  away  our  qualified  immunity  ju-  police brutality sparked by  an  Arizona  police  officer
             court  created  more  than  the  cases,  but  Justice  risprudence,"  he  wrote,  the death in Minnesota of  who  shot  a  knife-wielding
             50 years ago. It shields offi-  Clarence  Thomas  wrote  explaining he believes the  George  Floyd,  a  46-year-  woman four times was im-
             cials, including police, from  a  6-page  dissent  saying  court's  "qualified  immunity  old  black  man  who  died  mune from being sued, So-
             lawsuits for money as a re-  he would have agreed to  doctrine  appears  to  stray  May  25  while  being  re-    tomayor  said  the  decision
             sult for things they do in the  hear one of the cases.   from the statutory text."    strained by a white officer.  "sends  an  alarming  signal
             course of their job.         "I  have  previously  ex-   As a result of qualified im-  In  Congress,  a  bill  intro-  to  law  enforcement  offi-
             As is usual the court didn't  pressed  my  doubts  about  munity, even when a court  duced  by  House  Demo-      cers and the public." q
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