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                                                                                                  BUSINESS Tuesday 16 June 2020
            Can job market sustain its gains? Uncertainties cloud future

            AP Economics Writers                                                                                                cans  will  regain  their  pre-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Lay-                                                                                           pandemic  enthusiasm  for
            offs are slowing, unemploy-                                                                                         eating  out.  Local  govern-
            ment is declining and hiring                                                                                        ments, newly vigilant about
            is  gradually  rising,  suggest-                                                                                    a  potential  resurgence  of
            ing that a steady rebound                                                                                           the  virus,  may  continue  to
            may be afoot in the U.S. job                                                                                        require  restaurants  to  re-
            market.                                                                                                             strict seating capacity.
            Or is it?                                                                                                           "A  lot  of  those  restaurants
            So  many  uncertainties  are                                                                                        may not have been able to
            overhanging the economy                                                                                             carry  themselves  through
            that no one knows whether                                                                                           the  shutdown  …  or  they
            hiring will expand steadily in                                                                                      can't make a profit on a ta-
            the months ahead or mere-                                                                                           ble setup that is half of what
            ly plateau as employers re-                                                                                         is used to be,'' said Barbara
            call  only  enough  of  their                                                                                       Denham, senior economist
            laid-off  staffers  to  partially                                                                                   at the commercial real es-
            reopen for business.                                                                                                tate research firm Moody's
            The  most  dangerous  risk                                                                                          Analytics REIS. q
            is  that  the  coronavirus  will
            roar  back  with  renewed
            intensity,  forcing  millions
            of businesses to shut down   In a April 30, 2020 file photo, a man walks by a closed store during the COVID-19 in Chicago.
            again  and  resume  deep                                                                           Associated Press
            job cuts.
            The  outlook  is  so  opaque  mists  have  warned  that  last  year,  which  was  itself  as  consumer  spending  re-
            that at a news conference  a  second  viral  outbreak  a  record.  This  trend  would  mains  subdued,  so  will  hir-
            last week, Federal Reserve  would  lead  many  more  mean  that  hundreds  of  ing.  The  outlook  is  particu-
            Chairman  Jerome  Powell  consumers  to  stay  home,  thousands of jobs wouldn't  larly dim for businesses that
            used the words "uncertain"  thereby  dealing  another  return.  Some  companies  depend  on  mass  gather-
            or "uncertainty" seven times  blow  to  restaurants,  bars  in  the  travel  and  energy  ings  —  from  concert  ven-
            to describe the outlook for  and    retailers,and   likely  industries  will  likely  go  out  ues and professional sports
            economy.                     causing more layoffs.        of  business  in  the  coming  leagues to airlines and the
            "The extent of the downturn  WILL  MANY  COMPANIES  weeks or months.                   film and television industry.
            and the pace of recovery,"  GO OUT OF BUSINESS?           So far, the pace of business  Professional sports, accord-
            Powell  said,  "remain  ex-  Many  people  who  have  bankruptcies  has  yet  to  ing  to  analytics  firm  EMSI,
            traordinarily  uncertain  and  lost  jobs  say  they  regard  surge.  Amy  Quackenboss,  creates  up  to  1.3  million
            will depend in large part on  their  layoffs  as  temporary  executive  director  of  the  jobs,  some  of  which  are
            our  success  in  containing  and  that  as  the  economy  American  Bankruptcy  In-   only part time or seasonal.
            the virus."                  rebounds,  they  expect  to  stitute,  credits  the  govern-  Still, about 3,000 workers are
            While it's hard to say what  return  to  their  old  employ-  ment's relief efforts, notably  needed to make U.S. Bank
            the  future  holds  for  Amer-  ers.  This  has  already  hap-  its  small  business  lending  Stadium   in   Minneapolis
            ica's  roughly  30  million  un-  pened to some employees  program,  with  limiting  the  hum for a Vikings game, for
            employed,  here  are  some  of restaurants, retailers and  number  of  household  and  example. It's unclear when
            key  factors  that  will  deter-  construction   companies.  business bankruptcies.    or whether all those jobs will
            mine  how  that  future  un-  If  that  trend  were  to  con-  "As this relief runs its course,  return.  College  sports  will
            folds.                       tinue,  it  could  deliver  a  however,"   she   added,  be  deeply  affected,  too.
            WILL  THERE  BE  ANOTHER  relatively fast recovery and  "mounting  financial  chal-    To take one example, Iowa
            WAVE OF THE VIRUS?           a steady decline in unem-    lenges  may  result  in  more  State University is consider-
            On  Thursday,  stock  prices  ployment.                   households  and  compa-      ing selling only half the tick-
            plunged  more  than  5%,  Yet  as  the  recession  that  nies  seeking  the  shelter  of  ets needed to fill its football
            driven  largely  by  reports  began  in  February  drags  bankruptcy."                 stadium this fall.
            that the number of corona-   on, more and more of the  HOW  FAST  WILL  CONSUM-        HOW  MANY  RESTAURANT
            virus cases is rising again in  unemployed  will  face  a  ERS RESTART SPENDING?       JOBS WILL RETURN?
            much  of  the  United  States  tougher   problem:   They  The  lifting  of  government-  As  much  as  it  has  any  in-
            as  more  reopened  busi-    may  have  no  business  to  ordered shutdowns of non-    dustry,  the  pandemic  has
            nesses   draw    customers  go back to.                   essential   businesses   will  devastated    restaurants
            without the full use of pro-  Retailers,  for  example,  are  increasingly  allow  more  and left their future deeply
            tective  masks  and  social  closing  stores  permanently  Americans  to  shop  and  uncertain.  Forced  to  close
            distancing.                  and  declaring  bankrupt-    spend. But consumers won't  their dining rooms to com-
            An Associated Press analy-   cy. Discount goods retailer  likely return to their pre-pan-  ply  with  government  lock-
            sis  this  week  found  that  in  Tuesday  Morning  late  last  demic habits of eating out,  downs, U.S. restaurants and
            21 states, the rolling seven-  month  became  the  fifth  traveling by plane, going to  bars slashed 5.4 million jobs
            day average of new cases  large  retail  chain  to  go  movies or visiting yoga stu-   in April, a 45% plunge. Bare-
            per capita was higher than  bankrupt  amid  the  pan-     dios  and  barbershops  until  ly  1.4  million  of  those  lost
            the  average  seven  days  demic, after J.C. Penney, J.  they're confident that they  jobs returned in May.
            earlier.  In  some  states,  re-  Crew, Neiman Marcus and  won't  be  infected.  And  Restaurants are increasing-
            ported cases and hospital-   discounter Stage Stores.     that would likely require sig-  ly, if only partially, reopen-
            izations  surged  after  state  Coresight  Research  says  nificantly expanded testing  ing, in many cases with their
            officials lifted their business  it  expects  20,000  to  25,000  capability  or  the  availabil-  indoor dining strictly limited
            lockdowns.                   stores to permanently close  ity of a vaccine.            to fewer customers. It's un-
            Powell  and  other  econo-   this  year,  up  from  9,800  In  the  meantime,  as  long  clear whether most Ameri-
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