Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200616
P. 31

locAl           Tuesday 16 June 2020

            Black Lives Matter movement on Aruba

            ORANJESTAD       —Sunday,  to  discuss  topics  like  ‘stop  Brooks  was  shot  and  killed  people  say:  “We  Arubans  of  Trayvon  Martin,  an  un-
            June  7th  Aruba  joined  in  racism  in  all  forms’,  ‘unity  by  police  last  Friday.  The  grew up with all colors and  armed   African-American
            on  the  global  conversa-   is  strength’,  ‘plan  of  pas-  officer  who  killed  Brooks  nationalities, we do not dis-  teenager  killed  in  Florida
            tion   happening     about  sive  action’,  and  ‘what  was  fired  and  the  police  criminate.”  But  discrimina-  in  July  2013.  The  move-
            race. A group called Back  measures  to  take  to  stop  chief  has  stepped  down.  tion unfortunately exists ev-  ment became more widely
            Lives  Matter  Aruba  gath-  racism’.   Anti-racist   pro-  An autopsy report released  erywhere and therefore it is  known and popularized af-
            ered  in  honor  and  solidar-  tests  in  the  world  continue  by the Fulton County Medi-  good to have a conversa-  ter  two  high-profile  deaths
            ity  towards  the  brothers  to  spread  following  the  cal  Examiner’s  Office  said  tion about it and be open  in  2014  of  unarmed  Afri-
            and  sisters  in  the  US,  The  recent  death  of  George  Brooks was shot twice in the  towards others.           can-American  men  (Eric
            Netherlands  and  around  Floyd  in  Minneapolis,  USA,  back.                                                      Garner in Staten Island, NY
            the  world.  To  say:  “Rest  in  leading  to  calls  to  defund                       Black Lives Matter is an ac-  and  Michael  Brown  in  Fer-
            Power”!                      police  departments  and  Aruba’s  people  represent  tivist  movement  which  be-     guson, MO). Neither of the
                                         take down historic statues.  more  than  100  different  gan as a hashtag (#Black-     police  officers  involved  in
            Last  Sunday,  June  14th,  a  Dozens were arrested in At-  nationalities and the island  LivesMatter)  after  George  their  deaths  were  indicted
            follow  up  gathering  was  lanta  as  protesters  took  to  has been praised for its mul-  Zimmerman  was  acquit-  (i.e., formally charged with
            organized  in  San  Nicolas  the  streets  after  Rayshard  ticultural  society.  As  many  ted  in  the  shooting  death  a crime). q

               Plastic Ban Ordinance per July 1st

               ORANJESTAD — The Plastic Ban Ordinance for Aruba will go into effect
               as of July 1st, 2020, together with the list of products that are prohib-
               ited. The island’s government made a decision in 2017 to ban all single
               use plastic bags and has now extended it to include items as plastic
               cups  and  straws  and  Styrofoam  boxes,  such  as  disposable  coolers.
               Also, sunscreens containing oxybenzone is to be prohibited in Aruba.
               The ban is effective in 2019, with a one-year transition period to a total
               ban in 2020. The Plastic Ban Ordinance will go into effect as of July 1st
               2020, together with the list of products that are prohibited.

                 Prohibited products
               •      Single use plastic bags with any type of handle;
               •      Single use plastic bags in supermarkets to pack fruit and veg-
               etables; Single use plastic/styrofoam cutlery, cups and plates;
               •      Single use plastic stirrers and straws;
               •      Single  use  plastic/styrofoam  containers  used  for  immediate
               consumption like fast food containers/food trucks;
               •      Suntan lotion/cream with Oxybenzone;
               •      Biodegradable products not mentioned in the list of exempted
               products; Releasing of plastic confetti and balloons into the sky.

               Products exempt until further notice
               o      Single use plastic straw for medical use;
               o      Single use plastic/styrofoam trays for cold cuts and raw meats;
               Saran wrap;
               o      Plastic/styrofoam/biodegradable lids for containers/cups;
               o      Plastic food packages used for prepackaging products by lo-
               cal food manufacture for wholesale.
                                                                                     •      Import of the prohibited products; Manufacturing of the pro-
                                                                                     hibited products; Sale of the prohibited products;
               Scope of the prohibition                                              •      To offer of the prohibited products.q
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