Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200616
P. 28

                      Tuesday 16 June 2020
            American convicted of spying in Russia, gets 16 years

            By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV                                                                                              Viktor  Bout  and  Konstantin
            MOSCOW (AP) — A Russian                                                                                             Yaroshenko.
            court convicted an Ameri-                                                                                           "There  have  been  propos-
            can corporate security ex-                                                                                          als  of  exchange,  the  issue
            ecutive  Monday  of  espio-                                                                                         is being discussed," he said.
            nage  and  sentenced  him                                                                                           Bout, a Russian arms trader,
            to 16 years in prison after a                                                                                       is  serving  a  25-year  sen-
            closed trial that the U.S. de-                                                                                      tence in the U.S. for a 2011
            nounced as a "mockery of                                                                                            conviction  on  charges  he
            justice,"  and  it  angrily  said                                                                                   conspired to sell millions of
            his treatment in jail was "ap-                                                                                      dollars  of  weapons  to  Co-
            palling."                                                                                                           lombian  rebels.  He  insisted
            Paul Whelan, a former Ma-                                                                                           he  was  a  legitimate  busi-
            rine  from  Novi,  Michigan,                                                                                        nessman.
            has  insisted  he  was  inno-                                                                                       Yaroshenko,  a  Russian  pi-
            cent, saying he was set up                                                                                          lot,  is  serving  a  20-year
            when  he  was  arrested  in                                                                                         sentence for conspiracy to
            Moscow in December 2018                                                                                             smuggle  cocaine  into  the
            while he was visiting Russia                                                                                        U.S.  after  he  was  arrested
            to  attend  a  friend's  wed-                                                                                       in Liberia in 2010 and extra-
            ding.                                                                                                               dited to the U.S.
            "We  have  serious  con-                                                                                            Russian  officials  and  law-
            cerns that Mr. Whelan was                                                                                           makers  have  cast  the
            deprived  of  the  fair  trial   Paul Whelan, a former U.S. marine who was arrested for alleged spying, listens to the verdict in a   convictions  of  Bout  and
            guarantees  that  Russia  is   courtroom at the Moscow City Court in Moscow, Russia, Monday, June 15, 2020.         Yaroshenko  as  politically
            required  to  provide  him  in                                                                     Associated Press  motivated  and  pushed  for
            accordance  with  its  inter-                                                                                       their release.
            national  human  rights  ob-  where he was being held.    Speaking to reporters after  Russian  government.  We  Leonid Slutsky, the head of
            ligations,"  U.S.  Secretary  of  Pompeo  said  the  U.S.  was  the  verdict,  U.S.  Ambas-  will  have  to  continue  to  foreign  affairs  committee
            State Mike Pompeo said in  "outraged"  by  the  verdict  sador  John  Sullivan  called  treat  it  as  a  political  case,  in  the  Kremlin-controlled
            a statement.                 and noted that Paul Whel-    the  trial  "a  mockery  of  jus-  which is what it is, and seek  lower house of parliament,
            The  50-year-old  Whelan,  an's  treatment  "has  been  tice."  Whelan's  lawyer  has  a  political  solution  for  his  rejected  Pompeo's  state-
            who  also  holds  British,  Irish  appalling," adding that au-  said his client was handed  freedom."               ment  as  "meddling  in  Rus-
            and  Canadian  citizenship,  thorities  ignored  his  medi-  a flash drive that had clas-  Kremlin  spokesman  Dmitry  sia's  judicial  system."  He
            has publicly complained of  cal condition and kept him  sified information on it that  Peskov rejected allegations  said Moscow is open to dis-
            poor prison conditions and  isolated  from  family  and  he didn't know about.         that  Whelan  was  a  politi-  cuss  Whelan's  possible  ex-
            has said his life is in danger.  friends.                 David  Whelan  described  cal hostage, telling report-    change for "Russian citizens
            Two  weeks  ago,  Whelan  He called the proceedings  the  case  as  political  and  ers  his  guilt  was  proven  at  who have remained in the
            underwent a hernia opera-    "a  secret  trial,  with  secret  voiced  hope  that  the  U.S.  the trial. Peskov refused to  U.S.  prisons  on  unfounded
            tion, which his twin brother,  evidence  and  without  ap-  government  will  help  gain  comment on whether Rus-   charges  and  in  inhumane
            David, described as "emer-   propriate  allowances  for  his freedom.                  sia could be eyeing his ex-  conditions."
            gency  surgery  ...  which  is  defense  witnesses."  The  "The  Russian  Federation  change for some of its citi-  "Political  will  is  required
            never a good sign."          Moscow City Court, where  wouldn't talk about releas-     zens in the U.S. custody.    for  reaching  such  agree-
            He  said  his  brother  had  the trial took place, said it  ing  Paul  until  he  was  con-  Whelan's  Russian  lawyer,  ments," he said.
            been  allowed  one  phone  was  held  behind  closed  victed,"  he  told  The  Asso-   Vladimir     Zherebenkov,  Yaroshenko's wife, Viktoria,
            call in 18 months and had  doors  because  authorities  ciated Press. "And so, now  pointed  at  Russian  official  also  voiced  hope  that  he
            voiced    concern    about  saw it as necessary for con-  that  that  has  happened,  statements signaling a pos-   could  be  exchanged  for
            coronavirus  infections  in  sidering  sensitive  informa-  we hope that the U.S. gov-  sibility  that  Whelan  could  Whelan,  the  Interfax  news
            Moscow's Lefortovo prison,  tion.                         ernment  will  speak  to  the  be exchanged for Russians  agency reported.q
            Japan to scrap costly land-based U.S. missile defense system

                                                                      TOKYO (AP) — Japan's De-     would be too time consum-    guchi in the south and an-
                                                                      fense Ministry said Monday  ing and costly.               other at Akita in the north.
                                                                      that it has decided to stop  (asterisk)Considering   the  Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's
                                                                      unpopular plans to deploy  cost  and  time  it  would  re-  government will now have
                                                                      two  costly  land-based  U.S.  quire, I had no choice but  to  reconsider  Japan's  mis-
                                                                      missile   defense   systems  judge  that  pursuing  the  sile defense program.
                                                                      aimed  at  bolstering  the  plan  is  not  logical,"  Kono  The plan to deploy the two
                                                                      country's capability against  said.    The  Japanese  gov-  missile   defense   systems
                                                                      threats from North Korea.    ernment in 2017 approved  already  had  faced  a  se-
                                                                      Defense Minister Taro Kono  adding the two missile de-    ries  of  setbacks,  including
                                                                      told  reporters  that  he  de-  fense  systems  to  bolster  questions  about  the  se-
                                                                      cided to "stop the deploy-   the  country's  current  de-  lection  of  one  of  the  sites,
                                                                      ment  process"  of  the  Ae-  fenses  consisting  of  Aegis-  repeated  cost  estimate
                                                                      gis  Ashore  systems  after  it  equipped destroyers at sea  hikes  that  climbed  to  450
                                                                      was  found  that  the  safety  and Patriot missiles on land.  billion  yen  ($4.1  billion)  for
                                                                      of one of the two planned  Defense officials have said  their 30-year operation and
            In this Jan. 10, 2020, file photo, Japanese Defense Minister Taro   host  communities  could  the two Aegis Ashore units  maintenance,  and  safety
            Kono speaks during a press conference at his ministry in Tokyo.   not  be  ensured  without  a  could cover Japan entirely  concerns  that  led  to  local
                                                     Associated Press  hardware  redesign  that  from one station at Yama-      opposition.q
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