Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200616
P. 32

a32    local
                      Tuesday 16 June 2020
            Ajudo na Aruba:

            Volunteers reach out to feed the Arubans in need

                                                                                                                                days  and  take  precious
                                                                                                                                time away from their fami-
                                                                                                                                lies to help Ajudo na Aruba
                                                                                                                                reach out. If you would like
                                                                                                                                to join their fantastic team,
                                                                                                                                please  contact  the  orga-
                                                                                                                                nization  through  the  con-
                                                                                                                                tact page on their website
                                                                                                                        and  they
                                                                                                                                will reach out to you.

                                                                                                                                Ajudo  na  Aruba  is  run
                                                                                                                                completely  by  donations,
                                                                                                                                whether  it’s  food  or  mon-
                                                                                                                                ey  (to  buy  food),  diapers,
                                                                                                                                formula  or  even  toys  and
                                                                                                                                clothing,  every  single  item
                                                                                                                                donated  is  valuable  to
                                                                                                                                them.  If  you  would  like  to
                                                                                                                                join  this  good  cause  and
                                                                      The  foundation’s  name  in need, not only providing  support  Aruba,  feel  free
                                                                      means  Help  Aruba  and  meals or groceries, but also  to  donate  or  contact  the
                                                                      that  is  exactly  what  they  basic  necessities  like  dia-  organization  if  you  require
                                                                      are doing on our island that  pers,  baby  formula,  soap  more  information.  ALL  of
                                                                      has  been  and  is  affected  etc.                        the  donations  are  used  to
                                                                      enormously  by  the  CO-     “We are doing this all with  help  families  in  need.  You
                                                                      VID-19  crisis.  The  founder  love and the help of our fan-  are  also  welcome  to  stop
                                                                      of Ajudo na Aruba started  tastic volunteers. We thank  by  at  Cumana  78L.  They
            ORANJESTAD — “My name  having any food to eat, in-        preparing   home-cooked  you all from the bottom of  are  there  every  Saturday
            is Annelot Muijres and I live  cluding  families  with  new-  meals  from  her  home,  but  our hearts. The project de-  and  Sunday  from  9  am  till
            on Aruba with my family. I  born  babies.”  This  is  the  she  soon  realized  this  was  pends  on  the  tremendous  noon.  More  information:
            got the idea to start Ajudo  story  behind  the  volunteer  not  enough.  Therefore  she  effort  of  their  volunteers  https://www.ajudonaaru-
            na  Aruba  after  many  sto-  organization Ajudo na Aru-  started  this  project  to  be  as  they  make  this  project or Facebook Aju-
            ries surfaced of people not  ba in a nutshell.            able  to  help  more  families  a  success.  They  work  long  do na Aruba #covid19.q

                                                                                     Philip and his animals

                                                                                     welcome you

                                                                                     We  are  not  talking  about  a  zoo
                                                                                     here, this is actually a sanctuary for
                                                                                     all types of creatures, from horses
                                                                                     to peacocks, kangaroos to turtles,
                                                                                     monkeys, goats, and many, many
                                                                                     more different species.

                                                                                     The  place  was  founded  in  2009
                                                                                     and it is the only organization res-
                                                                                     cuing  and  rehabilitating  exotic
                                                                                     animals  in  Aruba,  which  has  re-
                                                                                     sulted in an amazing collection of
                                                                                     these animals.

                                                                                     They provide a suitable living en-  munity  and  visitors  they  provide
                                                                                     vironment for all the rescued ani-  the best care for these animals.
                                                                                     mals. Up until now the owner, Phil-
                                                                                     ip, has built this shelter with his own  Philip’s  Animal  garden  will  be
                                                                                     efforts; building all the cages from  open  from  9am  to  6pm  respect-
                                                                                     scratch,  designing  all  structures  ing  the  social  distance  rule  and
                                                                                     and  welding  them  with  his  own  no groups allowed.
              NOORD — Looking into something  Welcome  to  Philip’s  Animal  Gar-    bare hands. His goal is to upgrade
              to  do  with  the  family?  Let’s  hop  den,  open  again  for  visitors  from  the facilities to a world-class ani-  Please check out their Facebook
              to an amazing place. Something  Friday  May  15th,  yet  taking  care  mal  shelter  with  veterinary  care  Philips  Animal  Garden  and  web-
              different, an experience that is to  of all the needed precautions.    and  round-the-clock  staffs.  With  site  for  more  information:  www.
              be enjoyed by people of all ages.                                      the  input  from  the  Aruban  com-
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