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WORLD NEWS Tuesday 16 June 2020
EU, UK leaders agree 'new momentum' needed in Brexit talks
By SAMUEL PETREQUIN Twitter, Michel said he will
BRUSSELS (AP) — A video assess the progress made
conference between the with member states later
EU's top officials and British this week during a virtual
Prime minister Boris Johnson summit of EU heads of state
focusing on post-Brexit rela- and governments, warn-
tions produced only a dec- ing they will "never accept
laration of good will, with an agreement that goes
both parties acknowledg- against interests of the
ing Monday that a "new Union."
momentum was required" The U.K. left the political in-
to break the deadlock in stitutions of the EU on Jan.
negotiations. 31 but remains inside the
In the wake of Britain's po- EU's tariff-free economic
litical departure from the zone until the end of the
bloc, the U.K. and the EU year. This transition period
are trying to secure a new could have been extend-
trade deal before the end ed by two years but the
of the year but the pair re- U.K. made clear last week
main at loggerheads on it would not seek a prolon-
several key issues. gation. In their statement,
Following a short meeting the U.K. and the EU insisted
between Johnson, EU com- on the need to intensify the
mission president Ursula von European Council President Charles Michel, on screen right, speaks via videoconference to Euro- talks in July and to create
pean Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, screen left, prior to EU-UK talks via videoconfer-
der Leyen, EU council presi- ence at the European Council building in Brussels on Monday, June 15, 2020. conditions for an accord
dent Charles Michel and Associated Press to be ratified in time and
David Sassoli, the president avoid a no-deal scenario
of the EU Parliament, the had previously threatened son said there was "no rea- bly on regulations for busi- which would see tariffs and
leaders said in a joint state- to walk away from negotia- son" a deal could not be nesses and for the fishing in- other restrictions imposed.
ment that talks should in- tions if there was no prog- reached in July. dustry in particular, with the "This should include, if pos-
tensify "to create the most ress by his June meeting "It's very clear what we U.K. adamantly opposed to sible, finding an early un-
conducive conditions for with EU chiefs. need to achieve. I don't EU demands for long-term derstanding on the princi-
concluding and ratifying Johnson's spokesman, think we're actually that far access to British waters. ples underlying any agree-
a deal before the end of James Slack, said Monday's apart," Johnson said in a Earlier this month, EU chief ment," they said.
2020." meeting was a chance to televised interview. "I cer- negotiator Michel Barnier Teams of negotiators from
Though the talks have take stock and "push the tainly don't want to see it insisted a trade deal re- both sides expressed hopes
made little headway, Brit- negotiations forward." He going on to the autumn, mains possible but said an last week that the planned
ain appears to have soft- said the U.K.'s aim was now winter as I think perhaps in agreement on fisheries is resumption of face-to-face
ened its combative stance to strike a deal by the end Brussels they would like." required for a compromise. meetings would help find a
toward the EU. Johnson of the summer and John- The parties disagree nota- In a message posted on way out of the impasse.q
EU urges U.S. to join new Mideast peace effort
BRUSSELS (AP) — European Borrell said the Europeans parameters."
Union foreign ministers on "recognize the merit of the Trump's plan was wel-
Monday urged the United U.S. plan because it has comed by Israeli Prime Min-
States to join a new effort created a certain momen- ister Benjamin Netanyahu,
to breathe life into long- tum where there was noth- but Palestinian President
stalled peace talks be- ing." Mahmoud Abbas dismissed
tween Israel and the Pal- "This momentum can be it as "nonsense." Gulf Arab
estinians, but they rejected used to start a joint inter- states also rejected the
President Donald Trump's national effort of the basis White House plan as "bi-
Middle East plan as the ba- of existing internationally ased." While Israeli officials
sis for any international pro- agreed parameters," Borrell were present for its unveil-
cess. said, referring to the need ing, no Palestinian repre-
Trump's proposal, which for a two-state solution, sentatives attended.
was unveiled in January, based along the 1967 lines, German Foreign Minister
would foresee the even- with the possibility of mutu- Heiko Maas also insisted European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell speaks during
tual creation of a Palestin- ally agreed land-swaps. on the need "to revive the a media conference after a meeting of EU foreign ministers by
videoconference at the European Council building in Brussels
ian state, but it falls far short "We made clear that it is peace process in the re- on Monday, June 15, 2020.
of minimal Palestinian de- important to encourage gion and find a way for Associated Press
mands and would leave the Israelis and the Palestin- both sides to speak and
sizable chunks of the oc- ians to engage in a cred- negotiate with each other." ington also were prepared of the West Bank, perhaps
cupied West Bank in Israeli ible and meaningful po- "A multilateral format to do this," Maas said. No in early July, and Borrell
hands. litical process," Borrell said. could certainly be the right details of what the new said the ministers warned
Speaking after chairing "For us, there is no other framework for this, and we effort might look like were Pompeo about "the conse-
video talks between the way than to resume talks." are prepared to support provided. quences of a possible an-
ministers and U.S. Secretary But he insisted that any any initiative in this direc- Netanyahu has said that nexation for the prospects
of State Mike Pompeo, EU new initiative must respect tion — and I would be glad he wants to move forward of a two-state solution but
foreign policy chief Josep the "internationally agreed if our colleague from Wash- with plans to annex parts also for regional stability."q