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A26    U.S. NEWS
                        Friday 31 July 2020
            Philadelphia trash piles up as pandemic stymies its removal

            By SHAWN MARSH                                                                                                      ditions,  hazard  pay  and
            Associated Press                                                                                                    more  personal  protection
            What  would  Ben  Franklin                                                                                          equipment.     Meanwhile,
            think?                                                                                                              they continue to work over-
            The  Founding  Father  who                                                                                          time trying to get back on
            launched one of America's                                                                                           schedule.
            first  street-sweeping  pro-                                                                                        The  Streets  Department
            grams in Philadelphia in the                                                                                        suspended  recycling  col-
            late  1750s  would  see  and                                                                                        lections  on  Monday  and
            smell  piles  of  fly-infested,                                                                                     Tuesday this week so crews
            rotting  household  waste,                                                                                          could  focus  just  on  trash.
            bottles and cans as the city                                                                                        Residents  were  told  to
            that he called home strug-                                                                                          place  recyclables  out  the
            gles  to  overcome  a  surge                                                                                        following  week  and  were
            in garbage caused by the                                                                                            encouraged to use six sani-
            COVID-19 pandemic.                                                                                                  tation  centers  throughout
            "It's just the smell of rot," said                                                                                  the city to avoid collection
            James  Gitto,  president  of                                                                                        delays.
            the  West  Passyunk  neigh-                                                                                         However, getting to a cen-
            borhood     association   in                                                                                        ter is not easy for residents
            South  Philadelphia.  Gitto                                                                                         such as Kara Kneidl, of the
            said the situation devolved                                                                                         Kensington  neighborhood,
            through  July  into  "a  total                                                                                      who does not have a car.
            mess"  and  he  hired  a  pri-  Bags of garbage sit along the street before being picked up in Philadelphia's Ogontz section in   "I can't walk my trash to a
            vate recycling company to    this file photo from May 13, 2020.                                    Associated Press   location  miles  and  miles
            haul  away  his  bottles  and                                                                                       away,  and  we  shouldn't
            cans.                        liams.                       the coronavirus, which sty-  Jacqui Bowman, who lives  have to," she said.
            For  the  City  of  Brotherly  "I've never seen the amount  mies  efforts  to  get  an  up-  in the University City neigh-  The  Streets  Department
            Love,  another  unfortunate  of tonnage," Williams said.  per hand on the increased  borhood.                       commissioner is hoping the
            nickname has been " Filth-   Baltimore  and  Memphis  trash.  The  number  of  em-     Her trash sat at the curb for  administration  can  supple-
            adelphia."  Poverty  and  lit-  are among some of the cit-  ployees  varies  each  week  nearly  three  weeks  in  the  ment  its  workforce  by  hir-
            ter often go hand in hand,  ies facing similar problems.  because some crews must  summer  heat  and  humid-        ing  new  employees  in  Au-
            and in the nation's poorest  In  Boston,  some  residents  self-quarantine  if  a  mem-  ity  and  got  drenched  by  gust. He could not say how
            big city, the sanitation de-  have reported rats the size  ber  tests  positive,  Williams  heavy  rainstorms  before  many would be added.
            partment  has  been  short-  of cats.                     said,  making  it  difficult  for  she posted photos on social  Williams  said  the  increase
            handed  and  overworked.  People  are  cleaning  out  the department to stay on  media and complained to  in trash was costing the city
            The city's 311 complaint line  garages  and  attics,  Wil-  schedule  and  for  residents  a  city  council  member.  It  an  extra  $2.5  million  to  $3
            received  more  than  9,700  liams said. That's in addition  to  know  when  their  trash  was  taken  away  24  hours  million in disposal costs.
            calls  about  trash  and  re-  to household trash that has  will be removed.           later.                       Many residents believe bet-
            cycling  in  July,  compared  increased as more people  "If they say it's going to be  "I  can  totally  understand  ter  communication  would
            with 1,873 in February.      cook  at  home  or  bring  two  days  late,  you  can  manpower  issues  related  help  ease  some  of  their
            Faced  with  social  distanc-  home takeout from restau-  deal  with  that.  But  if  you  to  the  virus,  but  you  don't  frustrations.
            ing  restrictions,  residents  rants that have not yet fully  don't  know  when  it's  go-  want to add another pub-  "I'm  irritated  at  the  city  for
            are staying home and gen-    opened.  His  department  ing  to  be  picked  up,  you  lic health issue to the exist-  not  being  more  organized
            erating  more  trash  than  also  has  had  to  clean  up  have  to  put  it  out  so  that  ing public health issue," she  with  all  the  taxes  we  pay
            ever before — about a 30%  after protests over racial in-  it's there when they come,  said.                        and  keeping  the  citizens
            increase in residential trash  justice.                   and  that's  the  problem  if  In June, sanitation employ-  informed about what's go-
            collections,   said   Streets  Fewer  sanitation  workers  it's  left  out  there  for  days  ees  staged  a  protest  call-  ing on," Manayunk resident
            Commissioner  Carlton  Wil-  are  available  because  of  and  days  and  days,"  said  ing  for  safer  working  con-  Michele Wellard said.q

                                                                      Can the coronavirus spread through the air?

                                                                      Can the coronavirus spread through the  mal.
                                                                      air?                                      In a report  published in May, researchers
                                                                      Yes, it's possible.                       found  that  talking  produced  respiratory
                                                                      The  World  Health  Organization  recently  droplets that could remain in the air in a
                                                                      acknowledged    the  possibility  that  CO-  closed environment for about eight to 14
                                                                      VID-19 might be spread in the air under  minutes.
                                                                      certain conditions.                       The WHO says those most at risk from air-
                                                                      Recent COVID-19 outbreaks in crowded  borne spread are doctors and nurses who
                                                                      indoor settings  —  restaurants, nightclubs  perform  specialized  procedures  such  as
                                                                      and  choir  practices  —  suggest  the  virus  inserting a breathing tube or putting pa-
                                                                      can hang around in the air long enough  tients on a ventilator.
                                                                      to  potentially  infect  others  if  social  dis-  Medical authorities recommend the use
                                                                      tancing  measures  are  not  strictly  en-  of protective masks and other equipment
                                                                      forced.                                   when doing such procedures.
                                                                      Experts say the lack of ventilation in these  Scientists  maintain  it's  far  less  risky  to  be
              Mohammad  Karbalaei  wearing  no  protective  face  mask
              speaks  with  The  Associated  Press  at  Tehran's  Grand  Bazaar,   situations is thought to have contributed  outside than indoors because virus drop-
              Iran, Wednesday, July 22, 2020.                         to spread, and might have allowed the  lets disperse in the fresh air, reducing the
                                                      Associated Press   virus  to  linger  in  the  air  longer  than  nor-  chances of COVID-19 transmission.q
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