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a30    people & arts
                        Friday 31 July 2020
            In an upside-down summer, ‘Jaws,’ ‘E.T.’ are hits again

            By JAKE COYLE                                                                                                       ing theaters, the circuit ac-
            AP Film Writer                                                                                                      counted for close to 70% of
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  When                                                                                            the national gross.
            historians  look  back  on                                                                                          "It's  ridiculous,"  says  Frank
            the top films at the box of-                                                                                        Huttinger,  the  company's
            fice in the summer of 2020,                                                                                         chief executive.
            they  may  feel  like  they've                                                                                      Huttinger,  happy  for  a
            slipped  into  a  time  warp,                                                                                       break  from  bookkeeping,
            or maybe "Back to the Fu-                                                                                           sounded  exhausted  on  a
            ture."                                                                                                              recent evening. He's never
            Over the second weekend                                                                                             worked harder, he says.
            in July, "Empire Strikes Back"                                                                                      "For a while there, we were
            — 40 years after it was first                                                                                       just  turning  people  away.
            released — was again No.                                                                                            Now  that  the  theaters  are
            1.  "Ghostbusters"  claimed                                                                                         operating  at  half  capac-
            the  July  4th  weekend,  36                                                                                        ity,  we're  turning  a  lot  of
            years  after  opening.  Over                                                                                        people  away,"  Huttinger
            the  June  19-21  weekend                                                                                           says. "We get spillover due
            and  27  years  after  it  last                                                                                     to  sell-outs,  so  all  screens
            led the box office, "Jurassic                                                                                       do well, regardless of what
            Park" again ruled theaters.                                                                                         you're  playing.  Right  now,
            In  a  pandemic  that  has   This image released by Universal Pictures shows, from left, Laura Dern, Joseph Mazzello and Sam   'Goonies'  with  'Gremlins'
            resurrected all kinds of vin-  Neill in a scene from the 1993 film "Jurassic Park."                                 is just blowing it out of the
            tage  pastimes,  from  puz-                                                                        Associated Press   park."
            zles  to  drive-ins,  even  the  film by Dave Franco.     tremely  paltry  compared  in  13  weeks,  an  impressive  First opened in 1947, Mission
            blockbusters are retro. That  This  is  American  moviego-  to  the  usual  billions  gener-  total for a film made for less  Tiki's  circuit  numbered  40
            is  much  out  of  necessity.  ing in the summer of 2020.   ated  in  Hollywood's  prime  than $100,000.            screens  at  its  height.  Now,
            About 1,000 theaters in the  A nostalgic trip to the drive-  season.                   Mission Tiki, the four-screen,  it finds itself the hottest cin-
            U.S. are currently open, just  in.  A  white  sheet  hung  off   The  unreported  grosses  for  Polynesian-themed  drive-  ema in Southern California
            about a sixth of the nation's  the  patio.  The  comforting   newer  releases  like  "Trolls  in  in  Montclair,  California,  — even if it lacks the usual
            cinemas. That includes the  reunion with a great white    World  Tour"  and  "Onward"  outside  Los  Angeles  and  perks.
            approximately 300 drive-ins  shark.  Keasey  says  he's   exceed those of the reper-   flanked by the San Gabriel  "Sometimes,  you  just  can't
            that  have,  since  the  multi-  seen "Jaws" three times this   tory releases. But the likes of  Mountains, also turned into  help   doing   something
            plexes  shuttered  in  March,  summer, including once on   "Jaws," "E.T.," "Goonies" and  the epicenter of U.S. mov-  right,"  says  Huttinger.  "But  I
            hosted the majority of mov-  a screen improvised next to   "Ghostbusters" rank among  iegoing. DeAnza Land and  promise you, nobody's call-
            iegoing.                     a pond.                      the summer's top draws.      Leisure, which owns Mission  ing me for the A-list parties."
            With all major new releases  "It's  the  classic  summer   That   vacuum    has   led  Tiki and five other drive-ins,  Weekend box-office results
            postponed  until    at  least  blockbuster.  It's  gorgeous.   to  some  unlikely  heavy-  outranks  all  other  circuits  usually  function,  like  the
            Labor  Day  weekend,  sum-   You can freeze frame any     weights  at  the  box  office  with  32%  of  the  market  top  40  radio  hits,  as  cul-
            mer moviegoing has again  piece  of  that  movie  and     this  summer.  The  low-bud-  share.                      tural signposts. It would be
            belonged to the classics —  it's  a  perfect  slice  of  1975   get IFC Films horror film "The  Typically,  chains  like  AMC  hard  to  recall  the  summer
            the  kinds  of  films  that,  for  America,"  says  Keasey.  "I   Wretched"  led  all  report-  and  Regal  would  domi-  of 1981 without mentioning
            many,  remain  as  indelibly  feel  like  those  movies  of   ed  films  for  seven  straight  nate  such  lists,  and  urban  "Raiders of the Lost Ark," or
            linked to the season as E.T.  the '70s and '80s had char-  weekends  in  May  and  multiplexes  would  be  the  the summer of 1977 without
            is to Elliott. Brian Keasey, a  acter  development.  Now,   early  June,  a  stretch  that  top sellers. But at one point  remembering  "Star  Wars."
            44-year-old  in  Montrose,  it's 100% right out the gate.   matches  the  run  of  "Ava-  in the spring, when Mission  Summer movies burrow into
            Colorado, has been going  There's no room to breathe      tar."  It's  made  $1.8  million  Tiki was one of few operat-  childhood memories.q
            every week, when he's not  anymore."
            playing movies on his back-  Among  catalog  films,  "Ju-
            yard screen.                 rassic  Park"  has  led  them
            "I  saw  'Jaws'  on  the  big  all  with  a  bit  more  than
            screen. I saw 'Raiders of the  $3  million  in  ticket  sales
            Lost Ark' on the big screen.  this  summer,  according  to
            I saw my childhood on the  several  people  who  have
            big  screen,"  said  Keasey  seen  box-office  grosses.
            a  few  hours  before  head-  The major studios have de-
            ing  to  a  double-feature  of  clined to report ticket sales
            "Ghostbusters"  and  "The  during  the  pandemic.  The
            Rental," a new indie horror  numbers, naturally, are ex-

                                                                      This image released by Universal Pictures shows Roy Scheider in a scene from the iconic 1975 film
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
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