Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20200731
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WORLD NEWS Friday 31 July 2020
Chinese ambassador lashes out at Western rights reporting
By DANICA KIRKA lobbied its allies to shun and coercion from a cer-
Associated Press Huawei, because it says tain country and provide
LONDON (AP) — China's the Chinese government an open, fair, transparent
ambassador to the United could use the company's and non-discriminatory
Kingdom lashed out at technology to spy on West- environment for Chinese
what he saw as one-sided ern nations. Huawei denies investment so as to bring
reporting on human rights the allegations and argues back the confidence of
issues Thursday, presenting that U.S. protectionism is Chinese businesses in the
a series of videos defend- behind the move. U.K," he said.
ing Chinese actions against Britain in recent weeks also Earlier this month, U.S. Sec-
Uighur Muslims in the north- suspended an extradition retary of State Mike Pom-
west Xinjang province and treaty with Hong Kong and peo visited London and
warning Britain to stop offered refuge for millions of applauded British Prime
meddling in his country's af- eligible Hong Kongers who Minister Boris Johnson for
fairs. feel threatened by Beijing's the decision to bar Huawei
Ambassador Liu Xiaoming's In this Friday, May 29, 2020 file photo, protesters hold a British tightening grip on the semi- from 5G and other respons-
presentation stressed that National (Overseas) passport and Hong Kong colonial flag in a autonomous city. Liu reiter- es to the challenges raised
China's actions in Xinjiang shopping mall during a protest against China's national security ated his previous comment by China. Pompeo said the
were meant to fight ter- legislation for the city, in Hong Kong. Associated Press that Britain should stop U.S. supports "those sov-
rorism, and the grainy im- meddling in Hong Kong. ereign choices, we think,
ages he played for report- or "actors trained by anti- mass detentions, forced "China respects U.K. sover- 'Well done.'"
ers included bloody scenes China forces in the U.S. and labor, forced birth control eignty and has never inter- In another sign of fraying
showing the aftermath of other Western countries." and other abuses against fered in the U.K.'s internal relations, U.K. Foreign Sec-
attacks. "There are so many falla- Muslim minorities. affairs,'' the ambassador retary Dominic Raab con-
The videos were meant to cies and lies that permeate Liu added that disputes said. "It is important the U.K. demned the Hong Kong
counter a recent BBC in- Western media,'' he said. over human rights, the im- will do the same - namely, government's decision to
terview in which presenter "It can be called the lies of position of a new security respect China's sovereign- disqualify 12 pro-democra-
Andrew Marr had chal- the century." law in Hong Kong and Brit- ty and stop interfering in cy nominees from a Sep-
lenged the diplomat to ex- The rising tensions come ain's decision to ban Chi- Hong Kong's affairs, which tember legislative election.
plain drone footage that as U.S. President Donald nese tech giant Huawei are China's internal affairs, Authorities said they failed
apparently showed Uighur Trump and his administra- from taking part in building so as to avoid further dam- to uphold the city's mini-
prisoners being guarded tion push Washington and a new high speed phone age to the China-UK rela- constitution and pledge
and transferred to trains by Beijing toward a new era network had "seriously poi- tionship." allegiance to Hong Kong
Chinese authorities. of ever-growing confronta- soned the atmosphere" of Liu hammered the point and Beijing.
Liu denied Uighurs were tion. China's relations with Brit- that the U.K. and its peo- "It is clear they have been
being mistreated and The U.S. government last ain.'' "China and U.K. should ple needed to think inde- disqualified because of
posted screen grabs that week imposed trade sanc- have enough wisdom and pendently of the hawkish their political views, un-
challenged, among other tions on 11 companies it capability to manage and signals coming from the dermining the integrity of
things, whether the prison- says are implicated in hu- deal with these differenc- Trump administration. He 'one country, two systems'
ers were kneeling or sitting man rights abuses. The es, rather than allowing said Britain was at a "critical and the rights and free-
on the ground. He de- sanctions upped U.S. pres- anti-China forces and Cold historical juncture" in how it doms guaranteed in the
scribed "so-called victims" sure on Beijing over Xinji- War warriors to kidnap (the) wanted to treat China. joint declaration and Hong
of human rights violations ang, where the ruling Com- China-U.K. relationship,'' he "It's our hope that the U.K. Kong's basic law," Raab
as being either separatists munist Party is accused of said. The United States has would resist the pressure said.q
German police end garden search in McCann investigation
BERLIN (AP) — German po- ed to their investigation. Authorities have not re-
lice investigating the 2007 Madeleine was 3 at the leased the suspect's name,
disappearance of British time of her 2007 disappear- but he has been widely
girl Madeleine McCann in ance from an apartment identified by German me-
Portugal have ended their while her family vaca- dia as Christian B.
search of a garden plot on tioned in the seaside town He was last registered liv-
the outskirts of Hannover, of Praia da Luz in Portugal's ing in Germany in the city
northern Germany, pros- Algarve region. of Braunschweig, which
ecutors said Thursday. German authorities said is about 70 kilometers (40
The investigators left last month they had identi- miles) from Hannover.
Wednesday evening, a fied a 43-year-old German Between 2013 and 2015,
spokeswoman for the citizen as a suspect in the the suspect spent time in
Braunschweig prosecu- case and are investigating both Portugal and Germa-
tor's office said. She didn't him on suspicion of murder. ny. He ran a kiosk in Braun-
give any further details on The suspect, who is cur- schweig and also lived in
the specific motive for the rently in prison in Germany, Hannover for several years,
search or whether police spent many years in Por- the German news agency Germany police officers search with dogs an allotment garden
found anything related to tugal, including in Praia dpa reported. plot in Seelze, near Hannover, Germany, Wednesday, July 29,
their investigation. da Luz around the time of At the garden plot, investi- Associated Press
Police started started Madeleine's disappear- gators chopped off trees,
searching the garden on ance, and has two previ- shoveled away the ground, a former cabin from the plot told the news agency
Monday, but prosecutors ous convictions for "sexual searched the premises with ground that once stood that the garden had not
only said that the activities contact with girls," authori- a sniffer dog and removed there, dpa reported. been used for the past two
on the site were connect- ties have said. parts of the foundation of A man on a neighboring years.q